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Oprah right now

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Oprah right now

Anyone watching? Do you agree this is a common problem? I don't find myself or any of my friends to be like this! I think Oprah is giving credence where she shouldn't...I like Oprah but, who is she to give marriage advice...she has never even been married!

Posted 8/28/06 4:12 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Oprah right now

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

what is the show about?

Posted 8/28/06 4:12 PM

Fall Is Here

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Re: Oprah right now

Posted by Lisa

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

what is the show about?

We're not watching...what's going on. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/06 4:13 PM


Member since 3/06

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Re: Oprah right now

what's happening??

Posted 8/28/06 4:15 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Oprah right now

she's got Lance Armstrong's ex wife on there... so far all I got out of it is that marriage can ruin the very fiber of your being Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/06 4:16 PM


Member since 3/06

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Re: Oprah right now

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

she's got Lance Armstrong's ex wife on there... so far all I got out of it is that marriage can ruin the very fiber of your being Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon thanks, oprah

Posted 8/28/06 4:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Oprah right now

Lol sorry! I was just sitting here shaking my head and wanted to discuss. Oprah has on Kristen Armstrong - Lance Armstrong's ex-wife with a "Giant Warning" about marriage: marriage has the potential to erode the very fiber of your identity.

Oprah says to her - this is why I never wanted to get married.

Posted 8/28/06 4:17 PM

Fall Is Here

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Re: Oprah right now

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

she's got Lance Armstrong's ex wife on there... so far all I got out of it is that marriage can ruin the very fiber of your being Chat Icon Chat Icon

Uhm...ok Mrs.Ex-Armstrong.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/06 4:17 PM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

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Re: Oprah right now

Posted by itsbabytime

Lol sorry! I was just sitting here shaking my head and wanted to discuss. Oprah has on Kristen Armstrong - Lance Armstrong's ex-wife with a "Giant Warning" about marriage: marriage has the potential to erode the very fiber of your identity.

Oprah says to her - this is why I never wanted to get married.

OPRAH! I love you girl....but if I were rich & had gazillions of $$$$$ I'd be single too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 8/28/06 4:18 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Oprah right now

oh boy... if this show is only about marriage bashing, I'm changing the channel Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/06 4:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Oprah right now

Seriously this is pissing me off. These woman are AIR HEADS. Now they have her doctor buddy on there saying how she was making all these promises not even knowing herself or what the promises meant.

Posted 8/28/06 4:18 PM

Unconditional Love

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Re: Oprah right now

Posted by itsbabytime

Oprah says to her - this is why I never wanted to get married.

riiight....I love Oprah, but it's obvious she never got married b/c she has serious TRUST issues.

Posted 8/28/06 4:18 PM


Member since 2/06

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Re: Oprah right now

Thanks Oprah Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/06 4:19 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Oprah right now

ummm yes Dr. whatever your name is... I only married DH because of the ring Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/06 4:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Oprah right now

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

oh boy... if this show is only about marriage bashing, I'm changing the channel Chat Icon

This is all over the place lately. Its like all these screwed up celebrities who have these thirty year relationships with no wedding need to justify their place in life by bashing marriage. Its all over the view and oprah. Ridiculous. I wish they would have some normal people on these shows to show that its not all about the ring and the big wedding. Its about two people who love each other and don't lose themselves but grow together BETTER!

Posted 8/28/06 4:20 PM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

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Re: Oprah right now

Posted by itsbabytime

Seriously this is pissing me off. These woman are AIR HEADS. Now they have her doctor buddy on there saying how she was making all these promises not even knowing herself or what the promises meant.

well, I will have to take notes & discuss later! Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/06 4:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Oprah right now

Posted by LadyLainez

Posted by itsbabytime

Seriously this is pissing me off. These woman are AIR HEADS. Now they have her doctor buddy on there saying how she was making all these promises not even knowing herself or what the promises meant.

well, I will have to take notes & discuss later! Chat Icon

Wait...I meant the woman on the show not on here! Did i mis speak? SORRY!

Posted 8/28/06 4:22 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

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Re: Oprah right now

It is about the "fantasy" of marriage. When some people get married that have a fantasy of what it is supposed to be, rather than look at it for what it is.
IMHO, marriage is two imperfect people coming together to share their love and life. It is easy to get sucked into the fantasy of the marriage rather than the hard work it takes. Dr. Robin just said "both people need to show up AS THEY ARE, rather than what you they think they should be". I could not agree more with that statement.

Having been married almost 7 years, I feel that being yourself and allowing your DH or DW to be themselves, and accept them for who they are rather than who you wish they would be is the most important thing.

ETA: DH and I went through this the first two years we were married. I put A TON of expecations on him that he could not possibly meet because he was not a superhero, he was a human being. I went into it wanting to change things about him rather than accept him for who he was at the time. Ya know?

Message edited 8/28/2006 4:29:57 PM.

Posted 8/28/06 4:24 PM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: Oprah right now

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by LadyLainez

Posted by itsbabytime

Seriously this is pissing me off. These woman are AIR HEADS. Now they have her doctor buddy on there saying how she was making all these promises not even knowing herself or what the promises meant.

well, I will have to take notes & discuss later! Chat Icon

Wait...I meant the woman on the show not on here! Did i mis speak? SORRY!

I gotcha! Chat Icon

I'm sure I'll have to put my 2 cents in this thread. Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/06 4:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Oprah right now

Posted by dandr10199

It is about the "fantasy" of marriage. When some people get married that have a fantasy of what it is supposed to be, rather than look at it for what it is.
IMHO, marriage is two imperfect people coming together to share their love and life. It is easy to get sucked into the fantasy of the marriage rather than the hard work it takes. Dr. Robin just said "both people need to show up AS THEY ARE, rather than what you they think they should be". I could not agree more with that statement.

Having been married almost 7 years, I feel that being yourself and allowing your DH or DW to be themselves, and accept them for who they are rather than who you wish they would be is the most important thing.

Yes - I agree and I think the show is getting better. It started off different though and I think this alone sounds right but not in the context that they were starting off. The context is that in our country people believe you have to "lose" yourself to be married. I think the fantasy part was just a continuation

Message edited 8/28/2006 4:26:37 PM.

Posted 8/28/06 4:25 PM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: Oprah right now

Posted by dandr10199

It is about the "fantasy" of marriage. When some people get married that have a fantasy of what it is supposed to be, rather than look at it for what it is.
IMHO, marriage is two imperfect people coming together to share their love and life. It is easy to get sucked into the fantasy of the marriage rather than the hard work it takes. Dr. Robin just said "both people need to show up AS THEY ARE, rather than what you they think they should be". I could not agree more with that statement.

Having been married almost 7 years, I feel that being yourself and allowing your DH or DW to be themselves, and accept them for who they are rather than who you wish they would be is the most important thing.

Oooh...Oooh. Ok now that makes sense. And I agree. I think this notion may apply to many people.

Posted 8/28/06 4:25 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Oprah right now

OMG!! this show is ridiculous! sorry Oprah, you don't know everything! Chat Icon

now they have a bride to be on who is getting married in 1 month and she' confused. give me a break! this is not a reflection of EVERYONE! Chat Icon

and Oprah is eating it up Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/06 4:31 PM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: Oprah right now

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

OMG!! this show is ridiculous! sorry Oprah, you don't know everything! Chat Icon

now they have a bride to be on who is getting married in 1 month and she' confused. give me a break! this is not a reflection of EVERYONE! Chat Icon

and Oprah is eating it up Chat Icon

why are you picking on Oprah!

She DOES know everything! Chat Icon

I gotta watch this show now!

Posted 8/28/06 4:32 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: Oprah right now

I watched the beginning part of the show and I don't think they were bashing anything. She wasn't bashing marriage, more of herself than anything else.

I honestly think that their are some women out there that this has happen to. Kristin Armstrong was saying that, what she noticed about herself was that she let her life get completely wrapped in Lance's life and she didn't let herself have her own opinions and that she 'forgot' who she really was. And forgot the things she loved in life.

I think it takes alot to notice that you are unhappy and I am proud of women that get out there and change themselves after this has happen to them.

Posted 8/28/06 4:34 PM

Life is about choices.

Member since 5/05

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Re: Oprah right now

while i agree that this is not what marriage is all about, i think this aspect is not discussed ENOUGH!

i know many women, including myself, get/got caught up in the fantasy of marriage to some degree.

and to anyone listening....if you have cold feet...DONT GET MARRIED!!! listen to yourself! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 8/28/2006 4:36:06 PM.

Posted 8/28/06 4:34 PM
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