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Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3


Ladies, when I started writing this post earlier, I was gonna begin with..."things just cant get any worse", and while throughout this whole begining you will prob agree with me.... I will assure you it does have a happy ending!

We got to court @ about 8:45. my mom, my brother and I all drove together- so you can imagine the huge headache I arrived @ court w/. We met w/ the advocates Wendy sent over (Wendy- I need your address...because I have to send you SOMETHING!!! Your help was and is greatly appreciated- these girls were AMAZING)

Both my mom and brother were appointed a lawyer, and w/o getting into a billion minor details... there was alot of going back and forth- getting the same info over and over again...

My brother was offered an out- if he volunteered into a probation drug rehad (outpatient) type thing- but of course he refused!

@ 1:00 the judge broke for lunch- and my moms lawyer says "Justins lawyer is motioning to dismiss the case, and he'll prob get it- there is not enough evidence to back up the violence and the PO who did your paperwork- didnt not put the proper info on here- to get the drug clause- you should w/ draw the OOP w/o prejudice- come back tomorrow and get a new pet. w/ the right info" And basically start all over!

Naturally my mom got upset, started to cry- because once again- she is not getting the help she is seeking, annd my brother wins!

My moms lawyer told her she didnt have time for this, and said she was removing herself from the case

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My mom was just hysterical, and just wanted to give up...

After all this I left, I knew they'd be there for alot longer, and I needed to get home to RJ- Who if you read the parenting board is now really sick Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Anyways- I just got a call from my mom, saying Im never gonna believe this...

Her case was the last one to be seen by the judge today (Yep she was there @ 8:30- and didnt get seen til 6ish) She obviously was going to go in there and w/draw the OOP w/o prejudice because if she did it that way rather than the judge dismiss it (which the lawyers said was what the judge was gonna do) SHe could file again- If the judge dismissed it, she could not...

When they got before the judge- they said they planned to w/draw- and the judge OUT OF NOWHERE asks my mom if she thinks he is on drugs, my mom said yes... AND FINALLY WAS GIVEN THE CHANCE TO BE HER BABBLING SELF, AND TELL HER STORY....He ordered a drug test right there, AND added a drug clause into her permanant (which means for 1yr)OOP (stating he cant come home under the influence of drugs or alcohol) This was all done w/o the right paper work and all...!!!! My mom along with my brother, the advocates, and the lawyers- was shocked. One lawyer even said "but judge we dont have time to do that- you said you were gonna dismiss it...!" And he said he just saw something more!!!Chat Icon He questioned my brothers lawyer on why- if she knew he was on drugs why it wasnt presented to him, and she denied knowing (which was a big fat lie... because she was given my mother file to review, and my mothers written statement says clearly- he uses...!!!

Now- this is just a start- If he stops using, and stops being a beast...then this might just end here- but if he violates it, he will be arrested and at that point the judge will decide whether or not to order him to rehab!

I still cant believe it- Im in shock how the judge on a whim- would just do this, because "he had a feeling"

Thanks for all your prayers!!! (but please keep them coming- for this is only a step to a total success story)

And a special thanks to: Wendy Rachel Jamie, and Rose(I really hope I didnt 4get anyone)... ladies you just have no idea the difference you've madeChat Icon

Message edited 4/19/2006 6:59:41 PM.

Posted 4/18/06 8:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Stop kissing me!

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Re: My day...

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I hope everything works out!

Posted 4/18/06 8:47 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05

18602 total posts

The cure IS worse!

Re: My day...

YAY! I hope this is the first ina long line of things that start going right for your mom!

Posted 4/18/06 8:51 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: My day...

GREAT NEWS!! Despite the law, the judges seem to have the right/power to override that in their best judgement (or lack thereof).

My only question is....IF he does violate, how fast is action taken...does your mom just have to have a suspicion as to his condition? IE: he comes home one night, and she *thinks* he's on something...what happens then?

I REALLY hope your mom gets through this, she seems like a strong person and I hope your brother finds the help he needs before it's too late. I dated a drug addict for 5 years and it's so sad the manipulation they are capable of.

My prayers are with you!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/18/06 8:52 PM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: My day...

I'm so glad to hear that things are taking a step in the right direction.

Posted 4/18/06 8:56 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: My day...

Posted by btrflygrl

GREAT NEWS!! Despite the law, the judges seem to have the right/power to override that in their best judgement (or lack thereof).

My only question is....IF he does violate, how fast is action taken...does your mom just have to have a suspicion as to his condition? IE: he comes home one night, and she *thinks* he's on something...what happens then?

I REALLY hope your mom gets through this, she seems like a strong person and I hope your brother finds the help he needs before it's too late. I dated a drug addict for 5 years and it's so sad the manipulation they are capable of.

My prayers are with you!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Well if he comes home under the influence- all shes gotta do is dial 911- and I guess the police take it from there, and then it no longer in my moms hands... Im assuming though- if the cops got there- and he clearly wasnt under the influence- they wouldnt take him in...

Posted 4/18/06 8:56 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: My day...

Great news! Good for that judge~That's awesome!
My Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon are still with you and your family!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/18/06 8:57 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: My day...

I'm glad that this judge had a clue and saw what was going on! It is so easy for them to overlook cases like this and thank god he realized what was going on!

I hope things take a turn for the better for your family.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/18/06 9:02 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: My day...

Great News Marissa....Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/18/06 9:05 PM

LIF Infant

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Still SueZboss

Re: My day...

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Posted 4/18/06 9:06 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: My day...

glad to hear its working out

Posted 4/18/06 9:10 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: My day...

Aw Marissa I am so excited for you Mom and especially your brother. I hope that he can finally get the help that he needs and that your Mom and you of course can finally have peace. Sometimes a little faith that your fighting the fight with the best intentions someone will give you a break and help you out! I am so glad.

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Posted 4/18/06 9:11 PM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

9690 total posts


Re: My day...

sounds like a good step forward!!

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Posted 4/18/06 9:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

6794 total posts


Re: My day...

good news after a very long emotionally exhausting day

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Message edited 4/18/2006 9:15:04 PM.

Posted 4/18/06 9:14 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: My day...

Thank God for that judge!

Your brother's lawyer is a blight on his/her profession. Yes, they represent your brother but really, he is still a minor and there was evidence... land sharkChat Icon

I can only imagine how draining this entire day has been to top off an already trying experience. Either way it looks like your brother HAS TO turn it around... either he can do it now or suffer a much more serious fate. I hope it doesn't come to that but "whatever it takes" to help him and your family.

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Posted 4/18/06 9:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

2004 total posts


Re: My day...

I'm so glad it worked out; I know what Judge handled the case, he's really great and if he even suspects somethings up he won't let it go. Lets hope this is the end of it and your brother will get the help he needs. I know its frustrating and makes for a ridiculously long exhausting day but in the end, thankfully it worked out. In the event he comes home under the influence, yes your mom calls 911 and the police handle it from there.

Edited to add: no need to send anything, that's what we're there for and I'm just glad we were able to help.Chat Icon

Message edited 4/18/2006 9:20:26 PM.

Posted 4/18/06 9:18 PM

To a healthy 2013

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To a brand new year to a healthier me

Re: My day...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon good for the Judge and i am glad this is going in the direction it should and may your brother be on his way to recovery!

Posted 4/18/06 9:25 PM

True love

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Re: My day...

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Posted 4/18/06 9:25 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: My day...

I have been following your posts over the past weeks, Maris, and I am so happy that today seems like the first day you actually made some progress

I know its only 1 step in a long road ahead for your family but I will pray that this all works out for all of you Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

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Posted 4/18/06 9:36 PM


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Re: My day...

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Posted 4/18/06 9:37 PM

When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05

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Because 2 people fell in love

Re: My day...

Finally, a step in the right direction!!! I am sure your Mother is so happy right now. And hopefully your brother will be able to get some help Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/18/06 10:05 PM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: My day...

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Posted 4/18/06 10:05 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: My day...

I am so glad that things are moving in the right direction. What was your brothers reaction and how is he delaing with this? Did the drug test results come back?

Posted 4/19/06 6:49 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: My day...

Posted by rose825

I am so glad that things are moving in the right direction. What was your brothers reaction and how is he delaing with this? Did the drug test results come back?

His reaction- well he violated the OOP last night- so I would say his reaction was not a good one... He now has to go back to court next week...

The judge ordered a drug test- but I dont think he took it yet...Chat Icon

Posted 4/19/06 6:59 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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As sad as I am for you and your family to be going through this. I am SO happy that something is finally being done. I knew if you guys just kept pushing your break would comeChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I've been thinking about you a lot, and I really hope this knocks some sense into your brotherChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/19/06 7:28 PM
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