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Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

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LIF Toddler

Member since 10/05

472 total posts


Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

Besides holding their nose in elevators Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/06 2:20 PM
Long Island Weddings
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She's 7!!!

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Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

I have neighbors who leave their shoes out in the hallway ALL THE TIME!! When its rainy or snowy its one thing, but they do it all year round, and never take them in. No matter what time of day, there are always shoes out in the hallway. So while I wait for the elevator, I have to smell their family's stinky shoes. Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/06 2:23 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

Try to peek in our windows. If you are that interested in what we've done to the house, just ask. But there's no reason for you to be in my backyard with your nose pressed up against the window.

Posted 3/9/06 2:23 PM

Fall Is Here

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Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

Posted by MRSJLK

Besides holding their nose in elevators Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/06 2:24 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

Posted by sarahsmommy

Try to peek in our windows. If you are that interested in what we've done to the house, just ask. But there's no reason for you to be in my backyard with your nose pressed up against the window.

OMG!! Talk about NOSEY neighbors

Posted 3/9/06 2:24 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

Posted by Shellyesq

I have neighbors who leave their shoes out in the hallway ALL THE TIME!! When its rainy or snowy its one thing, but they do it all year round, and never take them in. No matter what time of day, there are always shoes out in the hallway. So while I wait for the elevator, I have to smell their family's stinky shoes. Chat Icon

Wow, they are lucky you guys have nice neighbors. I know that some of my family members would have scooped them up and tossed them down the garbage chute if they were out on a nice day and stinking up the hallway. Gross!

Posted 3/9/06 2:25 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 10/05

472 total posts


Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

Posted by Shellyesq

I have neighbors who leave their shoes out in the hallway ALL THE TIME!! When its rainy or snowy its one thing, but they do it all year round, and never take them in. No matter what time of day, there are always shoes out in the hallway. So while I wait for the elevator, I have to smell their family's stinky shoes. Chat Icon

You should try holding your NOSE while waiting Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 3/9/2006 2:25:43 PM.

Posted 3/9/06 2:25 PM

I might steal your diamonds

Member since 2/06

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Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

They ask me strange questions or make comments sometimes in the elevator - like about my appearance ('How do you walk in those shoes?' or 'So you look like you're a natural blond' or something like that).

Posted 3/9/06 2:25 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

go thru our mail,
complain when we take out our garbage,
yell at my dogs,
keep track of what times we get in and go out

i know theres more

Posted 3/9/06 2:25 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 10/05

472 total posts


Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

Posted by Shellyesq

Posted by sarahsmommy

Try to peek in our windows. If you are that interested in what we've done to the house, just ask. But there's no reason for you to be in my backyard with your nose pressed up against the window.

OMG!! Talk about NOSEY neighbors

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/06 2:26 PM

talk to the hand

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

Posted by sarahsmommy

Try to peek in our windows. If you are that interested in what we've done to the house, just ask. But there's no reason for you to be in my backyard with your nose pressed up against the window.

what?! that's transpassing!! Chat Icon

the neighbor behind us did only half of their fences, and their giant dog comes over to our yard sometimes, lucky for them, I am a dog lover. But we just put up our own fence this past weekend, becuase we have 3 little pups ourselves and want them to be safe.
ETA: They also have an inground pool with no gate. How cheap can you be? Why can't you finish putting up your fence?

growing up, the neighbor of my parents house put in their fence without giving us a headsup and ruined all the new flowers my mom planted (that was on OUR property)

Message edited 3/9/2006 2:31:45 PM.

Posted 3/9/06 2:27 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

We live on a corner piece of property, the neighbor on the side lawn side always puts his garbage in front of our side lawn instead of in front of his own house. I know it's not a big deal usually but sometimes his garbage gets all over my lawn and I have to look at it when I'm in my backyard. I just bugs me!

Posted 3/9/06 2:28 PM


Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

The loud music from downstairs.

Posted 3/9/06 2:28 PM


Member since 5/05

9941 total posts


Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

i had my family over for dinner when i first bought my house. were outside on the deck.
doorbell rings - its my neightbor from 3 doors down- mind you i never met him before- he tells me that someome stole his toolbelt from his truck- a truck he keeps unlocked. he proceeds to talk about this incident- how some pieces of gum were stolen from the car too- he rambles on for about 10 minutes!
hello - why do i care? it was probably one of the bratty kids that run around on the street. i live a few doors down? are you saying i stole
your tool belt? wttf?

we have an older woman next door- she snopes around out house..also she will be in her yard, she will pick a piece of garbage up and flick it onto our property!

Posted 3/9/06 2:29 PM

talk to the hand

Member since 5/05

1436 total posts


Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

Posted by shamrock12472

We live on a corner piece of property, the neighbor on the side lawn side always puts his garbage in front of our side lawn instead of in front of his own house. I know it's not a big deal usually but sometimes his garbage gets all over my lawn and I have to look at it when I'm in my backyard. I just bugs me!

I would say something about this, it's not cool to have garbage all over your lawn!

Posted 3/9/06 2:29 PM

Life is about choices.

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Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

Posted by shamrock12472

We live on a corner piece of property, the neighbor on the side lawn side always puts his garbage in front of our side lawn instead of in front of his own house. I know it's not a big deal usually but sometimes his garbage gets all over my lawn and I have to look at it when I'm in my backyard. I just bugs me!

my neighbor does this too! sometimes days before garbage day. so her trash cans are in front of our house, or bags of leaves for days!

Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/06 2:30 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

Posted by MRSJLK

Posted by Shellyesq

I have neighbors who leave their shoes out in the hallway ALL THE TIME!! When its rainy or snowy its one thing, but they do it all year round, and never take them in. No matter what time of day, there are always shoes out in the hallway. So while I wait for the elevator, I have to smell their family's stinky shoes. Chat Icon

You should try holding your NOSE while waiting Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I am not THAT rude, plus they are never there when I do it- or I would say something. Sometimes I am tempted to swipe all their shoes for a day.

The irony is we have neighbors across the hall from them who have a smaller apartment and a baby and will not allow you in their apartment with shoes on, so you have to leave it in the foyer- INSIDE their apartment. But this family, with older kids and a bigger apartment can't manage to find space for a few shoes?

Posted 3/9/06 2:31 PM

I am what I am

Member since 12/05

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Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

One neighbor has a rooster. To make matters worse, it kock-a-doodle-doo's at all hours of the day.
Our other neighbor constantly goes on vacation and leaves his 16 and 18 year old kids at home. They throw wild parties that dont end until 2 or 3 am. Same neighbors always have the limos for proms or dances meet at their house so everyone and their family come to take pictures and not only block the entrance to my driveway, but have the NERVE to park IN MY DRIVEWAY!!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/06 2:37 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

the people above us are hammering and drilling at all hours of the night - Jake went up b/c he thought they were up to no good- and it was a middle age couple- baking cookies-fishy!

Posted 3/9/06 2:37 PM


Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

Posted by Diva

One neighbor has a rooster. To make matters worse, it kock-a-doodle-doo's at all hours of the day.
Our other neighbor constantly goes on vacation and leaves his 16 and 18 year old kids at home. They throw wild parties that dont end until 2 or 3 am. Same neighbors always have the limos for proms or dances meet at their house so everyone and their family come to take pictures and not only block the entrance to my driveway, but have the NERVE to park IN MY DRIVEWAY!!!!! Chat Icon

i think some fried chicken would be nice, if you could catch that sucker. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/06 2:42 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

Posted by baghag

i think some fried chicken would be nice, if you could catch that sucker. Chat Icon Chat Icon

OMG!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/06 2:44 PM


Member since 9/05

4947 total posts


Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

Posted by baghag

The loud music from downstairs.

Have the SAME problem. My floor vibrates!!!

Although he's been either really considerate lately or away.

Posted 3/9/06 2:45 PM

Love my son!

Member since 6/05

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Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

My neighbor has a habit of starting his van earlier than he needs to on a Sunday morning and revving the engine - he also has a habit of working in his garage - hammering or drilling and therefore waking my son up earlier than he should on a Saturday or Sunday! Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/06 2:50 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

485 total posts


Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

I am only on here until 5 so i dont have enough time to list all the things that they do that tick me off but the #1 thing is taken up 2 parking spaces. we have street parking and the street is painted with yellow lines to show the parking space and no one on the block seem to know what they are for.Chat Icon

#2 is the kid upstair that wears brick shoes. he has such a heave step that it rattles the glasses in my hutch.

Message edited 3/9/2006 2:56:52 PM.

Posted 3/9/06 2:55 PM

2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff....What do your neighbors do that tick you off?

Constant door slamming. Chat Icon The guy across the hall is in and out all day/all night long and slams the extra loud squeaky door every time.

Posted 3/9/06 2:56 PM
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