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Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

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Member since 3/06

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Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

I can literally sleep a weekend away if I'm allowed. I have never met anyone else that can do this. I require so much sleep. Right now I am nodding away at my desk. And yes, I've been tested for anemia and other things....

Posted 8/16/06 2:14 PM
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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

Posted by johnsae

I can literally sleep a weekend away if I'm allowed. I have never met anyone else that can do this. I require so much sleep. Right now I am nodding away at my desk. And yes, I've been tested for anemia and other things....

My DH can

Posted 8/16/06 2:15 PM


Member since 6/06

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

guilty. I won't sleep the weekend away and don't get tired in the afternoon or evening BUT I can not wake up in the mornings... I can easily sleep till 11 if allowed Chat Icon
Apparently I have given my son this gene as well yet no one else in my family is like this Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/06 2:18 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

Posted by MrsRbk

Posted by johnsae

I can literally sleep a weekend away if I'm allowed. I have never met anyone else that can do this. I require so much sleep. Right now I am nodding away at my desk. And yes, I've been tested for anemia and other things....

My DH can

Mine too!

Posted 8/16/06 2:18 PM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

MY FH could sleep for an entire day and not feel rested. Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/06 2:18 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

my DH could sleep whenever and wherever and not feel guilty about it !

Posted 8/16/06 2:21 PM


Member since 3/06

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

Posted by JenniferEver

MY FH could sleep for an entire day and not feel rested. Chat Icon

me too! Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/06 2:22 PM

BOOOO for fall!

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

I am NOT a morning person- I can stay up pretty late but anything before 9:30 or 10 am is too early for me.
I have to literally DRAG myself out of bed for work every morning. I feel like I'd sell my soul for a few more hours of sleep every day!
On the weekends I sleep in and also can easily doze off for an afternoon nap! Chat Icon
My favorite leisure activity is definitely sleeping!

Posted 8/16/06 2:23 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

Im the opposite, Im a morning person, so anything past 8am, I feel like Ive wasted time sleeping Chat Icon but I will say that, try to get me to watch a movie past 8pm and I will fall asleep within half hour Chat Icon Chat Icon

Although I DID just find out Im very anemic (after my c/s), Ive always been like this.

and then I have a problem falling asleep during the day. No matter how hard I try to nap once in a while, I wILL NOT fall asleep, soo frustrating Chat Icon

I guess I WISH I slept some more Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/06 2:28 PM

Life is So Wonderful!

Member since 8/06

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

Posted by JenniferEver

MY FH could sleep for an entire day and not feel rested. Chat Icon

so could my DH

Posted 8/16/06 2:29 PM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

Have any of you or your DH's been diagnosed with anything or given anything to help?

Posted 8/16/06 2:30 PM

I am what I am

Member since 12/05

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

Although DH pesters me to get up between 10-11am, I've been known to sleep til 2pm. Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/06 2:45 PM

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Member since 3/06

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

This has started happening to me in the last couple of years and I blame it on a few things:

1- getting older Chat Icon
2-changing from a very active waitressing job to a sedentary desk job Chat Icon
3-being diagnosed with hyothyroidism

I have been taking Synthroid for it for 3 years, but I still can fall asleep at 9:30 if you put me on the couch!!!!

Posted 8/16/06 2:49 PM

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

UM>>> I AM LIKE THIS! Literally... every morning is a STRUGGLE! However, I can stay up late... but morning are KILLER! And I can always NAP in the afternoon (not that I EVER get the chance to)... on the other hand DH is total opposite... He is up between 7:30-8:30 ON WEEKENDS! However, he's snoring away by 10pm!

Posted 8/16/06 2:54 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

Thats me! I can literally sleep for two days straight and I avoid naps because I cant get up from them. If I try to nap say for an hour at night, I wake up the next day..sTILL tired. I dont think theres anything wrong with me...maybe but nothing I see fixable. I LOVE to sleep..and just talking about it now makes me wanna go nap for a long long time... Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/06 2:54 PM

R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

I have the opposite problem.I can't really sleep for long periods of time.I'm usually up by 6:00am 7 days aweek!

Message edited 8/16/2006 3:42:45 PM.

Posted 8/16/06 3:42 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

I LOVE sleeping!! My sister is the same way - DH says that we are like cats!!!

I have to go to sleep early and I HATE waking in the morning.

I think a lot of it is that I don't work out anymore....

Posted 8/16/06 3:45 PM

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

I def. "could" but I don't and I haven't had 1 good 5hr stretch of solid-uninteruppted sleep in over 3 years. I have a 2yo and that stops once you reach 6mos preggo! I WISH I could sleep for a weekend or even just 8 hrs straight. Even when my son is with his dad I still cant sleep due to work or always something to do!

Posted 8/16/06 3:52 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

Posted by atracinact

I have the opposite problem.I can't really sleep for long periods of time.I'm usually up by 6:00am 7 days aweek!

me too!!!!

Posted 8/16/06 3:53 PM

Don't eat me, hippo!

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

I wish I could sleep that long

I'm just hoping my insomnia doesn't return this school year Chat Icon

The latest I've slept this summer is like 9:30. Most mornings I'm up no later than 7

Posted 8/16/06 3:56 PM

My princess!

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

I could sleep ALL THE TIME if possible. I am due in like 2 weeks with our first baby and its one of the things that scares me the most. I am so scared I will never sleep again! LOL Hopefully my child will like to sleep..I cant imagine what I will do without mine!

Posted 8/16/06 3:59 PM

Love Being A Mommy!

Member since 6/06

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

nah..i actually find I dont need as much sleep anymore. Usually up by 9 on the weekends.

Posted 8/16/06 4:00 PM


Member since 2/06

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Suzanne / SuzBride

Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

me - the more I sleep, the more I want to sleep. It is an unending cycle. I can go to sleep early, and then still wake up late nad then feel the need to take a nap. It annoys DH to no end!

Posted 8/16/06 4:03 PM

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

I wish I could more than I should Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/06 4:18 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

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Re: Does anyone else here sleep more than you should?

i love sleep. but i hate that on the weekends i have to fight to stay asleep since my body is used to waking up at 6:30-7:00 am.

but i take naps, so that helps

Posted 8/16/06 4:23 PM
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