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What would you do?

Forum Opinion Poll
Bring Molly back to the vet that did this to her and demand free vet care for Molly's life 8 11.27%
Take legal action against the doctor that did this 39 54.93%
Switch vets and move on 24 33.80%

All opinions needed please - updated with pics

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woulda, coulda, shoulda

Member since 12/05

3366 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

I am very surprised that they didnt ask for payment because by them not requesting payment, it is an admission of fault...I would have their @ss in court soooooo fast! it not for the money but the point! even if you donate the money to an animal fund! but go after them...they were careless!

Posted 4/5/06 11:01 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Posted by CAJ

I am very surprised that they didnt ask for payment because by them not requesting payment, it is an admission of fault...I would have their @ss in court soooooo fast! it not for the money but the point! even if you donate the money to an animal fund! but go after them...they were careless!

I know you are right. And the woman who did this surgery is close to retiring. She even made a comment "this is not how I want to start my retirement" -- REALLY B*TCH because this is NOT how I wanted to pick up my puppy after a routine surgery.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 11:06 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Posted by CAJ

I am very surprised that they didnt ask for payment because by them not requesting payment, it is an admission of fault...I would have their @ss in court soooooo fast! it not for the money but the point! even if you donate the money to an animal fund! but go after them...they were careless!

i completely agree!! that "Vet" was completely negligent and unsympathetic about her SCREWUP!!! I say SUE, and put whatever settlement you get into a Molly fund, for whatever aftercare she may possibly need in the future!

she looks sooooooooo adorable!!! Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 11:06 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by CAJ

I am very surprised that they didnt ask for payment because by them not requesting payment, it is an admission of fault...I would have their @ss in court soooooo fast! it not for the money but the point! even if you donate the money to an animal fund! but go after them...they were careless!

i completely agree!! that "Vet" was completely negligent and unsympathetic about her SCREWUP!!! I say SUE, and put whatever settlement you get into a Molly fund, for whatever aftercare she may possibly need in the future!

she looks sooooooooo adorable!!! Chat Icon

There is a really adorable canopy bed that I want to buy her. She may get it anyway for all her pain and suffering. DH will kill me.

Posted 4/5/06 11:09 PM

True love

Member since 6/05

12653 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Posted by Diana1215

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by CAJ

I am very surprised that they didnt ask for payment because by them not requesting payment, it is an admission of fault...I would have their @ss in court soooooo fast! it not for the money but the point! even if you donate the money to an animal fund! but go after them...they were careless!

i completely agree!! that "Vet" was completely negligent and unsympathetic about her SCREWUP!!! I say SUE, and put whatever settlement you get into a Molly fund, for whatever aftercare she may possibly need in the future!

she looks sooooooooo adorable!!! Chat Icon

There is a really adorable canopy bed that I want to buy her. She may get it anyway for all her pain and suffering. DH will kill me.

She def deserves it... and she is soooo cuteChat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 11:10 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Posted by Diana1215

There is a really adorable canopy bed that I want to buy her. She may get it anyway for all her pain and suffering. DH will kill me.

really??? is it from Ethan Allen?? Chat Icon

kidding!! Chat Icon

i say, get it. dh will probably love it too!!! Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 11:11 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Here is something similar to the one I saw. HOW CUTE is it????

Image Attachment(s):
Posted 4/5/06 11:13 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by Diana1215

There is a really adorable canopy bed that I want to buy her. She may get it anyway for all her pain and suffering. DH will kill me.

really??? is it from Ethan Allen?? Chat Icon

kidding!! Chat Icon

i say, get it. dh will probably love it too!!! Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 11:13 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Posted by Diana1215

Here is something similar to the one I saw. HOW CUTE is it????

OMG - that is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!

Posted 4/5/06 11:14 PM

True love

Member since 6/05

12653 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Posted by Diana1215

Here is something similar to the one I saw. HOW CUTE is it????

Too cute! She has def earned it! If DH objects, remind him that she almost died -- how do you argue with that?!

Posted 4/5/06 11:15 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

I KNOW!!!!!!! I feel like I have to get it. But meanwhile she doesn't even sleep on the two beds she has now. She would rather sleep in my closet or on the bathroom floor.

Weird pup.Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 11:16 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Posted by DMcK

Posted by Diana1215

Here is something similar to the one I saw. HOW CUTE is it????

Too cute! She has def earned it! If DH objects, remind him that she almost died -- how do you argue with that?!

I know - if I'm ever going to be able to get away with getting it - now's the time. I can always say that my parents bought it for her. That would work.Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 11:16 PM

woulda, coulda, shoulda

Member since 12/05

3366 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

She will be fine with one kidney but get in touch with a new vet and ask for a special diet one that does not place a strain on some research too...

Posted 4/5/06 11:29 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Posted by CAJ

She will be fine with one kidney but get in touch with a new vet and ask for a special diet one that does not place a strain on some research too...

Definitely. Thanks for everything! And congrats again (and I'm not talking about your 2000 post.)

Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 11:31 PM

woulda, coulda, shoulda

Member since 12/05

3366 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Thanks Im sorry you had such a cappy day! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 11:34 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Posted by CAJ

Thanks Im sorry you had such a cappy day! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

It's MUCH better now!!!! Have a good night!

Posted 4/5/06 11:35 PM

Need a little sunshine

Member since 9/05

3843 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Whether you decide on legal action or not, I would never bring Molly back to that place. Even though the doctor was not on staff there, she was still hired and therefore deemed credible by them and they are still responsible for her actions. No way!

Posted 4/5/06 11:54 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Diana- have you tried the Wantagh Animal Hospital? My mom has taken all our pets there over the years. She's been making a lot of visits to one vet in particular in the practice, unfortunately, but my mom thinks highly of her. I can get her name if you want.

As for suing, I think if it will make you feel better then do it. I don't know if I would but I am the type who prefers to not deal with painful things any longer than I have to, and with a suit you may have to relive a lot of this for a while. But I think the bad publicity from a suit would ensure that this vet would lose a lot of business and maybe people would think more carefully about going to him.

Posted 4/6/06 7:23 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

6794 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

i am so sorry. don't ever see that vet again and make sure to spread the news. not sure about the lawsuit, tough call. i would speak to a lawyer and discuss your options though.

Posted 4/6/06 8:35 AM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Because I know what its like to have a sick pet and shell out 1-2k a vet bill just for him I would def take legal action. Your baby is that just a baby and while I pray she doesnt ever need some serious tx in the future you just dont know and should take every precaution too. Dont worry about the EM hospital- this per diam MUST have thier own malpractice insurance to work there once in awhile, I doubt very much they are under EM hospitals umbrella. I know mistakes happen but that is why there is malpractice insurance. I wouldnt feel bad either. Good luck- I also would NOT pay the bill for this and dont take too long with your decision, if you are going to sue/take legal action dont wait. Chat Icon

Posted 4/6/06 10:42 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

We are more than likely going to meet with a lawyer. The EM animal hospital really has been great with the whole thing (they just called me now for an update) - so it's not so much against them as against this woman. In the end though - we have to do what we have to do - and are really only concerned about Molly and any future issues that may occur.

If someone would have told me this on Tuesdaay morning before I dropped her off that this could happen I would have never believed it. It's just NUTS!

But - good news is - she's still the same little lunatic that she was before. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/6/06 10:51 AM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Posted by Diana1215

But - good news is - she's still the same little lunatic that she was before. Chat Icon Chat Icon

YAY!! Molly!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/6/06 10:53 AM

Such a Big Boy!

Member since 1/06

1602 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Have you looked into Pet Insurance for her? You might want to look into it now and see if she could get coverage for any problems she may have in the future from this surgery. I hope she never has any complications, but just in case. My boss has insurance on both of her cats. One was just diagnosed with jaw cancer and the insurance is covering most of her meds and exams. Good luck. Chat Icon

Posted 4/6/06 11:34 AM

I love my boys!!

Member since 5/05

8044 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

Posted by Redhead

NEVER take molly back tothat Vet EVER
and i would be speaking to a lawyer

Def talk to a lawyer. It is not about the money. THis vet was an azzhole and the same thing could happen to another pet. Please try to stop this from happening again.

Posted 4/6/06 12:21 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

3932 total posts


Re: All opinions needed please - updated with pics

To make sure that your is OK...I
bring my dog to SPecialized Vetinary care in Westbury. You have to have them refer you to them though. It is only on a referral basis by another doctor.

I am so sorry about your dog!

Posted 4/6/06 12:52 PM
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