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Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

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<3 <3 <3 <3

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Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

We have a dear, dear friend of the family, she's like a 3rd gradmother to me and has been a part of our family for 30+ years, she's 85 yrs old. Late last night my mother calls me and says she has been trying to call our friend and there was no answer. I told my mother (she lives in Fla) that she was probably either in the tub or sleeping and didn't answer the phone (the friend lives in Manhattan).

So this morning I called her around 10:00 am and there was no answer, so I thought maybe she went to church because she goes sometimes on Sunday's when she's feeling okay. She hasn't been well lately, but said she's been feeling better the past couple of weeks. I continued to call and decided at 11:45 I was going into the city, because I felt there was something wrong.

Needless to say, I'm so upset at myself for not going last night to check on her. When I got there, the handyman was kind enough to let me into her apartment (she's lived in the building for 60 years!). When I got in, I heard in the bathroom and found her covered up in a towel in the tub!! Chat Icon She decided last night around 8:00pm to take a bath and couldn't get out of the tub, she has been there since then and when I got to her apartment it was 12:30! She was in the bottom of her tub for 16 hours! I had told DH not to come, so he was at home. I had to argue with her to call the paramedics, because there was no way I was going to be able to lift her out of the tub by myself. The paramedics got there really quick and was able to get her out of the tub. She refused to go to the hospital, but they assured me she was okay and as long as she wasn't left alone for the rest of the day, she would be fine.

So I stayed with her until 4:30 this afternoon, then my sister came (she's a Dr.) and took her home with her and my BIL to stay for a while.

I was so scared driving into the city because I could only think of the worst case scenerio. This is the first time I've had to deal with anything like this. We're her only family.

Posted 7/23/06 7:47 PM
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My Love

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

oh gosh I kno how scary that can be, I am so sorry you and she had to go threw that, Im glad she is ok now Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/23/06 7:50 PM


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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

wow, that is scary!! I am so glad everything is ok!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/23/06 7:50 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

OMG - thank god she was ok Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Could you imagine if you didn't go to check on her Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/23/06 7:54 PM

Pookie Love

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

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Posted 7/23/06 7:54 PM

Waiting for Lil' M....

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

You are a very caring person!!! Thank god she's alive.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/23/06 7:54 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

Posted by Marcie

OMG - thank god she was ok Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Could you imagine if you didn't go to check on her Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I know... I'm so upset at myself though for not listening to my gut and going in late last night. I was thankful though that the doorman and handyman didn't question me or give me a hard time about letting me in her apartment.

It was hard to keep my calm for her too, I'm a VERY sensitive and emotinal person, but I didn't want her to see me get upset and freak out, I waited until I got home to do that.

It's so important for elderly folks to have an emergency contact and a way to contact someone in case of an emergency. She only has a regular corded phone so she said it kept getting her more and more upset everytime the phone rang because she knew it was us calling. So, on my way home I picked up a cordless phone that once she goes home, we told her anytime she goes anywhere in her apartment, she is to have the cordless phone with her.

Does anyone know about this lifeline necklaces/bracelets? Will her insurance cover the charge if there is a charge for it? We need to have a back up emergency plan for her.

Posted 7/23/06 8:00 PM

Don't eat me, hippo!

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

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Posted 7/23/06 8:01 PM


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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

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Posted 7/23/06 8:01 PM

She's here!

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

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Posted 7/23/06 8:19 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

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Posted 7/23/06 8:21 PM

So in love!

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

That's horrible - good thing you went to check on her. I hope she is ok and that you are ok too - it sounds like an emotional and exhausting day.

Posted 7/23/06 8:23 PM

LIF Infant

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

You should be proud of yourself for going at all. I'm sure many (well-intentioned) people would have kept waiting, afraid to act on "nothing." She's lucky she has you!

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Posted 7/23/06 8:40 PM


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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

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Posted 7/23/06 9:18 PM

Twin mommy

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

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Posted 7/23/06 9:24 PM


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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

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Posted 7/23/06 9:25 PM

True love

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

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Posted 7/23/06 9:25 PM

J'taime Paris!

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

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Posted 7/23/06 9:26 PM

Don't Worry...Be Happy

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

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I'm sorry that you had such a bad day, but you probably saved her life. It was so nice of you to go there and make sure she was okay. It must have been so scary for her not to be able to get up, and to hear the phone ringing.

I'm glad she will be staying with someone for a couple of days.

Always trust your gut feeling. Chat Icon

Posted 7/23/06 9:34 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

Omg, that's so scary. Thank god you went to check on her. You are a good person for being caring and loving enough to go there and make sure she was ok.Chat Icon

Posted 7/23/06 9:38 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

How sorry you had to experience that. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/23/06 9:40 PM


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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

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Posted 7/23/06 9:45 PM

Life is good!

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

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Posted 7/23/06 9:50 PM

Come on in

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

I could only imagine the scary thoughts that were going through your head.

My grandmother lives alone and has dimenta. i was calling her one day and her phone would just ring and ring. I had my mother go to her house because I was a wreck. My grandmother decided to take a walk around the corner. Yea a 4 hour walk. Chat Icon

Their are so many scary thoughts that can run through someone's head when it's an elderly person who lives by themselves.

one of those lifeline things I think would be fabulous for her. I think insurance does cover it.

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Posted 7/23/06 9:57 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Had a REALLY bad day, could use some hugs

Glad she is ok, I hope she feels better! Chat Icon

Posted 7/23/06 10:00 PM
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