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What happens if there is no surge? - Updated AGAIN

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Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

16353 total posts


What happens if there is no surge? - Updated AGAIN

I know that if I don't get a surge tonight I have to go to the RE tomorrow morning (CD 16) to get checked out.

Do they just see where I am and let me go naturally or do they induce ovulation?

I was told to bring the Ovidrell with me when I come.

I'm getting nervous about the IUI process all of a sudden.

Message edited 4/14/2006 1:28:15 PM.

Posted 4/13/06 12:13 PM
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Re: What happens if there is no surge?

My place would usually wait for hte results of the blood test to see where my level of LH was. If it was at a good point then they would have be take the HCG shot to induce ovulation so that our IUI would be timed perfectly.
Don't be nervous! I promise its not bad!

Posted 4/13/06 12:17 PM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: What happens if there is no surge?

Don't be nervous. I was told at my RE not to use OPK's because they were monitoring closely with blood levels...they would call me with the results and tell me when to take the trigger shot. Good luck Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/13/06 12:23 PM

Delay is not denial

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Re: What happens if there is no surge?

Posted by luvsun27

Don't be nervous. I was told at my RE not to use OPK's because they were monitoring closely with blood levels...they would call me with the results and tell me when to take the trigger shot. Good luck Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I completely agree with this approach !!!! The estradoil levels are so important.

Lauren if your estradoil levels are good, and they see your follie or follies, they will either trigger you, or tell you what time to trigger.

So many times girls with pcos don't ovulate because their LH just doesn't rise enough but everything else is that's why the blood work and trigger shot go hand in hand.

Posted 4/13/06 12:27 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What happens if there is no surge?

Dont worry, it will be so easy. This is just the getting used to it part. They will check you to make sure the follies arent too big as well. If they are growing and you didnt O on your own , the HCG trigger shot will help you O when the follies are at the perfect Size.

Some months I was at the RE 8 times in two weeks for checking/monitoring and other times 1 or 2 times.

If your follicles are still measuring small and your blood work is ok on CD16, they will probably tell you to come back in again either the next day or in two days. BUT I have a feeling that you will probably be using the HCG shot to time O within the next day or two.

Again, be EXCITED. This could be IT for you! Try to think that way and dont let the frustration of Dr's visits get to youChat Icon

Posted 4/13/06 1:15 PM

My Beautiful Babies

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Re: What happens if there is no surge?

Don't worryChat Icon . I just got back from the Re and I am on CD16. She checked me and said I have 2 follies on my right ovary, One measures 17mm and the other 21mm. She said I should see a surge by tomorrow. If not I am scheduled to have an IUI on Saturday and they will just give me a shot to bring it on. Good Luck with your IUI.

Posted 4/13/06 1:35 PM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

16353 total posts


Re: What happens if there is no surge?

Thanks girls. I'm a giant bundle of raw emotion this week.

After trying so long, moving to IUI feels like this huge step I've been waiting for and now that it's here I'm suddenly getting the reality of it.

There is something so sad to me about DH not even being in the room when our child is conceived.

And I know that if the next two cycles don't work then we have to move to IVF, so that's making me stressed.

And I feel like I'm not going to be able to take the pressure of the 2ww this time.

Sorry to be a big whiny But I know you girls will understand.

Posted 4/13/06 2:34 PM

My Beautiful Babies

Member since 5/05

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Re: What happens if there is no surge?

Lauren, your DH is not allowed in the room when you have an IUI?

Posted 4/13/06 3:01 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What happens if there is no surge?

DH was with me and held my hand, and we were looking into each other's eyes when we did the IUI. It was acutally less stressful than BDing..and in a crazy way, more romantic, lol.

Message edited 4/13/2006 3:48:43 PM.

Posted 4/13/06 3:17 PM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

16353 total posts


Re: What happens if there is no surge?

Honestly, I never really thought about having him be there while they did my half.

I just pictured him dropping off his sample and leaving.

That at least makes it a little better. If he'll do it (he gets sqeamish easily!).

Posted 4/13/06 3:32 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What happens if there is no surge?

Lauren he just is in the room standing next to you. You have a drape over the area while the Dr. does his thing. I would ask DH to stay with you since it should be done asap after giving his specimen anyway. It's just a few minutes, doesn't hurt at all, and he can "be there" when you hopefully conceive...

Posted 4/13/06 3:50 PM

spring is in the air

Member since 11/05

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Re: What happens if there is no surge?

Dh should be with you - mine was he just held my hand

Hoping this is the weekend for you

Posted 4/13/06 4:42 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What happens if there is no surge?

I had all my iuis with DH in the room. It helps....and I think he should be there, emotionally it will help you. The IUI itself as youve probably read takes all of maybe 2 minutes and then you have to sit there and lay down for about another 10-15 minutes and its GOOD to have DH with you during that time.

try and take it one cycle at a time. I know its hard. I was asking about IVF after my 2nd failed IUI , all ready for the what if, and yet am about to start my 10th cycle of IUI's because things changed and to keep sane, focus on THIS IUI and only this one. ( Its hard, I wont lie, not to think ahead)...You may never ever need to have another one! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/13/06 9:05 PM

Babygirl is 4!

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Re: What happens if there is no surge?

as donna (dm24) says take it one cycle at a time..... Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/13/06 10:10 PM

Best Friends

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Re: What happens if there is no surge?

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I am getting in here late so you have alreayd got tons of great advice. It is a breeze and over before you know it. I also suggest DH be there with you if he can. Whenever possible DH was with me cause I felt the same way about "conceiving alone".

Of course one year later neither of us are there for "conception", just the petry dish and lab guyChat Icon Chat Icon

Besides one cycle at a time, take one day at a time. It can easily get overwhelming!

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Posted 4/13/06 10:17 PM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

16353 total posts


Re: What happens if there is no surge?

Thanks everyone. I love you guys!!

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Went this morning and he said my lining was still pretty thin, but found two large follies on the left side (16 and 19) so he had some bloodwork done and said it should be tomorrow.

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Posted 4/14/06 8:03 AM

spring is in the air

Member since 11/05

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Re: What happens if there is no surge? - Updated at bottom

Good Luck - did the dr mean tomorrow you OV on your own or tomorrow you need to be trioggered

Make sure you get pampered afterward ...

Posted 4/14/06 8:24 AM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: What happens if there is no surge? - Updated at bottom

Posted by leighla

Thanks everyone. I love you guys!!

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Went this morning and he said my lining was still pretty thin, but found two large follies on the left side (16 and 19) so he had some bloodwork done and said it should be tomorrow.

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Lauren...I had a problem with thin lining also..I took estrace to help get the lining thicker. What did he tell you the measurement was? My doctor liked to see it at 8 before doing the IUI for me, so that's why I would take the estrace. Also...DH was never with me in the room when I had the IUI's just because it was our schedules and stuff. But...when you get that BFP, you don't even think about who was in the room, you are just so excited, so try not to worry. Lots of baby dust for you Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/14/06 8:27 AM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

16353 total posts


Re: What happens if there is no surge? - Updated at bottom

He didn't say anything about estrace. I think they wanted to see what the blood work said first. I think he meant tomorrow they can induce ovulation.

My nurse will call with all the details later this afternoon.

Posted 4/14/06 8:31 AM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: What happens if there is no surge? - Updated at bottom

sounds good, dont be surprised if you go to more days. The smaller one may not be mature if they induce ovulation too soon.

Good luck!!!!

Posted 4/14/06 8:36 AM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

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Re: What happens if there is no surge? - Updated at bottom

Great news Lauren, you are on your way !!!

Just like Kim said, ask about the Estrace. Although I am not sure how long you have to take it for it to help the lining.

Just some info, that I was told by a Dr. at RS. He said most follies rupture (ovulate) when they reach 22mm. They can tell by your estradoil levels, how many follies are mature. Usually it's about 200 per mature follie. When a follie is over's considered 'mature' but sometimes the estradoil doesn't correlate. So definitely ask what the levels are.

I think this is terrific that you have two follies !!!

Posted 4/14/06 8:56 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What happens if there is no surge? - Updated at bottom

2 follies at that size are GREAT. Im a little surprised he said tommorow though. You could still hold off a few days and have the lining thicken and the follies grow more. BUT, Im not a Dr, they know best. Im sure they wanna make sure they dont miss your O

Do you have to go back or are they gonna call you with the blood test results and tell you then?

Posted 4/14/06 10:45 AM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

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Re: What happens if there is no surge? - Updated at bottom

He said probably tomorrow. He did say he wanted to make sure we didn't miss it.

It wasn't my regular RE, it was the morning attending RE, so while I'm sure he is qualified, I wasn't as comfortable asking him questions.

Danielle (my nurse) usually calls around 2:00 to tell me what's happening.

Posted 4/14/06 11:58 AM


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Re: What happens if there is no surge? - Updated at bottom

Fingers crossed for you Chat Icon


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Posted 4/14/06 12:16 PM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

16353 total posts


Re: What happens if there is no surge? - Updated at bottom

Danielle just called.

Have to go in tomorrow for same routine (u/s and b/w). Woo hoo, another $475!!

She said the doctor didn't put the lining information on the chart, but with the follies that size it should be tomorrow and Sunday (happy easter!!).

My estrogen was 445 and my progesterone was 0.3.

Oh redstar!!! Chat Icon

Posted 4/14/06 1:27 PM
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