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Taking a pay cut

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Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05

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Re: Taking a pay cut

definitely worth it.

if you are happy and positive, good things will come your way.Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/06 4:07 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: Taking a pay cut

Thanks for all the replies Chat Icon

Just a hypothetical Q for now...but when I asked my DH about it, he was like, no way we can't do that...and then I fought back and told him YES we is not that much and wouldn't it make your life easier if I was happy? Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/06 4:18 PM


Member since 5/05

2654 total posts


Re: Taking a pay cut

Posted by hmpena

DH took a $12,000 pay cut last year and we are both so much happier for it. He doesn't have to work with psychos and his commute is much shorter. We're now saving $$ in gas because of his commute.

I would definitely take a pay cut. IMO, no job is worth being sick over.

I agree-DH was commuting 4 hours last year, to and from work.. well, we just moved to CT, and I left my job. It's def worth your happiness, so I say go for whatever makes you happy! Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/06 4:27 PM

Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: Taking a pay cut

Your happiness and health are worth a lot more than $8k, IMOChat Icon

Posted 9/7/06 8:36 PM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

9690 total posts


Re: Taking a pay cut

I took a massive pay cut to go from Accounting to Teaching. Actually, for 18 months, I made no money because I was back in school. We survived and you will, too!

Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/06 8:52 PM

Three Under Four!!! :-)

Member since 8/06

6405 total posts


Re: Taking a pay cut

I agree... I took an 8k per year pay cut when I went from my old district to the one I'm in now, and it was SO worth it. I'm so much happier and don't even really mind the 50 dollars or so less per paycheck. Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/06 9:29 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: Taking a pay cut

Honestly-- during my last search I considered taking a $20K pay cut... Sh*t, I even left my job with nothing-- you can't really put a price on happiness and quality of life. So, for something like $8K, which in reality will not be THAT different in your paycheck, absolutely go for it.

I ended up getting offered a great job, and more money than my sh*tty job-- but, choose a job for the job, not the salary.

edited for typos

Message edited 9/7/2006 9:33:30 PM.

Posted 9/7/06 9:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

1071 total posts


Re: Taking a pay cut

I have taken a major pay cut in the past - and it was definitely worth it...think about the savings in commute (time and money), quality of life - you can't put a price tag on that. And you can always make up the difference in a couple of years and through negotiating.

Posted 9/7/06 9:55 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

246 total posts


Re: Taking a pay cut

Posted by JenniferEver

Absolutely! Go for it!

Happiness is much more important!

Definitely agree! As long as you can afford the paycut obviously.

Posted 9/7/06 9:57 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

32475 total posts


Re: Taking a pay cut

Posted by MrsTC

Thanks for all the replies Chat Icon

Just a hypothetical Q for now...but when I asked my DH about it, he was like, no way we can't do that...and then I fought back and told him YES we is not that much and wouldn't it make your life easier if I was happy? Chat Icon Chat Icon

Yeah men get scared. Do the math and show it to him.

When I took at $30K paycut I just told him we would re-budget and we did. It wasn't easy but very soon after I was making more!!!!!

it will work out.Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/06 10:30 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Taking a pay cut

I took an over 50% paycut to pursue a field that I was much more interested in. I was so much happier everyday, it was totally worth it to me.

Posted 9/7/06 10:40 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: Taking a pay cut

I took a 15,000 pay cut 10 years ago and I still make less than I would have had I stayed where I was. I wouldn't change that for the world.Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/06 11:31 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: Taking a pay cut

Posted by MrsTC

Thanks for all the replies Chat Icon

Just a hypothetical Q for now...but when I asked my DH about it, he was like, no way we can't do that...and then I fought back and told him YES we is not that much and wouldn't it make your life easier if I was happy? Chat Icon Chat Icon

My Dh just took a small pay cut and freaked out about it. It ended up fine and we just bought a new house with triple the payment we had before. Tell you DH it will be fine-men always freak about money.

Posted 9/7/06 11:33 PM


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: Taking a pay cut

To be happy at a job...I'd definitely take a pay cut.

Good Luck with your decision.

Posted 9/7/06 11:34 PM
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