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c-section scheduled for wed

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05

573 total posts


c-section scheduled for wed

We scheduled a c-section for Wed, Feb 22 because we had a sono yesterday and the baby weighs 9lbs and my dr thinks he might actually be bigger. I'm kind of small and the dr said there's no way I can deliver this baby naturally.

My due date was Feb 20th, but baby was not showing any signs of moving on his own. I'm still only 1 cm dilated (been like that for 3 weeks) and the baby hasn't moved down any further. My dr said it's because he can't fit. What a chunker!!!

I'm so excited, but also so nervous. I wasn't really prepared to have a c-section.

Posted 2/17/06 2:05 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: c-section scheduled for wed

Congrats and good luck!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 2:06 PM

Horray for 3 boys!!

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Mikey, Greg & TJ's Mommy

Re: c-section scheduled for wed

That is so exciting that you get to meet your little one on Wednesday!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

I'm sorry though that you were unexpectantly hit with the c-cection news...

We'll be thinking of you on Wednesday!!!

Message edited 2/17/2006 4:41:40 PM.

Posted 2/17/06 2:08 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: c-section scheduled for wed

Good luck!! That is so exciting!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 2:09 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: c-section scheduled for wed

I had an unplanned c-section. It really wasn't as bad as I imagined. I took the pain meds they were giving me and they helped alot Chat Icon If you have any questions, let me know .

Posted 2/17/06 2:30 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

501 total posts


Re: c-section scheduled for wed

congrats about knowing your little guy is on his way!! just a few short days....don't be nervous- they do them all the time and the end result is sooo worth it!!! (no experience yet- will be having one in june- but this is what i always tell myself). anyway, keep us posted on how you feel and send pics as soon as you can!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 2:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: c-section scheduled for wed

I am going to say that sonograms can be off by as much as a full pound. YOUR size has nothing to do with whether you can deliver a baby vaginally or not. Did you know that many doctors force overweight patients to have scheduled c/s because of their size? Neither line of reasoning makes sense. There is NO MEDICAL proof that you can't deliver a baby if you had a broken pelvis before or something then there would be medical reason. KWIM?

There is NO reason for you to schedule a c/s. You can tell your doctor you want to go into labor naturally and see what happens. It is your right to do so.

I am proof that the experience can matter so if this is NOT what you want stand up for yourself. I wish I had.

Posted 2/17/06 3:10 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: c-section scheduled for wed

While I had a c-section (for other reasons) and had a very pleasant experience, I have to agree with Michele31 - I'm suprised your doctor is scheduling you for a c-section relying on the sonogram alone. It's common knowledge that the sonogram can be off by 1-2 pounds. 4 days before I delivered I had a sonogram and the tech said I had a very big baby that was over 8lbs. 4 days later I delivered a tiny little baby girl who weighed a whopping 6lbs! Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 3:26 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

588 total posts


Re: c-section scheduled for wed

Congrats!!!! So exciting.

Posted 2/17/06 3:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: c-section scheduled for wed

I am NOT saying I am surprised by the doctor trying to do this to you. I just want you to know your rights.

Posted 2/17/06 3:40 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: c-section scheduled for wed

Best of luck to you Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 3:45 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Properly perfect™

Re: c-section scheduled for wed

Only 5 more daysChat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 3:45 PM

My Everything

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Re: c-section scheduled for wed

Posted by michele31

I am going to say that sonograms can be off by as much as a full pound. YOUR size has nothing to do with whether you can deliver a baby vaginally or not. Did you know that many doctors force overweight patients to have scheduled c/s because of their size? Neither line of reasoning makes sense. There is NO MEDICAL proof that you can't deliver a baby if you had a broken pelvis before or something then there would be medical reason. KWIM?

There is NO reason for you to schedule a c/s. You can tell your doctor you want to go into labor naturally and see what happens. It is your right to do so.

I am proof that the experience can matter so if this is NOT what you want stand up for yourself. I wish I had.

As always Michele I agree with you. I am just so shocked when doctors say "you can't delvier" What is that about. Women deliver babies vaginally all the time big and small babies.

Best of luck to you Ali. Hope everything goes well and you have a speedy recovery.

Posted 2/17/06 4:35 PM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

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Re: c-section scheduled for wed

Ali - Best of Luck to you on Wednesday!!! I am actually due tomorrow am im scheduled to be induced on Wednesday night as well - my baby is measuring about 8.5 lbs at this moment -

Keep us posted, ill do the same Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 4:48 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: c-section scheduled for wed

Wow, sounds exactly like what happened with me! You must be so excited to me your little one.. only a few more days! Which hospital are you delivering at?

Posted 2/17/06 5:05 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: c-section scheduled for wed

Posted by michele31

I am going to say that sonograms can be off by as much as a full pound. YOUR size has nothing to do with whether you can deliver a baby vaginally or not. Did you know that many doctors force overweight patients to have scheduled c/s because of their size? Neither line of reasoning makes sense. There is NO MEDICAL proof that you can't deliver a baby if you had a broken pelvis before or something then there would be medical reason. KWIM?

There is NO reason for you to schedule a c/s. You can tell your doctor you want to go into labor naturally and see what happens. It is your right to do so.

I am proof that the experience can matter so if this is NOT what you want stand up for yourself. I wish I had.

Ok, like you siad sono's can be off by a pound.. how about if they of and the baby weighs more????? I was in the same situation as Ali. I had the choice. I chose the c-section. I am also a pretty small person and there was a chance that the baby could get stuck and not make it through. Why risk it? I honestly do not understand why some people have such issues with c-sections. I am sure that anyone who is offered has the right to say no and if they say yes it is their pesonal choice.

Posted 2/17/06 5:08 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: c-section scheduled for wed

Good luck!!Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 5:35 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: c-section scheduled for wed

good luck and congrats!!

Posted 2/17/06 5:54 PM

My girls

Member since 5/05

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Re: c-section scheduled for wed

good luck!!!!!Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 6:19 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/06

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Re: c-section scheduled for wed

Lot's of Luck!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 6:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: c-section scheduled for wed

A c/s is major surgery, a v-birth is not. Why risk so much if you don't have too?
Many doctors do NOT present this as an "option" it is told that they NEED to do this for the baby's safety. They pull out the "big baby" card. That is just not accurate..many women who are small give birth to 8lb+ babies very safely. By your line of reason then all larger women should easily give birth to large babies...yet doctors often try to force larger women to have c/s births.
How can ANY doctor KNOW that your body will be unable to give birth? it is a guess? How often do we allow dcotors do major surgery on us because they "think" we might need it? If a doctor did not know for sure that my heart needed repair would I just let him/her go and do the surgery anyway?
Again, women need to trust their bodies a bit more. And I want this women to know that she has a choice! I am not sure that she really know that. Again, I am 100% for CHOICE in birthing...but it needs to be an informed consent and all to often women do NOT get the information about the risks of c/s.

Message edited 2/17/2006 9:03:12 PM.

Posted 2/17/06 8:57 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: c-section scheduled for wed

Just wanted to wish you luck! My first was a scheduled c/s as well, but he decided to come earlier, so it was a nice surprise (and a c/s as planned).

Posted 2/17/06 10:39 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: c-section scheduled for wed

Posted by michele31

A c/s is major surgery, a v-birth is not. Why risk so much if you don't have too?
Many doctors do NOT present this as an "option" it is told that they NEED to do this for the baby's safety. They pull out the "big baby" card. That is just not accurate..many women who are small give birth to 8lb+ babies very safely. By your line of reason then all larger women should easily give birth to large babies...yet doctors often try to force larger women to have c/s births.
How can ANY doctor KNOW that your body will be unable to give birth? it is a guess? How often do we allow dcotors do major surgery on us because they "think" we might need it? If a doctor did not know for sure that my heart needed repair would I just let him/her go and do the surgery anyway?
Again, women need to trust their bodies a bit more. And I want this women to know that she has a choice! I am not sure that she really know that. Again, I am 100% for CHOICE in birthing...but it needs to be an informed consent and all to often women do NOT get the information about the risks of c/s.

Ok, here is my thing. They DO give you a choice. Anyone knows that they are not forcing you into having a c-section. My Dr RECOMMENDED a c-section and I agreed. I am sure that if you were me, you would have chose the vaginal birth. Good for you. I just do not understand (and I have seen it here before) why women on here who choose the c-section are made to feel like they are making a mistake and that they are somehow brainwashed by the Dr's for choosing it. And as far as the risks go, yes it is major surgery and yes there are risks with that.. but if a DOCTOR who has been practicing medicine for many years tells me that there is more risk in trying to deliver a baby vaginally, well then thats all I need.

Posted 2/18/06 10:46 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

195 total posts


Re: c-section scheduled for wed

Congrats and good luck!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/18/06 2:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: c-section scheduled for wed

Article on pelvis size

Posted 2/18/06 9:37 PM
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