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Rescue Me had a preview of the World Trade Center last night

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LIF Adolescent

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Re: Rescue Me had a preview of the World Trade Center last night

Posted by Stacey1403

They actually had a special last night on Channel 2 at 7:30. They had on Oliver Stone, Nicolas Cage, the other actor (don't know his name) and one of the cops the story is based on. The families are 100% behind it and I believe 10% of the profits are going to the memorial fund.

Actually I heard it was 10% of the profits from THE OPENING WEEKEND only. People were complaining about this.

The families portrayed supported this, however, there was a special on channel 5 about a month ago where a Port Authority widow was complaining because they used her husband's name and she didn't want them too (I forget the whole story, but she felt it would be hurtful to her kids)

Posted 8/9/06 1:11 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Rescue Me had a preview of the World Trade Center last night

Personally I will not be seeing it either in the theater or on DVD. I watched that day unfold outside my office window and I don't need to see a movie to remind me of those images.

Posted 8/9/06 1:11 PM

The Disney Lady

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Re: Rescue Me had a preview of the World Trade Center last night

Posted by Sassyz75

Posted by curliegirl

Posted by Sassyz75

My question is- and not to cause drama- but how is this different than Schindler's List or the myriad other movies made about that tragedy? It is because of the timing? Or because 9/11 happened to us?

Maybe these movies are "too soon", but I feel a greater injustice would be if these movies were never made and the whole thing was forgotten. Let's face it- for people that 9/11 didn't affect directly- and in a world that pretty much does not read- movies are the one way people learn about and remember historical situations.

I have never seen Schindler's list or Flight 93, I go to the movies to get away from reality, not to relive it or see how someone else interprets it.

It is definitely too soon for New Yorkers and many others as well, and if there is no other way to "educate" people than to make a movie, then we have a bigger situation on our hands.

For many people, 9/11 and many other tragic days will never be forgotten, movie or not.

You should see schindler's list.
what is wonderful about it is- it tells the story of a man- who in one of history's darkest times, was a beacon of hope for some many. It showed that no matter what happens- there is till good in people- and that there are people on Earth that will help their fellow man out even if it means they, themselves, would get in trouble. Who knows- maybe this WTC movie has to do with that too- at least that's what the two men said that the movie was made about- that it is about how everyone came together that day, to do good in the face of evil.
I think any movie that makes people think, hey- life is more about "me and my family"- I should think of other people and help my fellow man- is a good thing

I love Schindler's List!

I don't think I'm going to see the World Trade Center movie. For me, I just can't relive those images. Every Sept 11 I turn the TV off all day because they just keep playing the images over and over and they're burned into my brain, so I guess for me, personally it is too soon, but I'm not going to criticize the movie makers for that. I'm exercising my right to not see it, and maybe when it's not "too soon" I'll catch it on DVD.

Posted 8/9/06 1:14 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Rescue Me had a preview of the World Trade Center last night

The first time I saw this preview in the theatre, I started crying. I swore that I wouldn't see it, as I had no desire to relive that day.

After seeing, hearing and reading numerous interviews and stories about the movie, including interviews with the survivors whose story is being told in the movie, I have decided to go see it. I find it interesting how the movie does not include footage of the planes flying into the buildings because the main characters in the movie did not ever witness that. I am interested in hearing the stories of these two heroes and their families. I am sure that I will be bawling throughout the whole movie.

Posted 8/9/06 2:49 PM

Love my baby boy!

Member since 9/05

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Re: Rescue Me had a preview of the World Trade Center last night

Im going to try to see it.

I think its important that the movie tastefully represents the events. That is a true memorial.

Im actually glad its a big budget movie and not made-for-tv like a lot of other ones that have been done. Those come out so cheesy.

Posted 8/9/06 4:02 PM

Totally in love

Member since 8/06

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Re: Rescue Me had a preview of the World Trade Center last night

I agree that the showing of the preview during Rescue Me was completely tasteless. I was not expecting it since I missed the first few minutes of the show. I was balling my eyes out after watching that little clip and then to see Stack die on Rescue Me after surviving 9.11. I really think they should have done the preview at a completely different time.

As for seeing the movie, no way. I don't need to see a movie to remember what happened.

I worked in an eye doctors office when it happened. We saw many firefighters in the days following. I will NEVER forget the hollow looks in all their eyes because of what they had been through and what they had seen. I will never forget the story in one of the magazines that showed all the pregnant wives of the deceased. All the children that have to grow up with out parents. I don't think a movie is needed to remind us.

Posted 8/9/06 4:10 PM
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