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Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

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Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

We were thinking of skipping these. Did anyone not take them or did anyone take them then decide it was a waste of time?

Posted 3/20/06 9:22 AM
Long Island Weddings
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She's 7!!!

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Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

I just had my first day (out of 2) and it was so informative. Its about labor and how to calm yourself during labor. We also saw a video of 3 births, one with an epidural, one with narcotics and one natural. I found it very informative and so did DH who was dreading it.

Posted 3/20/06 9:24 AM

Proud SAHM

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Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

I always skipped them.
I think it seems like a nice experience though.

Posted 3/20/06 9:33 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

We're not taking the class but I bought a DVD from (a couple girls on LIF bought the same one), and we're going to start watching that this week. They break it down into chapters and I've heard it's just as good as the class.

Posted 3/20/06 9:34 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

ME! I did not want to take them. Some of my friends who are mommies told me to skip lamaze and "childbirth" classes and that the breastfeeding class, infant care (take with DH) & CPR class was so worth it!

I feel this way:
1 - I know I am having an epi and taking ANY drugs that I am allowed to take. For all the ladies that go natural I give you props, but I know my limits and I will be taking drugs.

2 - all the breathing will go out the window once I get bad labor pains (I just know how I am)

3- What to expect when you are expecting freaked me out. I have seen a baby story a million times and know what to "expect" in delivery.

4- L & D (even with a birth plan) is largely unpredictable. Especially with my heart condition. Do I want a C-section? No, but I might have to have one, and I am just going to go with the flow.

I guess too much info freaks me out and I already have a ton of info in my head...
What if I need to have heart surgery after labor? What if the baby is not OK? What if this, What if that, I can easily drive myself nuts! That is why we are skipping lamaze and childbirth classes.
We will be taking infant care & CPR together and I will taking the breastfeeding class.

Message edited 3/20/2006 9:55:05 AM.

Posted 3/20/06 9:43 AM


Member since 9/05

8660 total posts


Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

Posted by MrsJ

We're not taking the class but I bought a DVD from (a couple girls on LIF bought the same one), and we're going to start watching that this week. They break it down into chapters and I've heard it's just as good as the class.

We are not either but the DVD from Amazon is a great idea. I am going there right now to check it out.

Posted 3/20/06 10:00 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

This is the one we bought:

Image Attachment(s):
Posted 3/20/06 10:19 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

Posted by MrsJ

This is the one we bought:

Let me know how it is. I like the idea of fast forwarding the parts that might freak me out. Ignorance is bliss, IMO. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/20/06 10:23 AM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

We skipped it the first time and we'll be skipping the second. No need to spend $150 for something you could read in a book or online.

Posted 3/20/06 10:25 AM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

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Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

we are taking a childbirth 101 plus tour of the hospital class for 2 days, 12-5. don't know exactly what will be covered, but given the time frame i'm expecting not too much (the bradley method class they teach is something like 12 weeks Chat Icon).

i will take a breastfeeding class.

both of us with take infant/child CPR.

Posted 3/20/06 10:27 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

Posted by dandr10199
I like the idea of fast forwarding the parts that might freak me out. Ignorance is bliss, IMO. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/20/06 10:30 AM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

Never took the classes

Posted 3/20/06 1:52 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

We found the Breast Feeding and the Infant Child CPR to be decent... The Lamaze was a waste of time and money! We did maybe 15 minutes of breathing which was the main reason we singed up...

Posted 3/20/06 2:15 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

Well, we're both adult and infant CPR certified, so we don't need to do that, and I don't really want to take a breastfeeding class because I don't even really know if I will be BF. I think maybe I'll order the DVD so I can at least say we did SOMETHING. I already have background in pain management without medication, even though I plan on getting an epi. Thanks for all the input!

Posted 3/20/06 2:18 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

My sister said the lamaze class was a complete waste, so I'll probably skip it.

Posted 3/20/06 2:19 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

Posted by SoinLove

We skipped it the first time and we'll be skipping the second. No need to spend $150 for something you could read in a book or online.

Agreed! Lamaze was $150 and could have gotten dvd's and books and learned more...

Posted 3/20/06 2:20 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

Why do you limit yourself to Lamaze? There are some really great birthing methods out there..where the breathing actually can work for you. Hypnobirthing and Bradley. Most mothers I know who have taken them feel they were worth the money and truly prepared them to make the best decisions possible that day. Knowledge is power and never wasted IMO.

Posted 3/20/06 5:34 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

we are not going to take the classes. I have heard from friends and family that it was a waste of time and money.

we are going to buy or rent a few dvd's on the subject and call it a day :)

Posted 3/20/06 6:08 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

I felt the same away, that it was a waste, until I took childbirth classes.

I learned some new information, met the nurses at my hospital, and I honestly feel more informed of exactly what happens during the labor process. I def feel more confident, and less afraid of the unknown now that I took the classes at the hospital. I know exactly what the hospital's practices are, what they do, what they give, what happens to the baby after birth.

IMO if this is your first baby, childbirth classes are a must. THere is just so much you think you know, what you really don't know about the hospital you are going to give birth in. I think it def makes the process a little less scary.

Posted 3/21/06 7:25 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

Posted by MrsJ

We're not taking the class but I bought a DVD from (a couple girls on LIF bought the same one), and we're going to start watching that this week. They break it down into chapters and I've heard it's just as good as the class.

Did this as well and it helped alot!! Saved tons of money too

Posted 3/21/06 10:16 AM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

I didnt take any classes due to being sick with kidney stones and most girls i spoke to said that the nurses in L &D help out so much anyway when you are pushing. Well in my case.... NOT! I was pretty much on my own and I had a very difficult delivery and the nurse was totally worthless. Mind you she was a NUN nurse (delivered at Mercy Medical Center) and my question is this; " Why would you put a NUN to assist in Labor and Delivery when she doesnt know what labor pains feel like since she never GAVE BIRTH, let alone had SEX?????????????????????? If you can figure that out, get back to me!!!!

Chat Icon

That was just my experience....kinda wish i had taken some classes...

Posted 3/21/06 10:38 AM

life moves fast

Member since 5/05

4225 total posts


Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

I took a birthing class when I was pg with my son and IMO it was a waste of time and money... I had already read a lot of books and learned more from the books than from the class... I have a hypno-birthing book that I read while I was pg with my daughter and I found it to be very very helpful... I made it through my daughters delivery epi free and it was a pretty easy and calm delivery... if you want to borrow the book let me know Chat Icon
Definitely read up and/or watch videos though because if you and DH go into the delivery room clueless it will be stressful Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/21/06 10:51 AM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

I didn't take it and I don't think I missed out. When I first had labor pains, the breathing through them came so naturally I was amazed how your body relaxes itself to work through the pain, then came the epidural (I want to kiss the man that invented it)

My problems came when I was pushing...I hyperventilated myself because I was in a lot of pain (epi stopped working on one side)...I could have taken a hundred classes and I would have still done the same thing. I know what to expect next time, so maybe it will be different, and maybe it won't...

Posted 3/21/06 1:05 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

Rachel - you may want to xpost on the Parenting board for the BTDT moms.

Did take Bradley. We both found it helpful.

One of DH's first responses when we found out I was delivering at 34 weeks was "These means we don't have to take anymore classes, right?"Chat Icon

If you go for one, take a 1 day version vs multiday

eta. yoga helps with the breathing partChat Icon

Message edited 3/21/2006 2:28:25 PM.

Posted 3/21/06 2:27 PM

This is how I play basketball!

Member since 6/05

1980 total posts


Re: Anyone NOT taking lamaze or classes?

We're taking a childbirth class but it is NOT lamaze or a breathing class, in fact, when I called today, the teacher (L&D nurse) said that she believes in "pain-free childbirth" and is a proponent of the epidural. So this class is definitely not for those going natural.

We're also taking adult & child/infant CPR. I wouldn't miss that now that we're expecting.

Posted 3/21/06 3:59 PM
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