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do u think its easier to have a boy or a girl AND DONT SAY AS LONG AS ITS HEALTHY! lol

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Re: do u think its easier to have a boy or a girl AND DONT SAY AS LONG AS ITS HEALTHY! lol

From what I have seen I say Chat Icon are easierChat Icon

Posted 12/28/05 7:36 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: do u think its easier to have a boy or a girl AND DONT SAY AS LONG AS ITS HEALTHY! lol

I think boys are easier in general but they are more of a handful when they get to the rowdy boisterous age. They are rougher and louder.

I babysat 6 kids at once one day (Yep, SIX. I was preggers and figured I needed a dose of reality) Three of each. The BOYS were out of control!! The girls were all sweet and quiet and baked cookies with me while the boys jumped all over the furniture, the dog, threw things, screamed, etc etc.

BUT... once girls hit "that age" - oh lordy!! Chat Icon I know I "hated" my mom from like 11 - 17 yrs old. I was sooo bitchy. I think for that reason alone, girls are not as easy as boys. Plus, with girls you have to worry about them getting PG, how they dress, about dirty old men checking them out, etc etc.

Posted 12/28/05 7:41 PM

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Re: do u think its easier to have a boy or a girl AND DONT SAY AS LONG AS ITS HEALTHY! lol

I think they both are easier/harder at different points in their lives.

I'm not looking forward to that know-it all, bitchy teenage girl tsk'ing stage or that boy driving a car fast, drinking stage.

I'm hoping like all foolish parents that between DH & I, we'll know when our kids are secretly misbehaving. If karma has anything to do with this, I'm screwed.Chat Icon

Posted 12/28/05 9:02 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: do u think its easier to have a boy or a girl AND DONT SAY AS LONG AS ITS HEALTHY! lol

i dont think i'll be able to deal with the Teenage years for either a boy OR girl Chat Icon

my brother and sister are 15 and 16 and lawddddd help me!!!

but then i have 9 nieces and nephews, and i feel like they all have their pros and cons, but theyre such good kids, that it outweighs all of it Chat Icon

Posted 12/28/05 9:53 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: do u think its easier to have a boy or a girl AND DONT SAY AS LONG AS ITS HEALTHY! lol

I have several years' experience in middle schools, and I have to say that boys of that age are much easier to deal with than girls.

Posted 12/28/05 9:54 PM

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Re: do u think its easier to have a boy or a girl AND DONT SAY AS LONG AS ITS HEALTHY! lol

Posted by neeniebean86

but then i have 9 nieces and nephews, and i feel like they all have their pros and cons, but theyre such good kids, that it outweighs all of it Chat Icon're such a sweet auntie!! Chat Icon

imo, girls are easier (except for when that attitude kicks in) Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/28/05 9:58 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: do u think its easier to have a boy or a girl AND DONT SAY AS LONG AS ITS HEALTHY! lol

I wanna say boy...Ryan is such a good baby!!!!

I know how I was growing up...and I know I want none of that!

Id like 3 boys and 1 girl!

Posted 12/28/05 10:50 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: do u think its easier to have a boy or a girl AND DONT SAY AS LONG AS ITS HEALTHY! lol

From my experience, girls are easier in the beginning.. they sit there, like to be pretty and are very cooperative. Boys on the other hand, can be destructive (mine sure are) get themselves into much mischief around the house and are extremely active and can't sit still BUT they mellow down ALOT as they get older and usually become more calm. Girls on the other hand, get nuttier and crazed as they get older.. lol it's the best of both worlds! lol

Posted 12/29/05 8:27 AM
Pages: 1 [2]

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