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I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

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The Key to your new home....

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I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

aren't I suppose to have this next year??

I just feel like I want to make changes in my career and I am not sure how to do it

some of it is positive- I made a lot of doc appiontments ( things I have been putting off like the dermatologist) and I am working out like crazy-

anyone else go thru this?

Posted 5/1/06 12:21 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

I was freaked out at 29. Like I was missing my schedule or something.
In reality none of the birthdays bother me anymore. Life happens when & how it is supposed to, so I stopped freaking. (but I do still make sure I go to the Dr. regularlyChat Icon

Try to enjoy your birthdayChat Icon

Posted 5/1/06 12:23 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

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I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

when i hit 30 i thought i'd go through the same, but so far, nothin!

just enjoy and don't stress about next year, enjoy the last of your 20's

Posted 5/1/06 12:23 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

I am turning 30 this July and I am freaking out but when I turned 29, I had a breakdown also. I was so upset that I would be out of my twenties in 1 year and it made me feel like "OMG, I have to actually be an adult" Chat Icon

Posted 5/1/06 12:25 PM


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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

I'm turning 30 this year and I feel I need a career change too! Anything I'm interested in is a HUGE paycut... I'd like to buy a house within this century and start having children...Chat Icon Can't do either of those with a huge paycut!Chat Icon

Someone recommended I buy this book...I haven't started it yet, but the few pages I have looked at are very motivating... We'll see how far I go...
B&N - Career Book

Posted 5/1/06 12:26 PM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

funny you posted this, I turned 29 this year and all of a sudden, a light just turned on in my brain and then I realized that I needed to do many things for me before it was too late.

I can relate.Chat Icon

Posted 5/1/06 12:26 PM

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

Posted by BNL2005

when i hit 30 i thought i'd go through the same, but so far, nothin!

just enjoy and don't stress about next year, enjoy the last of your 20's

Me too, 30 has been pretty good so far Chat Icon

Posted 5/1/06 12:26 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

Some people refer to 29 as your "Saturn year" because the plant Saturn goes around the sun once every 29 years. Supposedly it's the time when you should examine your life and the things that are irking you because anything that's unresolved will be hanging over your head till you're 58. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Don't know how true it is, if you don't buy much into astrology you may think it's a lot of hooey (which maybe it is! Chat Icon) But 29 is when a lot of people settle down, have babies, etc., though I think it has more to do with 30 being around the corner.

I read an interesting novel called Saturn's Return to New York a few years ago. It was pretty good- that's where I first heard about the Saturn year thing.

Posted 5/1/06 12:29 PM

St Philomena Protect My Son

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

My 29th is in three weeks, DH just reminded me this morning that it's my "birthday month". I've been trying not to think about it at all, I've even avoided a birthday party by creating a 1 yr anniversary of our closing party on June 3rd. Since we aren't going to have two parties so close to eachother, I just took the attention off of my birthday.

Try to enjoy it, I think once the day is over it'll be fine. I keep telling myself it's just a number. Chat Icon

Posted 5/1/06 12:31 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

When I turned 29 (years ago!) I freaked out. 30 wasn't bad, but I had a hard time with 29.

I had a mini melt down this year when I turned 35!

Posted 5/1/06 12:33 PM

Now a mommy of 2!!!

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

I feel you...I am turning 29 next week...

My friend's was last week and she spent the day crying

Posted 5/1/06 12:40 PM

Big sister to be!

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

It's weird, but I think I freaked out more when turning 29 than turning 30. I think there was so much anticipation and dread in that last year of my 20's (knowing that my 20's were almost over), that when 30 finally got here - it was not even close to being as big a deal as I thought it would be!

Posted 5/1/06 12:51 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

I'm freaking out because I just turned 39 and I so don't want to turn 40. I'm having a hard time with it. Also, not as far along in life as I would like to be is killing me. I feel your pain. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/1/06 12:53 PM

The Key to your new home....

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

I feel better to know I am not alone

thanks everyone

Posted 5/1/06 1:22 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

I'm also turning 29 this month and am REALLY freaked out Chat Icon

Posted 5/1/06 1:22 PM

My Heart and Soul

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

I just turned 29 on Thursday of last week!! yes same here this year really hit me for some reason! I think next year when I turn 30 I will be ok but crazy this year!! I was crying on my birthday!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/1/06 1:54 PM

Happy Birthday baby girl!!

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

Posted by stephanief

Posted by BNL2005

when i hit 30 i thought i'd go through the same, but so far, nothin!

just enjoy and don't stress about next year, enjoy the last of your 20's

Me too, 30 has been pretty good so far Chat Icon

Same with me so far, I just turned 30 yesterday and it is not so badChat Icon For some reason 25 hit me the hardestChat Icon

Posted 5/1/06 1:54 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

i'm in the same boat as you feeling the same way. i'll be 29 in exactly 2 months just feel like i need to do more with my life but don't know how or where to start hopefully i'll figure it out soon get it togetherChat Icon

Posted 5/1/06 2:19 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

I too had a harder time with 29 then I did at 30. Enjoy your B-Day! Chat Icon

Posted 5/1/06 2:21 PM


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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

Posted by Giannas-mama
Same with me so far, I just turned 30 yesterday and it is not so badChat Icon For some reason 25 hit me the hardestChat Icon

I'll be 25 in December, and it makes my head hurt to think about it. Chat Icon I tell DH i am having a quarter life crisis.

Posted 5/1/06 2:24 PM

Time flies!

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

I'm turning 29 in 3 weeks and then a week later getting married - I've been in such a funk lately and I can't figure out what the heck is wrong with me.

Posted 5/1/06 2:26 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

24849 total posts


Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

ok today I found a job that I am really interstead in - I sent my resume and now I am waiting for a call

I hate this part

but it would be a nice b-day gift!

Posted 5/2/06 2:09 PM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

Posted by Beth1210

ok today I found a job that I am really interstead in - I sent my resume and now I am waiting for a call

I hate this part

but it would be a nice b-day gift!

good job vives.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/2/06 2:11 PM

True love

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/2/06 2:24 PM

My Boys!

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Re: I turning 29 this week and I am having a break down

I was much worse when I turned 29 than 30. It seemed to be the odd years that I had the hardest time with.

Don't let it get to you, enjoy your birthweek!!

ETA: Please remind me of this when I turn 39 next month!

Message edited 5/2/2006 2:29:30 PM.

Posted 5/2/06 2:28 PM
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