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I don;t know what to do

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LIF Zygote

Member since 2/06

2 total posts


I don;t know what to do

I frequent these posts but I decided to hide my real identity.

I just found out I'm pregnant with my second child but I honestly don't know if this is the right time to have this child since we are already struggling with one as it is. obviously this wasn't planned but I don't want to have any regrets. it's just too much with our one year old child.

I'm so overwhelmed and I don't think that I can have this baby at this time.

please help.

Posted 2/2/06 7:55 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I don;t know what to do

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Posted 2/2/06 8:07 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: I don;t know what to do

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Posted 2/2/06 8:11 PM

so outrageous

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Re: I don;t know what to do

i had a 7month old when i found out i was preggo she will be 17 months when my son is born i freaked, cried etc...but in the end i thought well GOD must think the time is right, ....good luck in whatever you choose!!! Chat Icon

Posted 2/2/06 8:12 PM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: I don;t know what to do

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Posted 2/2/06 8:26 PM

True love

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Re: I don;t know what to do

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Posted 2/2/06 11:31 PM

LIF Infant

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Re: I don;t know what to do

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Posted 2/3/06 7:36 AM

woulda, coulda, shoulda

Member since 12/05

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Re: I don;t know what to do

I hope things get easier and if it was me I would have regrets too, so I understand...I hope everything works out...Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/06 7:50 AM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

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Re: I don;t know what to do

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Posted 2/3/06 8:48 AM

Complete Happiness :)

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LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: I don;t know what to do

I can understand how you feel so overwhelmed, but I would take it as a blessing.

You can always find a way of things working out, whether it be financial or what have you. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/06 11:19 AM

Love my baby boy!

Member since 9/05

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Re: I don;t know what to do

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Posted 2/3/06 11:19 AM


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Re: I don;t know what to do

I'm sorry you are feeling so overwhelmed. I felt the same way when I found out I was pregnant this time. My kids will be 16 months apart when this baby is born, and both DH and I felt the same way. How are we going to do this? But as time as passed we realized it's not impossible, just hard, and we'll continue to make whatever sacrifices we need to get by. We're both really excited now.

Please feel free to FM if you need to talk. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/06 11:59 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: I don;t know what to do

I am sorry to hear that you are feeling overwhelmed. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I can't imagine being in your situation. I am about to have one, and she was planned, and I am feeling overwhelmed.

I just want to remind you that you have options. Whatever you decide, it will be OK. We are always here for you for support, advice and just some Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon It will all work out. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/06 2:17 PM


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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: I don;t know what to do

my children are 20 months apart. and i was in the same spot as you. i found out i was pregnant when my baby was 11 months old. i was panicked and shocked as well. but i just thought it must have been meant to be. and that now my dd would have a sibling close in age. and i am happy about that now. not to mention. i had a routine fall right into place. and all of my dd things were like brand new so i didnt need a new crib, or playpen, etc. just new clothes (baby number 2 was a boy, lol). so its really going to be alot easier then you think, believe me. fm me anytime if you want to talk.Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/06 2:35 PM

big brother <3

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Re: I don;t know what to do

Posted by Shellyesq

I am sorry to hear that you are feeling overwhelmed. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I can't imagine being in your situation. I am about to have one, and she was planned, and I am feeling overwhelmed.

I just want to remind you that you have options. Whatever you decide, it will be OK. We are always here for you for support, advice and just some Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon It will all work out. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon I totally agree with this. Even under the best planned circumstances, a baby is incredibly overwhelming. If you don't think you will be able to provide for your baby with the stress and cost of another, there are options. Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/06 2:55 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: I don;t know what to do

Posted by Marcie

I can understand how you feel so overwhelmed, but I would take it as a blessing.

You can always find a way of things working out, whether it be financial or what have you. Chat Icon Chat Icon

I agreeChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/06 3:30 PM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: I don;t know what to do

Posted by Shellyesq

I am sorry to hear that you are feeling overwhelmed. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I can't imagine being in your situation. I am about to have one, and she was planned, and I am feeling overwhelmed.

I just want to remind you that you have options. Whatever you decide, it will be OK. We are always here for you for support, advice and just some Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon It will all work out. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Yes yes I agree too Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/06 4:08 PM

Fall Is Here

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Re: I don;t know what to do

soley, I will advise that you follow your heart. There are other options if you choose to do so. Does your DH know you are pregnant? I can not imagine how you must feel, but I will be parying for you & the choice you decide to make. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/06 4:47 PM

Foxy Lady

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Re: I don;t know what to do

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Posted 2/3/06 8:03 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: I don;t know what to do

I'm sorry you're going through this hard time. Maybe it's time to sit down with your DH and talk to him about your options and whether this is something you both want to do.

I know the thought of having two babies under 2 can be overwhelming. Many times the reality isn't as hard. My children are 22 months apart (planned). For me it was similar to finding out when I was first pregnant and thinking how completely unprepared and unqualified we were to be parents - even though we were TTC.

I can't imagine how hard of a decision this is for you. Just know that whatever you decide is the right choice. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/06 10:15 PM


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Re: I don;t know what to do

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Posted 2/4/06 12:14 AM

C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05

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Re: I don;t know what to do

Embrace it.....I don't know if anyone is ever "ready" for another or even a first. I am sure that you will make the right decision.

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Posted 2/4/06 5:38 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: I don;t know what to do

The right decision for you, may not be the right decision for other people. Talk to your DH and figure out how you both feel about having another baby. If it's not something you think you can handle, financially or otherwise, than there's no shame in terminating. You have to do what's best for you and the family you already have. I know it's a tough decision, and I wish you strenth in whatever you decide to do. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/4/06 7:38 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: I don;t know what to do

My heart goes out to any woman who finds herself in the situation of an unplanned pregnancy since I've been there. It's just so overwhelming and such a difficult decision to come terms with (whatever way you decide). Even if you know that you would never terminate, you still have to accept the fact that you will have a baby that you didn't plan for.

I have an almost 7 month old right now and I know that I would probably feel the same way you do if I were to find out I was pg right now too. I just don't know if I could handle another one right now. Two children so close in age...

But the way I see it now, and the way I came to see it (eventually) with my unplanned pregnancy was that... sometimes we have a plan but God's plan for us is different. You know what they say...the best way to make God laugh is to plan.

That is not to say that your fears and concerns and reasons for feeling that you can't have this baby at this time are not legitimate. They certainly are. But while you are making this decision, take into consideration what I said above. And just remember that sometimes in life we have to make decisions with our hearts instead of with our minds. Good luck. I know how hard this is. Talk with your DH ALOT. It will help. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/5/06 9:22 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I don;t know what to do

Take some time to think it over before making a decision either way....I felt the same way when I was pregnant with my 2nd child and I was thinking about options........let me just say that she is the BEST thing that ever happened to us and I cant even imagine what my life would be like had we not had her

I t was a struggle at first but everything fell into place

Good luck with whatever you decideChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/5/06 12:00 PM
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