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How do u tell yr Boss?

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Live Life with No Regrets

Member since 5/05

2298 total posts


How do u tell yr Boss?

how did u tell yr boss you were
expecting? & how soon in advance
just curious Chat Icon

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Message edited 6/1/2006 11:49:53 PM.

Posted 6/1/06 9:03 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Baby # 3 is here!!!

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Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

I told my bosses at 10 weeks that I was pg. I wanted to wait till 12 weeks but my m/s was really bad. I told them by handing them each a sonogram picture in an envelope after saying "I just wanted you to know that I will be taking on a new job Dec.1" The look on there faces were priceless Chat Icon Then they opened the envelopes and were jumping up and down. I then reassured them that I was coming back Chat Icon I didnt tell anybody else at work until after my 12 week appointment. My bosses promised to keep it a secret!

Posted 6/1/06 9:11 AM

Live Life with No Regrets

Member since 5/05

2298 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

cute i like that one !

Posted 6/1/06 9:34 AM

Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05

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Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

I told at 7 weeks the first time (m/c'd) and 6 weeks because of scheduling reasons...I just popped by and told them. I was so scared.

Posted 6/1/06 9:34 AM

Mommy of 3!

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

I told my boss at 8 weeks because I had a few appointments and I didn't want him to think I was looking for another job! I just felt like I was out a lot- I was intending to wait until 13 weeks however.

Posted 6/1/06 9:40 AM

Live Life with No Regrets

Member since 5/05

2298 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

i was thinking i could wait until 6 mths
to say anything - Chat Icon ok so this is food for thought

Posted 6/1/06 10:17 AM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

Posted by LadyPrincess

i was thinking i could wait until 6 mths
to say anything - Chat Icon ok so this is food for thought

6 months might be pushing it a little bit, because it's likely you would be showing by then... BUT if you feel more comfortable in waiting to tell your employer/boss about your pregnancy, than by all means I think that is your preogative!

I will give you a different perspective from someone who "waited" to tell my employer I was PG. I was about 4 months/16 weeks along when I told my supervisor, and even then I asked her to keep my news confidential until I was ready to tell my direct boss (who I am close with and I've worked with for 11 years) myself. My reasons for waiting was mainly because of my previous miscarriage history, and overall I was generally reluctant to share my news until I was sure all was ok.

My boss has been away on/off for 2 months and I actually just told him and my other co-workers YESTERDAY that I was pregnant! I am currently 5 months/21 weeks Chat Icon

So really, it's whatever works for you and my firm/boss was perfectly cool with me waiting to spill the beans. My job is still secure, they still have plenty of time to figure out who will replace me on maternity leave, and I feel more content in sharing this news now.

Good luck!

Posted 6/1/06 10:32 AM

Live Life with No Regrets

Member since 5/05

2298 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

TY for the in-depth info.
I soooo plan ahead, & just wanted to know what is the "gen rule" to say Chat Icon Chat Icon
my job is secure, i just wanted to know when is a good time.

the input is very helpful ladies - TY so much
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 6/1/2006 12:37:55 PM.

Posted 6/1/06 12:37 PM

True love

Member since 6/05

12653 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

Posted by LadyPrincess

TY for the in-depth info.
I soooo plan ahead, & just wanted to know what is the "gen rule" to say Chat Icon Chat Icon
my job is secure, i just wanted to know when is a good time.

the input is very helpful ladies - TY so much
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Do you have news to share, Ms. LadyPrincess?

Posted 6/1/06 2:12 PM

Live Life with No Regrets

Member since 5/05

2298 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

Posted by DMcK

Posted by LadyPrincess

TY for the in-depth info.
I soooo plan ahead, & just wanted to know what is the "gen rule" to say Chat Icon Chat Icon
my job is secure, i just wanted to know when is a good time.

the input is very helpful ladies - TY so much
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Do you have news to share, Ms. LadyPrincess?

not yet Daniela - how goes it ?? Chat Icon
just getting my ducks in order, you know
me - always 10 steps ahead Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/06 2:36 PM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

I thought I missed the announcement Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/06 2:39 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

135 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

Posted by LadyPrincess

Posted by DMcK

Posted by LadyPrincess

TY for the in-depth info.
I soooo plan ahead, & just wanted to know what is the "gen rule" to say Chat Icon Chat Icon
my job is secure, i just wanted to know when is a good time.

the input is very helpful ladies - TY so much
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Do you have news to share, Ms. LadyPrincess?

not yet Daniela - how goes it ?? Chat Icon
just getting my ducks in order, you know
me - always 10 steps ahead Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I was going to say that I thought I missed the announcement as well hehehehe

There's nothing wrong with getting your ducks all together. Chat Icon


AKA: LP's website designer

Posted 6/1/06 2:51 PM

Live Life with No Regrets

Member since 5/05

2298 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

hi mel !!! hope yr day is going good Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

apologies ladies for the kinda false alram
i should have pre-warned that 'this is just a test' Chat Icon but keep yr fingers crossed -hopefully it will be soon 'this is LIVE Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 6/1/2006 3:29:59 PM.

Posted 6/1/06 3:29 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

135 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

Posted by LadyPrincess

hi mel !!! hope yr day is going good Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

apologies ladies for the kinda false alram
i should have pre-warned that 'this is just a test' Chat Icon but keep yr fingers crossed -hopefully it will be soon 'this is LIVE Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

hey Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

and WOOOO!! :) Keep us posted!

Posted 6/1/06 3:34 PM

Live Life with No Regrets

Member since 5/05

2298 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

mel..LOVE LOVE LOVE yr avatar !!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/06 3:38 PM

Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

15857 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

OMG I almost just passed out!!!!!Chat Icon False alarm!Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/06 3:52 PM

True love

Member since 6/05

12653 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

Okay! Hoping for good news soonChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/06 4:57 PM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

good luck LP Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/06 5:03 PM

Live Life with No Regrets

Member since 5/05

2298 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

TY ladies, when it does happen
dr. said i am def. High Risk prg. Chat Icon
- but doing all i can for a healthy child.

Posted 6/1/06 5:04 PM

Live Life with No Regrets

Member since 5/05

2298 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

Posted by Aga

good luck LP Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

HI Aga !!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/06 5:04 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

Posted by LadyPrincess

hi mel !!! hope yr day is going good Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

apologies ladies for the kinda false alram
i should have pre-warned that 'this is just a test' Chat Icon but keep yr fingers crossed -hopefully it will be soon 'this is LIVE Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Can't wait for the real news, LP- can you say purple nursery!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Oops- forgot the Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 6/1/2006 5:13:50 PM.

Posted 6/1/06 5:12 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

23902 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

It is interesting that you pose this question. I was thinking today how so many people assumed we were either going to TTC immediately or within a year of our marriage. I know that in certain workplaces, it is illegal to ask a prospective employee if they have children or even if the INTEND to have children. But I am wondering if there are any legal obligations to tell an employer that you are pregnant or is it simply considered "the right thing to do" in order to be in your employer's good graces. Or even to make sure your position is secure and/or has the right coverage while on leave. any thoughts?

Posted 6/1/06 5:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

My boss keeps asking me when am me and DH going to have a baby... so when it happens, I am sure he will not be surprised!

Posted 6/1/06 7:26 PM

Live Life with No Regrets

Member since 5/05

2298 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

Posted by CkGm

Posted by LadyPrincess

hi mel !!! hope yr day is going good Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

apologies ladies for the kinda false alram
i should have pre-warned that 'this is just a test' Chat Icon but keep yr fingers crossed -hopefully it will be soon 'this is LIVE Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Can't wait for the real news, LP- can you say purple nursery!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Oops- forgot the Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

OMG - CHRISTINE - my Purple Twin
from Calif !!! HOW ARE YOU!!!

any plans to be in Ny over the summer?
Chat Icon Chat Icon

..and i will try to decorate in pastels.... althought that will be hard
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 6/1/2006 10:55:32 PM.

Posted 6/1/06 10:25 PM

Live Life with No Regrets

Member since 5/05

2298 total posts


Re: How do u tell yr Boss?

Posted by Goldi0218

It is interesting that you pose this question. I was thinking today how so many people assumed we were either going to TTC immediately or within a year of our marriage. I know that in certain workplaces, it is illegal to ask a prospective employee if they have children or even if the INTEND to have children. But I am wondering if there are any legal obligations to tell an employer that you are pregnant or is it simply considered "the right thing to do" in order to be in your employer's good graces. Or even to make sure your position is secure and/or has the right coverage while on leave. any thoughts?

very good point Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/06 10:28 PM
Pages: [1] 2

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