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it's 7:40 and my stupid, inconsiderate neighbors...

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She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05

1752 total posts


it's 7:40 and my stupid, inconsiderate neighbors...

are using chainsaws, and some VERY loud machine! I am so freaking p!ssed! Isn't this too early?????
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Posted 11/5/05 7:43 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My new 71 Super Beetle

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Re: it's 7:40 and my stupid, inconsiderate neighbors...


Sorry caps lock.....When I detail cars, I wait till after 10am to make any noise - and I also wait to see if there is any signs of my neighbors being awake

Posted 11/5/05 7:46 AM

She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05

1752 total posts


Re: it's 7:40 and my stupid, inconsiderate neighbors...

We live in a VERY quiet neighborhood. You NEVER hear anyone before 8:30-9am on the weekends. These people are new to the neighborhood (actually right behind my house) and I guess they don't know. For the past few weekends, they have been starting work as early as 7am- banging, cutting down trees, using loud machienes etc. It's not like they had hired contractors to do this, they are doing it themselves! I don't care if its once in a while, but come on! It's been for a while now! When I have a sleeping infant in a few months, I am really going to be PO'd!

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Posted 11/5/05 7:51 AM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: it's 7:40 and my stupid, inconsiderate neighbors...

Chat Icon WHAT? I would not be happy about that!

Posted 11/5/05 7:55 AM

Ready for the sun!

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Properly perfect™

Re: it's 7:40 and my stupid, inconsiderate neighbors...

OH yeah I would be p'od tooChat Icon

Posted 11/5/05 8:10 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/05

146 total posts


Re: it's 7:40 and my stupid, inconsiderate neighbors...

Can you say something nicely? I would definitely say something to them, 7:40 is way too early to be using loud machines outside. Some towns have ordinances against it. I know where I grew up, you couldn't use a lawn mower before 9.

Posted 11/5/05 9:24 AM

My Big Boy!

Member since 10/05

2383 total posts


Re: it's 7:40 and my stupid, inconsiderate neighbors...

Posted by kelly4

We live in a VERY quiet neighborhood. You NEVER hear anyone before 8:30-9am on the weekends. These people are new to the neighborhood (actually right behind my house) and I guess they don't know. For the past few weekends, they have been starting work as early as 7am- banging, cutting down trees, using loud machienes etc. It's not like they had hired contractors to do this, they are doing it themselves! I don't care if its once in a while, but come on! It's been for a while now! When I have a sleeping infant in a few months, I am really going to be PO'd!

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where do you live...I have been hearing the same thing all morning! It is right across the street from me.

Posted 11/5/05 9:37 AM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: it's 7:40 and my stupid, inconsiderate neighbors...

Its 9:50AM and I am hearing it now. I think they started, maybe an hour ago. Around the corner from me.

Posted 11/5/05 9:50 AM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: it's 7:40 and my stupid, inconsiderate neighbors...

I think there is a law about not making noise on the weekend before 8 or 9am...I would do a search, print it out, and leave it in their door.

Posted 11/5/05 10:01 AM

She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05

1752 total posts


Re: it's 7:40 and my stupid, inconsiderate neighbors...

Posted by Tanaholic

Posted by kelly4

We live in a VERY quiet neighborhood. You NEVER hear anyone before 8:30-9am on the weekends. These people are new to the neighborhood (actually right behind my house) and I guess they don't know. For the past few weekends, they have been starting work as early as 7am- banging, cutting down trees, using loud machienes etc. It's not like they had hired contractors to do this, they are doing it themselves! I don't care if its once in a while, but come on! It's been for a while now! When I have a sleeping infant in a few months, I am really going to be PO'd!

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where do you live...I have been hearing the same thing all morning! It is right across the street from me.

In centereach..... are you my neighbor? (not the noisy one)Chat Icon

Posted 11/5/05 10:09 AM

My Big Boy!

Member since 10/05

2383 total posts


Re: it's 7:40 and my stupid, inconsiderate neighbors...

Posted by kelly4

Posted by Tanaholic

Posted by kelly4

We live in a VERY quiet neighborhood. You NEVER hear anyone before 8:30-9am on the weekends. These people are new to the neighborhood (actually right behind my house) and I guess they don't know. For the past few weekends, they have been starting work as early as 7am- banging, cutting down trees, using loud machienes etc. It's not like they had hired contractors to do this, they are doing it themselves! I don't care if its once in a while, but come on! It's been for a while now! When I have a sleeping infant in a few months, I am really going to be PO'd!

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where do you live...I have been hearing the same thing all morning! It is right across the street from me.

In centereach..... are you my neighbor? (not the noisy one)Chat Icon

Message edited 8/24/2006 9:27:57 PM.

Posted 11/5/05 10:13 AM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

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Re: it's 7:40 and my stupid, inconsiderate neighbors...

i'd be uuberpissed!!!! Chat Icon

seriously - i'd definitely leave something in their mailbox asking nicely if they could be a little more considerate and not start AS early as they have been. might just do the trick.
keep us updated. Chat Icon

Posted 11/5/05 10:15 AM


Member since 5/05

22351 total posts


Re: it's 7:40 and my stupid, inconsiderate neighbors...

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Thats sooooooooo Frustrating!!! i feel your pain! apparently, Everyone on my block (including my landlord- who owns a landscaping business) Feels the need to mow and blow their lawn at 8am on the weekends. it really makes you start out the day in such an Annoyed mood! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/5/05 10:29 AM

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