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The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

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My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Posted by missus-hbradio

The people who ask that dont even realize that carat weight does not make the ring, but CLARITY sure does!

Funny you should say that because I have seen people with rings twice the size of mine and they dont sparkle one bit. Though I am constantly in amazement because the only people who ask about my ring seem to be employees of Subway Restaurants.Chat Icon

Posted 8/22/06 9:38 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

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Message edited 11/5/2006 10:38:07 AM.

Posted 8/22/06 9:39 AM

2nd verse same as the 1st

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Posted by missus-hbradio

The people who ask that dont even realize that carat weight does not make the ring, but CLARITY sure does!

Ain't that the truth! I was in a diamond/jewelery store once and this guy was buying diamond earrings for his girlfriend. He told the clerk that he wanted the biggest pair he could get for $x. And big is what he got -- big yellow diamonds.

Posted 8/22/06 9:39 AM


Member since 6/06

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Posted by ChrissynRicky

Posted by curliegirl

Posted by LRusso

When people ask me....I admit I'm always a tad taken back! It's right up there with "How much do you weigh?"

you can just say you don't even know, it's not that important to you, so you didn't even ask yourself!

I agree...I honestly don't know how many carats (exactly) my ring I'm not "lying" when I say "I don't know."

I have no idea what my ring is!

Posted 8/22/06 9:39 AM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Wanna laugh? People actually asked me if my Coach bag was real. As if i couldnt afford one. Yes I know I used gift cards, but to ask????

Posted 8/22/06 9:40 AM


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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

I guess I'm in the minority, but it really doesn't bother me! I don't think anyone means anything ill by it...

My stone is small in comparison to most NYers, but hey, I picked it out, its perfect for me, and I think its pretty damn beautiful.

Posted 8/22/06 9:47 AM

My Babies

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Posted by Goldi0218

Posted by missus-hbradio

The people who ask that dont even realize that carat weight does not make the ring, but CLARITY sure does!

Funny you should say that because I have seen people with rings twice the size of mine and they dont sparkle one bit. Though I am constantly in amazement because the only people who ask about my ring seem to be employees of Subway Restaurants.Chat Icon

So true. I honestly don't know the size of my ring, however I do know that DH when for smaller for better clarity and I can tell you that my ring has not been cleaned in over two years since my wedding (bad girl) and yet it amazes me how much this thing still sparkles. Bigger doesn't always mean better so its kind of a dumb question to ask!!!

Posted 8/22/06 9:48 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Its funny I was this before & posted. Sometimes it does not occur to me that it is just someone trying to be a bi@tch.

Then i read the other responsesChat Icon

Posted 8/22/06 9:48 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Posted by Goldi0218

Posted by missus-hbradio

The people who ask that dont even realize that carat weight does not make the ring, but CLARITY sure does!

Funny you should say that because I have seen people with rings twice the size of mine and they dont sparkle one bit. Though I am constantly in amazement because the only people who ask about my ring seem to be employees of Subway Restaurants.Chat Icon


The clarity & cut are soooo important.

I actually have a relative of DH that just bought a 3k ring for his FI. It is horrible, does not sparkle, and has asymmetrical facets, so the light does not bounce. No fire, and it looks cloudy. But yet she feels the need to tell me how small my ring is (which it is not to me) compared to hers. Finally I was like, whatever, at least mine does not look like it came from the bottom of a swampChat Icon

Posted 8/22/06 9:51 AM

Where it all began....

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Posted by MsMBV

The clarity & cut are soooo important.

I actually have a relative of DH that just bought a 3k ring for his FI. It is horrible, does not sparkle, and has asymmetrical facets, so the light does not bounce. No fire, and it looks cloudy. But yet she feels the need to tell me how small my ring is (which it is not to me) compared to hers. Finally I was like, whatever, at least mine does not look like it came from the bottom of a swampChat Icon

Chat Icon I just laughed so loud!! Good for you!!Chat Icon

Posted 8/22/06 9:53 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Posted by Shorty

its really no big deal to some people - to them, its right up there with "what size shoe are you" or something like that.

I don't answer those questions, but I don't mind them either.

To each her own, I guess. Chat Icon

I agree.

I mean...I would never ask someone in real life, its a bit "tacky" (excuse my lack of better words) But on a place like LIW...doesn't bother me.

I answered it....because I don't mind. But if in person someone asked...I give them the "I'm not sure answer".

I'm not really sure why it is I can do it online but not in personChat Icon

But shorty each their own.Chat Icon

Posted 8/22/06 9:54 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Posted by Shorty

I guess I'm in the minority, but it really doesn't bother me! I don't think anyone means anything ill by it...

My stone is small in comparison to most NYers, but hey, I picked it out, its perfect for me, and I think its pretty damn beautiful.

Me too... doesn't bother me at all, I guess because the size of the ring really doesn't determine how much it cost... smaller diamonds can cost just as much, if not more than larger ones, so if someone asks the carats, I don't think they're necessarily probing for the cost because it doesn't really have a whole lot to do with it ...

Posted 8/22/06 9:55 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

I also would have to say that it wouldn't really bother me that much. My diamond is not large, it isn't the best quality, it has it's flaws, but I love the ring that my DH got me and I know that he went through a lot to pick it out, so I am not ashamed or embarassed about it size, color, clarity, etc. I love my ring -- I guess if someone outright said "god, that is the ugliest ring I've ever seen" I'd be offended but I think the stones help to make it what it is -- my own unique ring.

Posted 8/22/06 9:59 AM

LIF Toddler

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Posted by coopersmom

After we got engaged someone said to me, "He must really love you."

What kind of comment is that?

Does that mean that love=money????

I just don't get it!!!!!

If he would have given me a ring made out of PAPER and asked me to marry him I would have said YES!

Oh my god.. I get that all the time.. he must love you to give you a ring like that... I just look at them and laugh.. what is that suppose to mean.. people are clueless.. for real..

Posted 8/22/06 9:59 AM

27 dresses.?.ha..TY everyone

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Posted by angnick

i just saw a post on the liweddings board

so ridiculous. these girls are actually posting the size cut clarity u name it - it is pretty funny

So true. People used to FM me to ask me about the size of my ring. I honestly would reply, I don't know. It was my great grandmothers and I have no interest in knowing the size at all. The meaning behind the stone means so much more to me than the size, cut, clarity, etc. Girls would totally think I was lying when I said I didn't know, they didn't know how to give it a rest. I just deleted the picture of my ring and I was never questioned again.

Posted 8/22/06 10:01 AM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

23902 total posts


Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Posted by MsMBV


Yeah I think there is some conspiracy there. I went in and some lady said:

"Nice ring, where did you get it?"
(As if I picked it out myself)

"Um my fiance(we were engaged at the time) gave it to me."

"Did he get it on 47th street?"

"Gumball machine. Now give me my d a m n sandwich and let me leave."

Posted 8/22/06 10:03 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Posted by maybebaby

Posted by angnick

i just saw a post on the liweddings board

so ridiculous. these girls are actually posting the size cut clarity u name it - it is pretty funny

When I was planning my wedding last year there was a post on this as well on liweddings...and the thing thats funny is that it went on for pages...with almost everyone posting the size, clarity, cut etc...I did NOT post rather just rolled my eyes. I think its so tacky!!!

I think it is tacky and I said so on LIW...they did not like that too much....oh well Chat Icon

Posted 8/22/06 10:05 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Can someone post a link to the post on LIW? I need a good laugh todayChat Icon

Posted 8/22/06 10:09 AM

Life is good...

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

I think this is rude as well. I never got asked it becaue I dont' have a big ring Chat Icon

One day a girl at work got engaged and someone said "wow, what a nice big ring, he must really love you" Chat Icon Like the size of the ring has something to do with the amount of love one has for another. hmmmmm

Posted 8/22/06 10:12 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

This topic ALWAYS causes drama and controversy..... hence you will notice my comment on the source that remains nameless.

Posted 8/22/06 10:14 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Posted by Goldi0218

Posted by MsMBV


Yeah I think there is some conspiracy there. I went in and some lady said:

"Nice ring, where did you get it?"
(As if I picked it out myself)

"Um my fiance(we were engaged at the time) gave it to me."

"Did he get it on 47th street?"

"Gumball machine. Now give me my d a m n sandwich and let me leave."

lol...omg that's too friggin muchChat Icon

Posted 8/22/06 10:23 AM

27 dresses.?.ha..TY everyone

Member since 8/06

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

Posted by dandr10199

Can someone post a link to the post on LIW? I need a good laugh todayChat Icon

Posted 8/22/06 10:23 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/05

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

I think the BEST response is - Why do you want to know?

It applies to all those questions that are inappropriate

Posted 8/22/06 10:24 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

I do think it's rude if a stranger on the street asks you
but if a friend or family member asked me it would not bother me
I don't think that they are rude to post that cause if people don't want to answer they don't have to

Posted 8/22/06 10:24 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: The source shall remain nameless, but I totally think it's rude:

there was an older thread on LIW, lemme see if I can find it...that was the really juicy stuff......

Posted 8/22/06 10:26 AM
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