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Ok this is disturbing - there was a warning that it was disturbing

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You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Ok this is disturbing - there was a warning that it was disturbing

just didn't seem like that to me...
the tone seemed like you were defending..
I just didn't want Kathy to think she was being criticized....
but honestly....i don't care this is silly to me now

People reacted to a pretty vile pic...end of story Chat Icon

Message edited 2/1/2006 8:19:16 PM.

Posted 2/1/06 8:18 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: Ok this is disturbing - there was a warning that it was disturbing

i for one don't think i was being "ridiculous" or took the stance of "ahh who cares"....
it was a disgusting pic that TO ME, wasn't the least bit FUNNY! like i stated before, it wouldn't be funny, or you wouldn't be so nonchalant about it if that were YOUR child in that pic, now would it???

Posted 2/1/06 8:23 PM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

16353 total posts


Re: Ok this is disturbing - there was a warning that it was disturbing


I seem to remember a joke posted a while ago that some of us took offense to and stated such and we were told to get over it and lighten up and not ruin the boards for everyone else by being so "sensitive".

Seems everyone is on the other side of the fence this time.

Can't we just agree to disagree on this one as well and let it drop?

Posted 2/1/06 8:25 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Ok this is disturbing - there was a warning that it was disturbing

Posted by leighla


I seem to remember a joke posted a while ago that some of us took offense to and stated such and we were told to get over it and lighten up and not ruin the boards for everyone else by being so "sensitive".

Seems everyone is on the other side of the fence this time.

Can't we just agree to disagree on this one as well and let it drop?

i think i remember that...

but this is different...
people post pics of lots of things that people react

etc etc

why is this different?

this was reactions to the picture, not the post

Posted 2/1/06 8:27 PM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Ok this is disturbing - there was a warning that it was disturbing

Posted by MrsERod

i for one don't think i was being "ridiculous" or took the stance of "ahh who cares"....
it was a disgusting pic that TO ME, wasn't the least bit FUNNY! like i stated before, it wouldn't be funny, or you wouldn't be so nonchalant about it if that were YOUR child in that pic, now would it???

never used the word ridicoulous but you know what it is now!!!

yea I said ah who cares, and if I had kids their photo wouldnt be circulating the internet to be photoshoped. and seriously we are talking about MJ- and yes there are far more better things IMO to be disturbed about.

Posted 2/1/06 8:28 PM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

16353 total posts


Re: Ok this is disturbing - there was a warning that it was disturbing

It started out that way, but it seems to be turning into a bigger argument than that.

Maybe I'm misreading the situation.

Posted 2/1/06 8:28 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Ok this is disturbing - there was a warning that it was disturbing

Posted by leighla

It started out that way, but it seems to be turning into a bigger argument than that.

Maybe I'm misreading the situation.

see i guess that was my point...
i think people are thinking the comments are directed at Kathy...
which IMO they weren't
it was the picture...

But that was my take

Posted 2/1/06 8:30 PM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Ok this is disturbing - there was a warning that it was disturbing

Posted by Redhead

Posted by leighla


I seem to remember a joke posted a while ago that some of us took offense to and stated such and we were told to get over it and lighten up and not ruin the boards for everyone else by being so "sensitive".

Seems everyone is on the other side of the fence this time.

Can't we just agree to disagree on this one as well and let it drop?

i think i remember that...

but this is different...
people post pics of lots of things that people react

etc etc

why is this different?

this was reactions to the picture, not the post

this was MY reaction to this post. this is what it is about, the picture added to it. I read the description, I dont need a picture to get the message. I didnt disagree with you guys about it being sick all I said was ah who cares, guess my reaction doesnt count.

Posted 2/1/06 8:31 PM

I Love You to Pieces!

Member since 5/05

9919 total posts


Re: Ok this is disturbing - there was a warning that it was disturbing

Posted by Redhead

Posted by leighla


I seem to remember a joke posted a while ago that some of us took offense to and stated such and we were told to get over it and lighten up and not ruin the boards for everyone else by being so "sensitive".

Seems everyone is on the other side of the fence this time.

Can't we just agree to disagree on this one as well and let it drop?

i think i remember that...

but this is different...
people post pics of lots of things that people react

etc etc

why is this different?

this was reactions to the picture, not the post

I cannot even believe that those of us that reacted negatively to the PICTURE have to justify ourselves. Everyone posts on this board and everyone contributes opinions- the picture was DISGUSTING. Nobody is MAD at who posted it- at least I know I have no hard feelings and I don't really think anyone else does either. We just posted our opinion. Why the drama?

Posted 2/1/06 8:31 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: Ok this is disturbing - there was a warning that it was disturbing

Posted by girlygrl33

never used the word ridicoulous but you know what it is now!!!

never said YOU did!!!!!

Posted by girlygrl33

yea I said ah who cares, and if I had kids their photo wouldnt be circulating the internet to be photoshoped.

good for you.

Posted 2/1/06 8:31 PM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

16353 total posts


Re: Ok this is disturbing - there was a warning that it was disturbing

Posted by Redhead

Posted by leighla

It started out that way, but it seems to be turning into a bigger argument than that.

Maybe I'm misreading the situation.

see i guess that was my point...
i think people are thinking the comments are directed at Kathy...
which IMO they weren't
it was the picture...

But that was my take

I'm not talking about Kathy - she seems pretty removed from this now. I'm talking about the other "fighting" that has started because of it.

I agree. It was an awful pic, it's gone now. Why is this thread even still around?

Posted 2/1/06 8:35 PM

I Love You to Pieces!

Member since 5/05

9919 total posts


Re: Ok this is disturbing - there was a warning that it was disturbing

Posted by girlygrl33

Posted by Redhead

Posted by leighla


I seem to remember a joke posted a while ago that some of us took offense to and stated such and we were told to get over it and lighten up and not ruin the boards for everyone else by being so "sensitive".

Seems everyone is on the other side of the fence this time.

Can't we just agree to disagree on this one as well and let it drop?

i think i remember that...

but this is different...
people post pics of lots of things that people react

etc etc

why is this different?

this was reactions to the picture, not the post

this was MY reaction to this post. this is what it is about, the picture added to it. I read the description, I dont need a picture to get the message. I didnt disagree with you guys about it being sick all I said was ah who cares, guess my reaction doesnt count.

You reaction counts just as much as the next persons- it was just that your Ah who cares and other comments seemed to be more directed at those people that were disturbed by the post, not so much toward the picture- I think that is why you are getting the reaction you are getting.

Just a miscommunication I guess

Posted 2/1/06 8:35 PM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Ok this is disturbing - there was a warning that it was disturbing

Ok you guys can argue with yourselves. I stated my opinion in my original post as well. I cant help how you guys "may" take it or "how " you think I meant otherwise. you asked and I responded or had to "defend" myself. my reaction was ah who cares, yours was its disturbing.

editing to say to above post, yes this is def a miscommunication.

Message edited 2/1/2006 8:36:40 PM.

Posted 2/1/06 8:35 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Ok this is disturbing - there was a warning that it was disturbing

I really find it funny that this is STILL going on.

Isn't there anything else in the whole wide world that we can talk about?

Maybe I should just ask LIF to pull this post - because this is just stupid.

Posted 2/1/06 9:16 PM
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