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nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

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Member since 5/05

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Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

she looks disgusting

Posted 1/2/06 8:40 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

I think she looks skinny but not as horrible as everyone is making it out to be

Posted 1/2/06 8:47 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

She's pretty thin. I think the problem is that when you compare how she was to how she is - there's definite issues - anorexia or drug. My guess is she's back on heroin.

Posted 1/2/06 9:17 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

Posted by nrthshgrl

She's pretty thin. I think the problem is that when you compare how she was to how she is - there's definite issues - anorexia or drug. My guess is she's back on heroin.

I see what her normal weight is wa drastic difference.

But that doesn't mean anorexia....They actual look a lot worse than that.

Posted 1/2/06 9:35 PM

Earned My Bragging Rights!

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Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

She looks SkeletalChat Icon

Posted 1/2/06 9:36 PM

My Loves!

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Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

Too THin!

Posted 1/2/06 9:38 PM

Love green icing!!!

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Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

I feel bad for her. She is way too thin.

Posted 1/2/06 10:16 PM


Member since 5/05

22351 total posts


Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

Posted by nrthshgrl

She's pretty thin. I think the problem is that when you compare how she was to how she is - there's definite issues - anorexia or drug. My guess is she's back on heroin.

i agree

Posted 1/2/06 10:25 PM

Come on in

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Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

edited pic: it wasnt posting. You could see her rib cage in the photo.

I think she looked good here. She looked healthy and happy. She had curves and a figure.

External Image

Even though she's doing this to herself I really feel bad for her because she is just loosing and loosing and it's sad to see her wither away Chat Icon

Message edited 1/2/2006 11:26:47 PM.

Posted 1/2/06 11:26 PM

How did you get blue eyes?

Member since 11/05

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LC's Mommy

Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

She looks horrible. She definitley has to weigh in the low 80's. You can tell in her face she is starving herself. I don't think she is back on heroin I just think she's not eating.

Posted 1/3/06 12:24 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

Posted by metsgirlie

She looks horrible. She definitley has to weigh in the low 80's. You can tell in her face she is starving herself. I don't think she is back on heroin I just think she's not eating.

honestly.....her face looks good compared to those who are anorexic

Posted 1/3/06 12:26 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

Also, women with anorexia would NO WAY IN HELL be caught wearing a bikini like that

Posted 1/3/06 12:27 PM


Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

This post cracks me up because most are knocking her for being too skinny but then in the other post knocking miarah carey for being to heavy.
One of my mom's good friends had an eating disorder and you could see it in her eyes and especially her hair and would never flaut her body like nicole does because in most cases they are never happy. I'm a slender person and I always hate how people are quick to judge eating disorders.

Posted 1/3/06 12:32 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

Posted by -Laurie-

This post cracks me up because most are knocking her for being too skinny but then in the other post knocking miarah carey for being to heavy.
One of my mom's good friends had an eating disorder and you could see it in her eyes and especially her hair and would never flaut her body like nicole does because in most cases they are never happy. I'm a slender person and I always hate how people are quick to judge eating disorders.

i agree...although i think Mariah is chunky and needs to lose weight

Posted 1/3/06 12:33 PM

Me and the guys

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Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

I think she looks thin, but not scary thin. In fact, I am a bit jealous.

Posted 1/3/06 1:21 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

I think for a while she looked really good, but now it's gone too far. I used to be pretty darn skinny, probably not much heavier than she is now, and looking back on it, I was too bony. She doesn't look anorexic, but she doesn't look healthy- because we all know that it's not natural for her body to look like that.

Posted 1/3/06 2:09 PM

Life is about choices.

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Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

Posted by -Laurie-

This post cracks me up because most are knocking her for being too skinny but then in the other post knocking miarah carey for being to heavy.
One of my mom's good friends had an eating disorder and you could see it in her eyes and especially her hair and would never flaut her body like nicole does because in most cases they are never happy. I'm a slender person and I always hate how people are quick to judge eating disorders.

ditto! my sis is naturally thin and gets it all the time. i dont think she looks anorexic. who knows what the deal is.

Posted 1/3/06 7:13 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

I think people are saying eating disorder because of how QUICKLY she lost the weight. There are a lot of people who are very very thin, but typically they stay that way ya know? They dont go from kinda chunky to stick thin in a matter of months...that is what Nicoles done.

I think she looks gross this thin, and I also think MAriah carey is heavy, does she look gross? only when she dresses like shes a size 2. I dont care that Mariah gained weight, I just think she looks bad flaunting her body when Its not appealing to look at. Even skinny shed have looked bad.

These are celebs, we talk about them all the time...I think Nicoles on drugs or suffering from eating problems as well. Bottom line is she was heavier, and now shes this thin, she had to have done something drastic as she was never ever this thin, so of course it points to an eating issue ( some say disorder)

Posted 1/3/06 7:20 PM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

Posted by HarleyGirlFLA

I think she looked good here. She looked healthy and happy. She had curves and a figure.


i agree.

Posted 1/3/06 7:25 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

Posted by -Laurie-
One of my mom's good friends had an eating disorder and you could see it in her eyes and especially her hair and would never flaut her body like nicole does because in most cases they are never happy.

I'm going to have to disagree with you that you can tell by looking at someone's eyes & hair that they have an eating disorder. Unfortunately, I know this one first hand.

I'm saying anorexic or heroin based on the drastic amount she seems to have dropped. The fact that she seems to continue to lose weight way past what is a healthy norm says she's got a problem to me. The reason I picked heroin is because of her rehab stint.

Posted 1/3/06 8:23 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

Posted by nrthshgrl

Posted by -Laurie-
One of my mom's good friends had an eating disorder and you could see it in her eyes and especially her hair and would never flaut her body like nicole does because in most cases they are never happy.

I'm going to have to disagree with you that you can tell by looking at someone's eyes & hair that they have an eating disorder. Unfortunately, I know this one first hand.

I'm saying anorexic or heroin based on the drastic amount she seems to have dropped. The fact that she seems to continue to lose weight way past what is a healthy norm says she's got a problem to me. The reason I picked heroin is because of her rehab stint.

you may disagree...But she is right...You can see in certain anoexics hair changes and eye changes....
There are facial, skin, hair, hygene qualites that are very common in people with Anorexia...

She may have an eating issue or body dysmorphia.....But full blown anorexia...i am not seeing that.

Message edited 1/3/2006 8:27:00 PM.

Posted 1/3/06 8:26 PM


Member since 5/05

22351 total posts


Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

Posted by -Laurie-

This post cracks me up because most are knocking her for being too skinny but then in the other post knocking miarah carey for being to heavy.

i thought the same thing

Posted 1/3/06 8:28 PM


Member since 10/05

2236 total posts


Re: nicole richie looking grotesquely skinny

Posted by MrsERod

omg Diana - you're making me hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Looks good right??? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/06 9:14 PM
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