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Moms whose babies are off of formula (milk only!)

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I am a lucky Momma!

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Moms whose babies are off of formula (milk only!)

How much does your DC eat in the way of solids?

I am going to get nervous about this -- I can tell already --- I am a worry wart when it comes to her food especially since she used to be a chubby baby and now is a thin baby.

Right now she'll eat about 1/4- 1/2 grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast--- maybe with 1/2 yobaby or a fruit cup (she loves the dole fruit cups, don't know why)

for lunch she'll have about a half chicken nugget and most of a pasta pickup (ravioli) or some other pasta that I made her....(leave maybe a few pieces)

for dinner she'll have whatever we're having----some of that...

for snacks she has goldfish cheerios puffs, slices of cheese throughout the day. maybe 1 snack a day, some days no snack.

I'm wondering how much I'll need to kick this up once she's off of formula and only taking about 16 oz of whole milk a day which is what our doctor wants...

This is just a sample day...she doesn't eat the same thing each day ... but this is pretty typical for her.

Posted 10/9/06 4:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Moms whose babies are off of formula (milk only!)

Honestly it sounds like she's eating really well to me. Miranda is super skinny and petit and she eats about that maybe a little less and our ped said not to worry. What he said to do is to put out plate with 3 things (meat, grain, fruit and/or veggies) and to just let her eat at her will what she wants. He said if we notice she is avoiding any particular food group all the time then to give him a call and we'd discuss but otherwise dont' make meals a battle or a stressful time. He says they will eat when they're hungry and eat enough to satisfy them.
I understand your worries though. I get excited when Miranda eats 2 of something instead of one and then of course the next day it's back to leaving a full plate of food. I just wish she could say mama I'm full or mama I'm hungry I want something else.

Posted 10/9/06 4:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

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Re: Moms whose babies are off of formula (milk only!)

I always worry that DD isn't eating enough. She gets about 20 oz. of whole milk a day...I'm not sure if it's too much, but, I feel like she just doesn't eat enough of her meals. I try to give her a protein, a fruit/veggie and a carb at every meal. Sometimes she'll only eat the protein, other times, she'll only eat the carb. At this point, I'm just trying to get her to try a bunch of different foods to try to figure out what she likes the best. Plus, I give her snacks, yogurt and cheese during the day as well.

Posted 10/9/06 5:06 PM


Member since 5/05

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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: Moms whose babies are off of formula (milk only!)

Sounds like she's getting enough to me.
We have been on whole milk for about 2 months now. (no more formula)
Breakfast is usually cereal with fruit. Sometimes scrambled eggs, or whole wheat pancakes.
Lunch is usually a jar of baby food such as chicken w/vegetables. I usually give them an additional veggie with it.
They split a dessert. By dessert I mean a yogurt or a fruit.
Dinner - usually whatever we are eating is what they get.
They drink about 20 ounces of milk a day.

Posted 10/9/06 5:07 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms whose babies are off of formula (milk only!)

Jacob is on all milk and he only eats baby food. He hardly eats any big people food cause he chokes and gags on everything.. sounds like she is eating good to me!!!

Posted 10/9/06 5:07 PM

My girls

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms whose babies are off of formula (milk only!)

Posted by CheeChee

Jacob is on all milk and he only eats baby food. He hardly eats any big people food cause he chokes and gags on everything.. sounds like she is eating good to me!!!

cheechee, just curious, when did Jacob go to all milk? Isn't he only 9 months?

Posted 10/9/06 5:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: Moms whose babies are off of formula (milk only!)

Also, children eat less and less because their growth substantially lessens between 1 and 3.

Posted 10/9/06 9:12 PM

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