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Rough Day in the NICU

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Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05

18602 total posts

The cure IS worse!

Rough Day in the NICU

We went in today thinking all is AOK because Joseph has been taking his food A LOT better and we had talk about him coming home at the end of this week. However, when we got it we learned that last night his heart rate dropped twice and then today when I was feeding him it happened again (it went all the way down to 52) the bells and whistles started going in and the nurse ran in. It was all very scary to me. Of course as the I am feeding him and the bells and whistles are going off he spits up and thats when the nurse saw that his lips were blue Chat Icon
I'm just freaked out about it. I asked the nurse if I should be and she said not yet that we are going to conitue to monitor him and he might have to stay longer AND when he comes home he might have to stay on the monitor (we would have to stay in the hospital for a night before that happens so that they can teach us everything and we can all be monitored at night plus they want to teach us CPR). So I know the nurse said not to freak but come on...what mother wouldn't?
Even after all of that, my little man was still smiling and being my cute little wiggle worm.
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Mommy had put him in a cute little onsies before his feeding...but he peed on it (I think he just wanted to see ANOTHER new outfit Chat Icon )
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ANOTHER attempt to rip that feeding tube out (he has been successful 4 times already)
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Posted 7/9/06 5:35 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Rough Day in the NICU

Gosh, thats a lot to take in.
He looks like such a big guy! I hope that its all well and you can take him home soon and get on with everything that you need to do!

Posted 7/9/06 5:40 PM

Where it all began....

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Re: Rough Day in the NICU

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I would be scared too!!

He really is starting to look like you DebChat Icon

He is beautiful

Posted 7/9/06 5:43 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05

18602 total posts

The cure IS worse!

Re: Rough Day in the NICU

Posted by racheeeee

Gosh, thats a lot to take in.
He looks like such a big guy! I hope that its all well and you can take him home soon and get on with everything that you need to do!

Me too!
He does look big in the pics but hes only 4 pounds 11 ounces today so still on the little side.
BUT gaining a bit of weight now Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/06 5:47 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Rough Day in the NICU

Joseph stop scaring mommy like that!

He is precious, hope he comes home to you soon!

Posted 7/9/06 5:55 PM

She's my dancing queen!

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Re: Rough Day in the NICU

He is such a love! Here's many Chat Icon that all is well soon and he will be home where he belongs. Keep us posted! You are one strong mama! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/06 6:00 PM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

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Re: Rough Day in the NICU

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon He's sooo cute. Here's to better days ahead for your little man!

Posted 7/9/06 6:03 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: Rough Day in the NICU

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Posted 7/9/06 6:13 PM

I ♥ my boys!

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Re: Rough Day in the NICU

I hope he can go home soon! Chat Icon
He is adorable!!
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/06 6:14 PM

My Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: Rough Day in the NICU

hes sooo precious, im sorry u had sucha scary nite.. hang in there!!!! joey is a fighter just like you Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/06 6:38 PM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

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Re: Rough Day in the NICU

Message edited 2/8/2007 12:38:43 PM.

Posted 7/9/06 6:50 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Rough Day in the NICU

of course i would be freaking out.

Heres a little story that might relax you a little. ON the day of my discharge I was holding Ryan and feeding him while the nurse was going over my discharge papers with me. Looking at her and not him. All of a sudden she dropped her papers, grabbed Ryan from me and flipped him upside down. He was blue too. She said that it was completely normal and sometimes when they are that little (Ryan was only a week early) that they forget to ssuck swallow, breath and just ssuck and swallow. It might have happened one time after that (I am not sure cause it was in the middle of the night and dark) but he was fine. I hope this brings you some solace. It is probbaly a normal tihng but since he is a premie and in the NICU they will be more vigilant about it. Which cant be a bad thing.Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/06 6:51 PM

I love my sister!!!!!!

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Re: Rough Day in the NICU

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Posted 7/9/06 6:58 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Rough Day in the NICU


Honey, it's "s u c k, swallow, breathe, s u c k, swallow, breathe". That last one is very important.

Your mommy is meeting and greeting enough doctors these days, don't freak her out anymore or a psychiatrist will be have to be added to that parade.

OK, that's the lesson for today. We'll work on not peeing on our new onesie tomorrow, ok?Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Aunt Tah-wee-ZAH

P.S. You are very cuteChat Icon

Message edited 7/9/2006 7:07:07 PM.

Posted 7/9/06 7:06 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: Rough Day in the NICU

Aww poor Joey (and poor Mommy!) .. I'm sure that this is pretty common in preemies, but I am sure it freaked you out nonetheless Chat Icon

I will say that despite all that, Joey is simply adorable! He truly looks like such a strong little boy .. he's got your looks, Deb, so there is no doubt in my mind he's got your determination and strength too Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/06 7:21 PM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: Rough Day in the NICU

he is so amazing, Deb he has your eyes.

I hope you can bring him home soon.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/06 7:23 PM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: Rough Day in the NICU

Sorry you had to experience such a scare, and I hope he gets the green light to come home soon.
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He is getting cuter & cuter every day!!!!!
Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/06 7:31 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: Rough Day in the NICU

He is a cutie...I am sorry you had a rough day, but he is quite the little fighter as he showed by ripping out his feeding tube. My nephew was 5 weeks early and born with a ton of complications, and LIJ wanted to give him last rites, thanks to the care of his doc he is 6 years old now...just know that these little babies are stronger than we think...

I am loving the pics, keep them comin' Chat Icon
You look marvelous by the way!

Posted 7/9/06 7:34 PM


Member since 5/05

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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: Rough Day in the NICU

I would be very scared! Any mother would be.
Anyway, he is such a handsome little boy. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/06 7:38 PM

We like hanging together!

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Mommy to twins

Re: Rough Day in the NICU

Deb I am so sorry you are going through this, but Joey defintely looks a fighter!!!!!

I am continuing to pray for you!!!

Posted 7/9/06 7:38 PM

My Everything

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Re: Rough Day in the NICU

Deb I think you have had to deal with more than any mother, or woman for that matter, should have to handle. Of course you would freak out and it's totally natural but I'll bet your little fighter is going to be just fine. He's probably just adjusting to the outside world and breathing and eating and all of that.
My friend's twins who were born at 29 weeks had to come home with a bunch of stuff but the parents learned it all and those babies are thriving 13 month olds now.
Your son is just an angel. I tear up everytime I see his pictures because I really believe he is such a miracle baby. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/06 7:42 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: Rough Day in the NICU

Oh Deb I'm sorry you can't bring him home yet and I can't imagine how scary it was for you to have the baby's heart rate drop like that!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Don't worry too much about the friend had triplets in April and all of them weighed 2 lbs each...two of them came home on the monitor and they have adjusted just fine with it and the babies are doing well and will be off the monitor and oxygen soon. Your baby will be ok too!!! I know it!!

ETA I LOOOOVE the pictures - the baby is precious and beautiful and just too cute!

Message edited 7/9/2006 7:58:22 PM.

Posted 7/9/06 7:58 PM

Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05

1536 total posts


Re: Rough Day in the NICU

Hang in there Deb!

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Posted 7/9/06 8:09 PM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

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Re: Rough Day in the NICU

He is so adorable. I love his big brown eyes.

im sorry u had such a scary nite.. hang in there!!!! Joey is a strong little boy and a fighter just like his mommy.

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Posted 7/9/06 8:23 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: Rough Day in the NICU

he's a little cutie! Chat Icon i'm so sorry you have to go through this. i can only imagine how scary it must be. i hope little joey gets to come home soon! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/06 8:44 PM
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