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Useful and Useless

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Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Useful and Useless

DD is 3 months old

soothie pacifiers (we had to return all the other ones because this is the brand they give out at the hospital and she loves them!)
Boppy pillow
Swing (fisher price papasan swing)
Dr. Brown's Bottles
First Years quick bottle warmer
Baby Einstein Playmat
pack n play
snugride car seat and stroller (travel system?? by Graco)
microfiber diaper bag (excellent when bottles spill, it comes right off)
Glider - I got one from Target for about $200

name brand cutesy outfits - Although cute for taking pictures in, not worth it. Plus, I spent $30 on one outfit and she poo'ed all over it the first week she was home. Lesson learned, get stuff on sale and accept hand me downs from other moms!!!)

socks and baby shoes - DD ALWAYS kicks them off and HATES anything on her feet

Stuffed animals - although cute, she could not play with them until recently. She just puts them in her mouth anyway.

Posted 8/9/06 7:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

7396 total posts


Re: Useful and Useless

Useless... wipes warmer, baby bathtub, baby papasan chair, swing, bottle warmer

Useful...pack and play, bassinet, mobile, onesie pjs, photo album, travel system, umbrella stroller, carseat, extra base, breast pump, bath sling

Message edited 8/9/2006 8:30:10 PM.

Posted 8/9/06 8:29 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

272 total posts


Re: Useful and Useless

useful for at first - bassinet, simple little tub, cloth diapers to use as big burp clothes, swing chair. boppy AND breast friend pillow

useless-fancy bath tub, wipes warmer, portable wipes warmer, vibrating chair

Posted 8/9/06 10:53 PM

Someday, Somehow

Member since 6/05

5857 total posts


Re: Useful and Useless


lots of cloth diapers for burp cloths
travel swing ( we bring it all over)
aquarium bouncer (probably his fav!)
gymini play mat (he'll play forver on this!)
first years bottle warmer (when I used RTF)
bibs, bibs and more bibs!!
aquarium tub and sponge bear thing to go in it
pack N play, we used this for everything before his room was done, his room wasn't done until he was 3 months
changing table mobile, I put in on the pack n play, dh MUST find a way to put in on his changing table/dresser now!
I used receiving blankets all the time for the first 8 weeks, I went out and bought more!
Miracle blanket
bundle me light
bottle drying station
premeasured formula dispenser


boppy, I never use it!
glider, I like it but during the day I find myself in the rocker chair in our den, could def live w/o it
bassinett, he did better in the pack n play one
fancy clothes!
fancy burp cloths, nothing beats the cloth diapers, IMO
so far the 20 heavy blankets I have
swaddle me, I think it stinks!

snap n go - now I won't say it's useless, I do use it, but using my quattro tour is not as bad or heavy as I thought it would be, I find that I sometimes prefer the travel system b/c it has more storage etc for when I'm out shopping etc. Basically I do use it, but I probably could have lived w/o it.

Posted 8/10/06 2:01 PM


Member since 10/05

6039 total posts


Re: Useful and Useless

Bump !!! Chat Icon

Posted 9/24/06 8:46 PM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

2209 total posts


Re: Useful and Useless

Message edited 2/8/2007 7:44:59 PM.

Posted 9/24/06 9:13 PM

Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05

4114 total posts


Re: Useful and Useless

useful: disposable diapers for burp cloths, Fisher Price glider, bassinet, Dr. Brown's bottles

useless: So far, I can't say anything I registered for is useless.

Posted 9/24/06 11:13 PM

Love these kids!

Member since 10/05

4708 total posts


Re: Useful and Useless

Useful: Playmat, bouncer, swing (for the first 9 weeks that was the only place DD would sleep!) but now she hates it, boppy.

Useless: Bassinett (for this child anyway), the big pack and play, I would have gotten a smaller one, a million blankets and recieving blankets, 500 wash cloths (I have only gone through 7 at the most with the amount of laundry I do), stuffed animals, and definatly the most important - fancy dress clothes.

I definatly thought I knew the ins and outs of having a baby since I was a nanny for 8 years but I have come to realize the choices I made were not so great. I have exchanged a lot of things.

Things I wish I had gotten: snap and go, a better high chair, 2 car seat bases.

Posted 9/24/06 11:55 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

798 total posts


Re: Useful and Useless

Ok it has been a couple of years, but I think I can remember.
Useless- car bottle warmer. It was a piece of junk. And the boppy pillow. A lot of women swear by it, but it was uncomfortable and I never ended up using it.

Useful- *Bouncy Seat* I swear there are some nights I would not have slept at all if it weren't for his fisher price kick and play bouncer. I put it on vibrate and he would go right to sleep.
My pack and play was also great. It saved me from having to go up the stairs a million times a day for naps and changings.

Posted 9/25/06 12:02 AM

Little Angel

Member since 10/05

1745 total posts


Re: Useful and Useless

My DD is only 5 weeks but here is what I found so far:

Useful: The swing has been a lifesaver, activity mat, boppy, burp clothes (i find these easier than bibs), Ocean Aquarium, vibrating chair, pacifiers

Useless: Bassinet, swaddle me blanket ( we just use regular receiving ones), all the stuffed toys we have

Posted 9/25/06 8:22 AM

Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05

30339 total posts

Properly perfect™

Re: Useful and Useless

Useful: Swing, bouncy chair, boppy (couldn't have lived without it) and I am in the minority here but I used the bassinet and diaper champ alot. We live in a co-op and I didn't want to have to walk out to the dumpster every time she had a poopy this has been great for us

Useless: Playmat (she never enjoyed it and I just shipped it out to my parents, bottle warmer, wipes warmer

Message edited 9/25/2006 11:39:48 AM.

Posted 9/25/06 11:39 AM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Useful and Useless


Arm's Reach Co-sleeper
First years night/day bottle warmer (loved the cooling compartment bc I didn't have to do downtairs in the middle of the night for bottles)
Pack n play (great bc we lived on the 1st floor during the day)
FP healthy high chair
baby einstein playmat


Bouncer (DS hated it)
Wipes warmer
Changing table
hooded towels

Message edited 9/25/2006 1:08:38 PM.

Posted 9/25/06 1:03 PM
Pages: 1 [2]

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