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Nick wants his jewlery back!!

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Nick wants his jewlery back!!

I know how everyone loves more nick and jess news...Chat Icon


Posted 2/19/06 10:59 AM
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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

I dont follow the Nick & Jessica stuff but can't imagine respecting a healthy, working guy seeking spousal support. What a jerk!

Posted 2/19/06 11:01 AM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!! you think he wants her e-ring and all that back?

in all fairness, i can kind of see how he could request spousal support..she would NOT be as famous and rich as she is now if not for the newlyweds...and she would not have newlyweds if she did not have nick!!

Posted 2/19/06 11:28 AM

talk to the hand

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

I am glad he is asking for the jewlery back.. to be honest, I am so sick of JS!
I do agree seeking spousal support is a little jerky, although he deserves the money, since he helped her make them... but instead of spousal support, he should ask for half her asset Chat Icon

Posted 2/19/06 11:30 AM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

Posted by MrsTC you think he wants her e-ring and all that back?

in all fairness, i can kind of see how he could request spousal support..she would NOT be as famous and rich as she is now if not for the newlyweds...and she would not have newlyweds if she did not have nick!!

you have GOT to be kidding....

celebrity spousal support
the money they made off of that show is i am sure divided up....
The fact that she may be more ept to bank off that ...well good for her...NOT a reason for nick to get SH!T. He has the same opportunity as her....SHE just knows how to market herself unlike CHEESY NICK....

IN FACT....I don't think ANYONE would even have thought about him again since 98 Degrees if it WASN"T for her......

SO IMO, he should take what he has already gotten and be done with it...


Message edited 2/19/2006 11:31:40 AM.

Posted 2/19/06 11:31 AM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

Posted by PiyoPika566

I am glad he is asking for the jewlery back.. to be honest, I am so sick of JS!
I do agree seeking spousal support is a little jerky, although he deserves the money, since he helped her make them... but instead of spousal support, he should ask for half her asset Chat Icon

and he benefitted from their show as well....

WHY exactly does he deserve anymore?

Posted 2/19/06 11:33 AM

To a healthy 2013

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

I would not give the jewelery back i would keep my rings if i was in that situation i mean he has money and she has money what is he going to do with the jewelery sell it for more money?Chat Icon they are both pathetic and need to get a life!!

Message edited 2/19/2006 11:36:47 AM.

Posted 2/19/06 11:33 AM

talk to the hand

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

Posted by Redhead

Posted by PiyoPika566

I am glad he is asking for the jewlery back.. to be honest, I am so sick of JS!
I do agree seeking spousal support is a little jerky, although he deserves the money, since he helped her make them... but instead of spousal support, he should ask for half her asset Chat Icon

and he benefitted from their show as well....

WHY exactly does he deserve anymore?

IMO without the show, she wouldn't be where she is now, and Nick was part of that show. So I say he deserve half she's got.

Posted 2/19/06 11:45 AM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

Posted by PiyoPika566

IMO without the show, she wouldn't be where she is now, and Nick was part of that show. So I say he deserve half she's got.

And i am sure that they money they got fromthat show would most def be split....THAT is a given....Just like any marriage, money gotten post marriage is usually divided up...

SPOUSAL SUPPORT is another story.....
Nick deserves absolutely NO spousal support because Jess may be the bigger celeb after that show.....Chat Icon

Posted 2/19/06 11:48 AM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

i dont know or care about the spousal support but i hope he gets the jewelty back. i cant stand jessica anymore.

maybe he SHOULD get spousal support, if youve ever watched the show youll see he does EVERYTHING. its like he is hte wife and she is the lazy husband.

Posted 2/19/06 11:50 AM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

Posted by Lolita4Life

i dont know or care about the spousal support but i hope he gets the jewelty back. i cant stand jessica anymore.

maybe he SHOULD get spousal support, if youve ever watched the show youll see he does EVERYTHING. its like he is hte wife and she is the lazy husband.

whether he did everything or not...that has nothing to do with it.

1. he won't get any jewelry back unless she is generous and wants to get rid of it....

2. ANYTHING money that was aquired together on that show will, i am SURE be divided equally regardless of what she or he did....

AND in all honestly...the show was a hit primarily because of people wanting to see what bonehead thing she would say or do next. Because it was about a marriage that most people didnt see lasting, because you wanted to see how THEY (regardless of who did what) got along.....

SO in that should be equally divided.

Posted 2/19/06 11:57 AM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

i really cant give 2 shyts about what happens.
sick of hearing about these idiots

Posted 2/19/06 12:00 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

Posted by Lolita4Life

i really cant give 2 shyts about what happens.
sick of hearing about these idiots


i just think it is pretty pathetic that Nick thinks he should get anything more from her Chat Icon

Posted 2/19/06 12:02 PM

talk to the hand

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

Posted by Redhead

Posted by Lolita4Life

i really cant give 2 shyts about what happens.
sick of hearing about these idiots


i just think it is pretty pathetic that Nick thinks he should get anything more from her Chat Icon

I think they are both pathetic.. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/19/06 12:10 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

I dont think he deserves any of it back, he should just get on with his life.

Posted 2/19/06 12:46 PM

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

who the effe cares
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Posted 2/19/06 12:55 PM


Member since 10/05

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

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I don't follow Nick & Jessica's romance...breakup...etc....
I find him a bit ridiculous though for asking for that...but then and doesn't surprise me....
But I follow Brad & Angelina....Did you Hear?
Angelina is Preggo.....

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Posted 2/19/06 1:09 PM

I'm 2!

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

heres more info.....

'Newlyweds' star Nick Lachey asking Jessica Simpson for alimony

UPI News Service, 02/18/2006

Nick Lachey filed divorce papers in Los Angeles Friday requesting spousal support from his soon-to-be ex-wife, Jessica Simpson, People magazine reported.


Simpson, who filed for divorce Dec. 16, said in her papers she did not want to pay alimony to her spouse of three years and co-star of MTV's popular reality show, "Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica."

In his papers filed Friday, Lachey cited irreconcilable differences for the split, People said.

RealityTVWorld: Ashlee Simpson Show
RealityTVWorld: Newlyweds
SirLinksALot: Newlyweds

More People News

In addition to alimony, Lachey asks for jewelry and other personal effects, his earnings and accumulations from and after the date of separation and additional property assets to be determined.

People noted Lachey's papers cite the couple's separation date as Dec. 13 while Simpson's papers say Nov. 23. The date is significant because Simpson earned nearly $1 million during the disputed weeks, which would be evenly split between them per California law.

Posted 2/19/06 1:20 PM

To a healthy 2013

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

they are both azzholes and need to get on with their life who the hell cares they both make millions of money again I am going to say this what the hell does he want the jewelery back for? let me guess to sell it and get more money oh wait does he have a girlfriend he wants to give this jewelery too GET A LIFE NICK!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/19/06 3:30 PM

My Babies

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

I think it is a little sad and pathetic for him to go for spousal support. They both agreed, irreconsiable differences, therefore, part ways, split what you had and move on. Why make her pay his way, he makes enough.

Posted 2/19/06 3:41 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

In CA they have the community property law and if you divorce and do not have a prenup you have to split your assets 50-50 no ifs and or buts about it. So he will be getting half of what she has.

Posted 2/19/06 5:10 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

Thank you Nancy...I knew you'd come through with more N&J News!!Chat Icon

Posted 2/19/06 5:12 PM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

Posted by nancygrace

People noted Lachey's papers cite the couple's separation date as Dec. 13 while Simpson's papers say Nov. 23. The date is significant because Simpson earned nearly $1 million during the disputed weeks, which would be evenly split between them per California law.

UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon

it just KILLS me that these celebrities make RIDICULOUS amounts of $$$ - THREE WEEKS and she made nearly $1 MILLION dollars!!!????????? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/19/06 5:19 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

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Posted 2/19/06 6:30 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Nick wants his jewlery back!!

Would he be able to make these req if she was able to prove he cheated?

Posted 2/19/06 6:46 PM
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