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Updated - in last post...MIL wants to baptize Katie now...OMG Thought I solved the MIL slobbering all over Katie but...nope sure didn't

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Ready for the sun!

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Re: Updated - in last post...MIL wants to baptize Katie now...OMG Thought I solved the MIL slobbering all over Katie but...nope sure didn't

Kathy put your foot fact I would not allow MIL or SIL near the baby and definitely don't let them near Katie if your not there to watch them!

I am so sorry you have to put up with this cr@p!Chat Icon

Posted 6/18/06 11:23 AM
Long Island Weddings
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me and baby #3!

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Re: Updated - in last post...MIL wants to baptize Katie now...OMG Thought I solved the MIL slobbering all over Katie but...nope sure didn't

That is absolutely beyond crazy....and IMMATURE!!!

You know what you should do...if you were planning on baptizing her...go do it at YOUR church without them and conveniently have pictures or the certificate on display when they come over!

Posted 6/18/06 1:44 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Updated - in last post...MIL wants to baptize Katie now...OMG Thought I solved the MIL slobbering all over Katie but...nope sure didn't

OMG...the MIL dram continues even after the baby is born...YIKES! Mine went through the wedding and is continuing while I am preggo...I finally told them not to talk to me anymore bc they were severe with their comments and I was getting hurt like you. Funny thing is...even with them being told act correctly or no communication...they choose no communication over being involved. Believe it or not my situation it is working for us. I am not hurt by what they say and if they are missing out on the pregnancy it is their own fault. I cant even imagine being in your situation having them in the babys life and them continuing to treat you badly. Thats just wrong. can you limit your visits since they just dont get it?

Posted 6/18/06 2:47 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Updated - in last post...MIL wants to baptize Katie now...OMG Thought I solved the MIL slobbering all over Katie but...nope sure didn't

I think you need to cut her out of your lives for a bit..seriously tell her that until she can respect you as Katie's mother she cannot see the baby. She is just plain ignoring you and that shows no respect IMO. And to baptiae a baby behind your back..well, a) only a priest or deacon can baptize a baby and b) who does she think she is?
Honestly, why do you allow her to even ignore you. When you say "STOP SLOBBERING ALL OVER THE BABY", then she should. If not, take the baby out of her arms and say "I am sorry but I have asked you a number of times to stop slobbering all over the baby. She is breaking out from all of this wetness on her skin. I am her mother and you have no respect for what I say about my own child" and then go home. Seriously. Just leave.
I bet that will put an end to this crap. She has no right to treat you badly and you have to stop letting her. Chat Icon

Posted 6/18/06 7:48 PM

Where does time go?

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Re: Updated - in last post...MIL wants to baptize Katie now...OMG Thought I solved the MIL slobbering all over Katie but...nope sure didn't

I feel like MIL's are always testing, seeing what line they can cross before we finally go ballistic and then they play victim and act like WE are the crazy ones...

It's sooooo hard to bite your tongue, but know that we are all here to listen to you vent...and commiserate Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/18/06 8:45 PM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: Updated - in last post...MIL wants to baptize Katie now...OMG Thought I solved the MIL slobbering all over Katie but...nope sure didn't

DH called my inlaws yesterday to wish FIL a Happy Father's Day and they didnt answer the phone (we know they were home) and havent called us back ...and didnt wish DH a happy 1st Father's day either. They are such Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/19/06 9:12 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Updated - in last post...MIL wants to baptize Katie now...OMG Thought I solved the MIL slobbering all over Katie but...nope sure didn't

Im so sorry that you are going through this. It is NONE of her business how you baptize your child. It is yOUR child, not hers.
As far as the boat soon as the twins are born, we want to take them on it soon too, because we enjoy our time on the boat, and hope it will be a fun family thing. Ignore her about that.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/19/06 9:44 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Updated - in last post...MIL wants to baptize Katie now...OMG Thought I solved the MIL slobbering all over Katie but...nope sure didn't

I cannot believe when some MIL's don't respect your opinions and decisions. That happenned to us... and DH cut her out. I felt so guilty but now I don't. My baby needs a happy mom and when she was around I was stressed and frustrated the entire time.

Many Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon for you and I hope you can solve this problem.

Message edited 6/19/2006 10:19:02 AM.

Posted 6/19/06 10:18 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

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Re: Updated - in last post...MIL wants to baptize Katie now...OMG Thought I solved the MIL slobbering all over Katie but...nope sure didn't

MIL MIL MIL they are all a ROYAL PITA I could go on and on and on about my MIL she is such a BIG PITA. At first I wouldn't say anything and I would just tell Fh buthe would say oh thats jsut her and I finally told him he better tell her something or I will and sure as $hit he had said something to her but she kept doing things and I finally spoke my mind and now she has backed down a bit but does other things to be annoying I am so sorry your part of the Monster in law club

Posted 6/19/06 11:42 AM

Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Updated - in last post...MIL wants to baptize Katie now...OMG Thought I solved the MIL slobbering all over Katie but...nope sure didn't

RON RON RON- we need a MIL board! Chat Icon Chat Icon

I would have to assume a new identity.

Posted 6/19/06 12:19 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

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Re: Updated - in last post...MIL wants to baptize Katie now...OMG Thought I solved the MIL slobbering all over Katie but...nope sure didn't

LOL you and me both

Posted 6/19/06 1:12 PM
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