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Today's doctor update 4.10.08-It's a good update

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Member since 5/05

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

Extra prayers to go along with all the others. Your darling son will be here in 7 days!!!Chat Icon

Will you make sure that your DH or someone posts updates when your son is born?

Posted 6/20/06 3:46 PM
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Life is good...

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

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Posted 6/20/06 3:49 PM

soooo in love:)

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

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Posted 6/20/06 3:52 PM


Member since 2/06

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

It's great to hear that the Drs are on top of everything. You are such an amazing person! I admire you for your strength! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I will continue to pray for you and the baby! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/06 3:54 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

Deb, I'm so glad you finally got a date for the arrival of your mini-muffin! Can't wait to hear all about him and see pictures of him! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/06 4:01 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

Yes, I would be freaked out too but the hearing loss is a biggie..It means that it's time for the baby to come out and that tumor.

Do you know when you will have the surgery? I imagine they would want to do it asap..I hope that you will be able to handle that and recovery with a newborn.

I'm just worried about have a good support system and I'm sure it will all work out. One step at a time.

Posted 6/20/06 4:58 PM


Member since 4/06

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

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Posted 6/20/06 5:03 PM

Life Coach

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

First....Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
then.....Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
and....Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/06 5:07 PM

Our life is complete

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

Posted by DebG

Sorry for anyone who thinks I am posting too much. I have a ton of FM's though and just want to keep everyone updated because everyone has been soo kind and sent soo many well wishes.
I will make this the official thread and as I have updates from different doctors I will post them here.

Today we met with the head of neurology and got some updates. There is of course good news and not good news.
The good news is that the the tumor is not IN my brain, but rather it is pushing against my brain, my eye and pushing its way into my sinus cavity. The not great news is that the location of this mass is in a very very bad spot and its going to take a very skilled skull surgeon to get this bad boy out. Our exact plan of action can not be mapped out until further tests can be performed. Further tests can not performed while I am pregnant. So the plan right now is to get the baby to 34 weeks (I am 30.5 now) and then take him out via c-section. I will then be given two weeks and serious and rapid testing will begin on me and brain surgery could follow as soon as needed from there.

The good thing? This is NOT life threatening UNLESS the skull surgeon is off by a millimeter...then this could turn ugly and fast. The other worry is that where the pressure is to my brain could start causing me to have some siezures but we just have to wait to see if that starts happening and then we will deal with it.

So thats todays update.

5/28/06 Update
I have no idea why I didn't update this yesterday, my apologies.
So we met with another neuro surgeon yesterday to get a second opinon. Second opinons always make me nervous because I feel like if its completly different then the first that it will throw me in a complete tail spin. However, I do know that they are certainly needed! Especially in the face of what I am dealing with. Driving up to the facility I could already tell that I was not going to be as impressed as I was in the previous place and I wasn't.
However, I was told many of the same things by this doctor that I was told by the other one.

1. A few key tests are needed but MUST wait until after Chat Icon is born
2. The tumor is "probably" non cancerous
3. Its in one of the worst spots it could possibly be in
4. It will require brain surgery to remove
5. I need to find the highest trained skull surgeon I can

Thats all for now! We met with the perinatolist next and then after that we are going to start meeting with some skull surgeons.

Today we meet with the perinatologist to find out exactly when Joey can come out! Iam sooo excited to finaly start working on a timeline for all of this to get moving.
The appointment is at 1:15 and honestly it can't get here soon enough!

6/5/2006 Take 2
Well, we found out NO information. My nero person wants the baby out early...the perinatologist wants to wait as long as possible and I get to sit and continue to live in pain as they fight it out.
I am deflated right now.
Chat Icon

Today we met with the neuro-surgeon. I liked him and I think we will go with him with the brain surgery comes into play.
However, like every other doctor we have met with he let us know that we can't do anything until we get further testing and we can't get ALL the tests we need until Joey is born.
SOO I guess for the time being we will just concentrate on trying to get Joseph to 36 weeks.
OOH he also said that he is not going to rule out it being cancer at this point until further testing is done Chat Icon Which I get, I just really didn't want to hear.

I had an appointment with my OB's office today. She is oging to talk to my perinatologist and to my neurologist and see if we can get a game plan going. The game plan we talked about was to do an amnio this week as well as a steriod shot and then plan to take the little one out next week (he will be 35+ weeks) via c-section. She is going to call the perinatologist now and I am supposed to call the neurologist and she said she will call me back by the end of the day.

6/20/2006 take 2
Head of Neurology just called and freaked me out. When he heard about my hearing loss he became VERY concerned and said I have to get in for an MRI so I said "Once I get my c-section date we can schedule it" and he was like no, we need to get you in NOW, someone from scheduling will be calling you"
So now I am quite freaked out since I always imagined that it would take a lot to freak the doctor out.
The scheduling person now just called as well, they weren't kidding...they want me in ASAP. I bought some time so DH could get home but it looks like I am going in for tests in about 2 hours.
Ugh, seriously, now I am freaked.

Update 3
Amnio on Monday
C-section on Tuesday! My little boy will be born on 6/27/2006

Awww he is going to share my birthday!!!! Hope all is wellChat Icon

Posted 6/20/06 5:10 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

Deb...what did they say after the MRI?

Posted 6/20/06 5:12 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

Yay Deb- Im happy that you will finally be getting the help you need, and even more excited that little Joey will be here next week!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/06 5:17 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

Oh, best of luck! I'll be thinking of you and saying a prayer!!

Posted 6/20/06 5:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

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Posted 6/20/06 5:25 PM

The Disney Lady

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

Here comes Joey!!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/06 5:28 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

Pearl Birthstone for Mommy!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Glad to hear they're moving quickly on this.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/06 5:40 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

Posted by Redhead

Deb...what did they say after the MRI?

Any news? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/06 5:41 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

Posted by Redhead

Deb...what did they say after the MRI?

Theyc ouldn't get me in until 8pm tonight.
I don't think I will know the results until my neurologist calls me with them tomorrow.

Everyone....THANK YOU for everything, I really mean it. Your thoughts, prayers and hugs are CERTAINLY appreciated. I don't know what I would do without all of you.
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Posted 6/20/06 5:42 PM

Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05

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Properly perfect™

Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

Posted by DebG

Posted by Redhead

Deb...what did they say after the MRI?

Theyc ouldn't get me in until 8pm tonight.
I don't think I will know the results until my neurologist calls me with them tomorrow.

Everyone....THANK YOU for everything, I really mean it. Your thoughts, prayers and hugs are CERTAINLY appreciated. I don't know what I would do without all of you.
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We are all here for you alwaysChat Icon

Posted 6/20/06 5:42 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

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Posted 6/20/06 5:48 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

Best of luck with your C-section and all your upcoming tests Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/06 5:51 PM

Love of my life....

Member since 5/05

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

My thoughts are with you....Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/06 5:58 PM

Luv my munchkins

Member since 5/05

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

Sending you lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon !!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Posted 6/20/06 8:56 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

I can't wait to meet Joey!!! and for them to get that tumor out... so that you can start enjoying the happiness that you deserve more than Anything! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/06 8:59 PM

My Loves!

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

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Posted 6/20/06 9:03 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

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Re: Today's doctor update 6.20.06 update THREE today

Thank you for keeping us updated Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/06 9:18 PM
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