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What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

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My bunny

Member since 5/06

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What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

I have just discovered mine is when the front door doesnt face the street. I dont know why it bothers me, but it does!

Posted 8/17/06 7:56 AM
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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

popcorn ceilings
mirrored walls

I've removed way too much of the top two in a few houses that I'm never doing it again.

Posted 8/17/06 9:18 AM

<3 <3 <3 <3

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

popcorn ceilings
mirrored walls

I've removed way too much of the top two in a few houses that I'm never doing it again.

I have to agree with this!

We didn't have any popcorn ceilings (saw pleanty though when looking)

But wallpaper and mirrored walls bug me

Posted 8/17/06 9:21 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

here's my list:

Old kitchens and ancient appliances
Houses that reek from pets
When you look at a house and it’s hotter than hell in there (you have people coming to look at your house in 90 degree weather, turn the freakin a/c on!)
Popcorn ceiling
Ugly wallpaper
Shag carpet
Cracks in the ceiling or walls
Insects crawling inside the house (puke!)
Ugly bathrooms (30-40 years old and dirty!)
Basements that smell like mold (95% of the basements we’ve seen stink!)
wood paneling

Message edited 8/17/2006 9:23:46 AM.

Posted 8/17/06 9:23 AM

Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

I want to see what you all have to say. I am so nervous. I'm putting our house up for sale within the next couple of months and am trying everything to get this house sold. It's harder here since it's not a demand for a resale. There are too many new home construction communities I have to compete with.
any info on what you ladies don't like would be helpful!

Posted 8/17/06 9:24 AM

my girls!

Member since 2/06

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

when the seller doesn't even bother to clean up before showing the house - amazes me how people don't think this can hurt themChat Icon

Posted 8/17/06 9:30 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

I dont think I had any pet peeves when we were looking because we wanted something that needed a lot of updating.....

the worse the kitchen & baths the better for me! Ultimately the house we bought didnt need as much work as i had hoped.

Posted 8/17/06 9:31 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

Posted by Teri

when the seller doesn't even bother to clean up before showing the house - amazes me how people don't think this can hurt themChat Icon

or when they have Yankee candles burning all over the house. those things are so strong that they hurt my sinuses. it's like they're trying to disguise an odor.

Posted 8/17/06 9:31 AM

April already?

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

smells are definitly mine. I have a very sensitive nose. I cannot buy a house that a smoker lived in. I also dont like the master on the main floor unless it is a ranch.

Posted 8/17/06 9:36 AM


Member since 1/06

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

When they add an addition that doesn't match the rest of the house and it looks unbalanced.

Posted 8/17/06 10:08 AM

Eva Luna
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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

When I was looking I hated:

"Popcorn" ceiling, except some GA houses have a "flower like" pattern Chat Icon

Wall paper - of any kind

Posted 8/17/06 10:18 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

smells like smoke - its IMPOSSIBLE to get that out, and like someone else said the people who burn candles to try to mask the smell

wood paneling

Posted 8/17/06 10:29 AM


Member since 1/06

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

Any house that smelled like pets or smoke. Chat Icon

Houses that were dirty - for the most part it was good but we saw one house that was just nasty and everything was all over the place , ugh I just dont get sellers who dont realize that doesnt help them!!

pink and blue tiled bathrooms and wallpapered kitchens - although the house we bought had this and it didnt stop us cuz we already knew we were going to do a new bath and kitchen.

Posted 8/17/06 10:34 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

Posted by SweetTooth

smells like smoke - its IMPOSSIBLE to get that out, and like someone else said the people who burn candles to try to mask the smell

wood paneling

I remember back when we first started looking we went to a house that smelled like a cigarette factory! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I could barely breath in there. when we walked through the kitchen I looked outside in the yard and there these 2 guys out there smoking and the ashtray on the table must have had 1000 butts in it! GROSS!

To make matters worse… when we went down to the basement, not only did that also reek of smoke, but the person sleeping down there had a bunch of cats and it stunk from cat poop! They were such pigs.

Posted 8/17/06 10:34 AM

Plan B is Now Plan A

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

Weirdest Pet Peeve...hmm ..I would have to say bedrooms that had no closets and master bedrooms that could not fit a king bed. Not so weird, but I was surprised at how many I saw like this!

Posted 8/17/06 10:43 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

When the sellers consider things that are like 20 yrs old as newly replaced! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/17/06 11:13 AM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

ugh, it was def the smelly houses!!!!

Posted 8/17/06 11:34 AM

Time flies!

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

There's a house for sale near my parents and I went to one of the open houses - I couldn't believe how much clutter there was. There were 1 or 2 doors to the backyard that had so much crap in front of them that they weren't being used. It just gave you warped sense of what the house really looked like. Plus...there was wallpaper on all the walls & ceilings in some of the rooms - I don't get that!

Posted 8/17/06 11:40 AM

Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

Posted by sasha

When I was looking I hated:

"Popcorn" ceiling, except some GA houses have a "flower like" pattern Chat Icon

Wall paper - of any kind

tell me about it, mine does!!! I was like, noooooo! My DH likes it, I hate it.

Posted 8/17/06 12:16 PM


Member since 5/05

9941 total posts


Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

i dont realy consider most of the above things weird, b/ c i think all of those things are norma things to dislike when looking for a homel, but i do have personal issues with

-wooded back yards
-driveways that back into part of the yard (i like closed off yards - closed off from the street)
-scalloped storm doors- HATE them

Message edited 8/17/2006 12:27:38 PM.

Posted 8/17/06 12:26 PM

Love my baby boy!

Member since 9/05

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

Inaccurate listings. Like it says finished basement and you get there and its totally NOT finished.

Converted garages

No/Tiny driveways

Trashed Backyards- One guys backyard was horrible. He told us, Oh you've got 2 dogs, your backyard will look like this too. UUUUUMMMMMM, NOOOOO!!!

Holes in the walls- I mean gaping holes, not tack holes

Basically just simple fix things that they dont bother to fix but would only take $30 and a hr of time.

Posted 8/17/06 1:50 PM

My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

popcorn ceilings
mirrored walls

I've removed way too much of the top two in a few houses that I'm never doing it again.


Posted 8/17/06 3:54 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

When the owner asks me to remove my shoes and their floors are FAR, FAR flithier than anything that could EVER be on the bottom of my shoes! Chat Icon (I'm not exaggerating -- this has happened to us at least twice.)

Posted 8/17/06 4:04 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/06

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

Mine has to do with the people who show their houses in their filthiest conditions...why don't they ask/get the current owners to clean it up?

We went to see one house, and as we were walking in and the realtor is opening the door, she casually spins her head around to non-chalantly tell us..."by the way, this house is FIIIIIIIIILTHYYYYY"...I now think she was just prepping us for what was in store.

No kidding, this house had:
the owner cooking something REALLY smelly which had permeated the house,
which still didn't cover up the cigarette smell,
teenage son asleep in his bedroom in the middle of the day, which the realtor opened up anyway and turned on the light (still didn't wake up)
illegal apt in the basement, with the illegal tenant smoking up a storm,
plus the aboveground pool in the backyard which was halfway dismantled already..."oh you can just get rid of that" the realtor said...thanks for the advice Chat Icon

Afterwards, she told us that the owners must have just been working on tidying up the house because it was much better than the last time she showed it!

And to top it off, we made an offer on the house just because it was affordable in the neighborhood we wanted!

Fortunately our offer was declined, and we are now in a much nicer neighborhood and better house. Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/06 10:45 AM


Member since 9/05

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Re: What is your weirdest Pet Peeve when looking for a house?

Well, my house had nearly all of the peeves mentioned aboveChat Icon I obvioulsy saw through the problems.

Saying that, two really silly peeves of mine were:

No houses with slanty-ceilings i.e. the bedroom ceilings were built into the rafters.

No houses on numbered streets.

Posted 8/18/06 11:59 AM
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