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An update on me..
dpli Daylight savings :)
Member since 5/05
13973 total posts
Re: An update on me..
Oh Boosh, I am so disappointed to hear this news. So sorry for you and Don.
Goldi0218 My miracles!
Member since 12/05
23902 total posts
I am truly sorry.
Karen Just chillin'!!
Member since 1/06
9690 total posts
I am so sorry to hear about your loss
Ali1 Mommy
Member since 8/05
3116 total posts
So Sorry
MrsDiamondgrlie Bailey
12810 total posts
I am so sorry
AnnBrunoXO 2 Girls For Me!
4377 total posts
Jenziba ?
6265 total posts
I am so very sorry to hear this news...
Spring Baby06 My two loves
3612 total posts
I'm so sorry.
lvdolphins My Loves!
46292 total posts
I just saw this! I am so sorry sweetie! You are in my thoughts!
dm24angel Happiness
34581 total posts
Christine and Don Im so so sorry to hear this news. I know you both must be devestated. I know theres nothing I can say to make you feel any better, but Im sending you a TON of hugs!
DandN Twins are here!
Member since 3/06
3597 total posts
I'm so sorry
Message edited 10/11/2006 5:08:39 PM.
MrsProfessor hi
14279 total posts
I'm so sorry to hear this- I could tell from your posts how excited the two of you were. I hope to see you back here really soon.
jennandrob mom of two!
4368 total posts
my thoughts to both of you
bayla Love my two kiddos :)
Member since 8/06
7178 total posts
i am so sorry hang in there
casey31 Mommy of 3!
2967 total posts
Name:Mommy to two boys and a girl
I'm so sorry Christine- I am praying you will be back on this board soon.
purplegirl .
Member since 5/06
2423 total posts
I am so sorry for your loss.
Gumpslilqtpie Living the DREAM!!!
Member since 7/06
2646 total posts
Im so sorry.
Redhead You Live, You Learn
31871 total posts
i am soooo sorry Boosh and Don
jodi714 Love my little girl!
Member since 2/06
3621 total posts
I'm sorry!
Gertyrae Peace out Homies!
20046 total posts
Name:Gerty ®
I am so sorry - I know how you feel, if you need anything FM
BaroqueMama Chase is one!
27530 total posts
I'm so sorry for your loss
MrsJ I love my Katie Bug
11357 total posts
Bri I Love You to Pieces!
9919 total posts
Scotty-CassidysMom and Dylan too!
4331 total posts
I'm soo sorry for both of you.
VirginiaDeb Don't eat me, hippo!
9252 total posts
Awww, Boosh... I'm so, so sorry to hear that To you and Don.
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