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Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

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Member since 8/05

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Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

I have gotten a ton of baby clothes, but nothing in Newborn size. I have a lot of 0-3 months, but now I'm wondering if they will be too big. I'm thinking I'll just wait to see how big the baby is before I go out and buy newborn. Do you think I need newborn size?

Posted 2/22/06 1:17 PM
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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

Posted by BabyInMarch
I'm thinking I'll just wait to see how big the baby is before I go out and buy newborn. Do you think I need newborn size?

I think that's the best way to go. Both my kids wore than (6lb 7oz, 7lb 12 oz) but that was bc I had them.

Posted 2/22/06 1:30 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

Both my girls were 6lbs 4oz at birth. (No where near small.) But, 0-3 months was huge on them. So I got NB it's a size above preemie. You can buy some & only wash them after the baby is born. Just don't go overboard on them. Wal*Mart & Sears definitely have the NB size.

Posted 2/22/06 1:40 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

My son was born 7pds 13 ounces.
I think he wore newborn for like a week.
0-3 was comfy,especially in February/March.
I wouldn't buy more than a few outfits,don't forget almost all of the clothes shrink a bit in the dryer since its primarily 100% cotton.

Posted 2/22/06 1:42 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

Connor was 6lbs 8 ozs and wore NB size for a few weeks. The 0-3 was huge on him. I would wait b/c if you have an 8lb baby the NB size won't fit

Posted 2/22/06 1:45 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

Katie was in newborn for almost 2 months. She was born 6 lbs 11 1/2 oz.

Posted 2/22/06 1:49 PM

life moves fast

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

my kids were 8lbs. 10oz. and 9lbs. 10oz.... so the newborn clothes only fit for like a day!Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/06 1:59 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

Aidan was 8lb 8ozs the 0-3 was swimming on him but not for long, maybe a week or two. We didn't have NB sizes either and except for a pair of PJ's I didn't bother to get any.

Posted 2/22/06 2:02 PM

My boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

Logan was in them for about 2 months or so (6lbs11oz). 0-3mo was huge on him.

I would get just a few things in NB and then wait to see if you would need any more. I know lots of people who didn't need them at all.

Posted 2/22/06 2:04 PM

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Member since 6/05

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

When I buy baby gifts for friends, I will onl;y buy 0 - 3 or even 3 - 6 if it is the next season's outfit (like buying them summer clothes now). Generally people have a layette with the beginning clothes (or atleast that is what my sister did) so I will get them the next size up. Friends of our have 7 month old twins and haven't had to buy clothes yet!

Posted 2/22/06 2:04 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

I didn't buy any, I had maybe 1 or 2 outfits in NB that were given to me. Hayley came home from the hospital at 6lb8oz and yes 0-3 were big on her we just made the best of it.

Posted 2/22/06 2:10 PM

My munchkins

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

we had a couple of newborn outfits but Olivia was 9 lbs 13 oz so she didnt fit the clothing i gave them to my sil whos baby was 7 lbs 8 oz and she said her baby used it for about a week. think its more for preemies.

Posted 2/22/06 2:11 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

miranda wore them and she was 8lbs 21in at birth. she actually wore them over a month.

Posted 2/22/06 2:29 PM

My Girls

Member since 10/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

My baby is a month old and is still wearing some NB stuff (Gap and Carters), she was 7lbs 11oz , 19 inches and we took her home in a preemie outfit... I would buy some stuff and keep all your receipts so you can always get the bigger size up if it doesn't fit..

Posted 2/22/06 3:06 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

jacob was 7lbs 8 oz and the newborn stuff was even big on him at first. but he grew out of the NB stuff within the first 3-4 weeks. now he is wearing 3-6 months for tops and 0-3 for bottoms.

Posted 2/22/06 3:40 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

I didn't have much if any of newborn clothes. Kevin was three weeks early and 7lbs 2 oz. He wore 0-3 and it was big at first but not an issue at all - - he filled it in quickly. But one month he was already 11lbs.

Posted 2/22/06 4:33 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

Emily was a big baby -- 9lbs 10 oz, so we just used 0-3 months right away. It might be worth it to have a few of them on hand but don't take the tags off and wash them until the baby is born, and seriously, I'd say very few, because I know I have a ton of stuff she has outgrown that I've been meaning to return but life is busy now that she's here so I never have the time!!

Posted 2/22/06 4:37 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

Some of the newborn sizes I had fit Ryan for a few weeks (he was 9lbs 4 oz) suprisingly. He is just now outgrowing some of his 0-3 onesies. I think it also depends on the clothes becuase some 0-3's are bigger than others.

Posted 2/22/06 4:41 PM

Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

Lauren wore NB for the first few weeks.

Posted 2/22/06 6:05 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

Julia was 8lbs 5oz at birth so she was in 0-3 mths right away. I would just buy 0-3, just so the clothes you buy will last longer, and you wont have to run out and get more.

Posted 2/22/06 6:08 PM

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Member since 12/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

Message edited 12/20/2011 6:19:51 PM.

Posted 2/22/06 6:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

Molly wore newborn, which was 0-3 size (or so I thought).

Posted 2/22/06 9:32 PM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

Posted by Jenhos

Connor was 6lbs 8 ozs and wore NB size for a few weeks. The 0-3 was huge on him. I would wait b/c if you have an 8lb baby the NB size won't fit

That's not always true...
As you know Lisa, Logan was 8lbs. 7 oz. and yes he did fit in NB, only for about 2 weeks, but I felt better when he was sleeping in something fitted instead of those sleep sacks that would inch up over his mouth. Now he can sleep in 13 poundsChat Icon

Posted 2/22/06 10:12 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

Posted by emc

Posted by Jenhos

Connor was 6lbs 8 ozs and wore NB size for a few weeks. The 0-3 was huge on him. I would wait b/c if you have an 8lb baby the NB size won't fit

That's not always true...
As you know Lisa, Logan was 8lbs. 7 oz. and yes he did fit in NB, only for about 2 weeks, but I felt better when he was sleeping in something fitted instead of those sleep sacks that would inch up over his mouth. Now he can sleep in 13 poundsChat Icon

I agree Miranda was 8lbs and 21 inches long and in newborn for quite a while.

Posted 2/22/06 10:14 PM

Stop kissing me!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did your baby wear NB sized clothes?

Carlie was 6lbs 2 oz and wore Newborn and Preemie for about a month.

Posted 2/22/06 10:39 PM
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