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Would you buy a house if it was a former crime scene?

Forum Opinion Poll
Yes! Who cares, as long as I get a great price! 14 14.89%
No, never! 56 59.57%
Maybe (explain) 24 25.53%

Would you live in a house if...

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Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

15857 total posts


Re: Would you live in a house if...

Posted by MissJones

If someone died in the house, fine, but if they died horrifically or violently, no. My greataunt lived with us a long time ago and died in the house (cancer). Shortly after, I painted and cleaned the room and moved in. It was MY room after that. But if someone died in a way that was not peaceful, then no. Don't need the energy.

Same here. If someone passed away from a disease or old age, thats fine. If someone was KILLED or committed suicide, no I couldnt deal with knowing that happened in my home.

In college an RA hung himself in the closet. Every year I got nervous around the time room assignments came around. Most people did too although there were some guys who were being all macho about it and saying they wouldnt mind living there.

Posted 8/11/06 10:23 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Would you live in a house if...


Posted 8/11/06 10:24 PM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

20046 total posts

Gerty ®

Re: Would you live in a house if...

I think if it were small or petty crime I wouldn't have a problem. But, anything that is well publicized I wouldn't be interested in would have freaks driving by and/or knocking on your door forever. Look at the Amityville houseChat Icon

Posted 8/11/06 10:29 PM
Pages: 1 [2]

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