7/11/06 Update Biopsy today just got home experienced some complictions feeling a little cruddy going to take lots of meds love you all and thank you for all your hugs and love!
7/11/06 update two Still bleeding bright red blood so we called the doctor and he advised us to go to the emergency room. Off we go... NOTHING IS EVER EASY FOR ME!!!!!
I'm back. NOthing was done to stop the bleeding. I need to return to my ENT FIRST thing tomorrow morning where we decide on one of two yucky choices. a. stick a balloon into my sinus and just let the blood continue to build up b. Do an empbolization where they cut my leg and head up to my coritad (I spelled that wrong) atery (in my head) and cap it off there. Both are not fun Both are painful b is pretty darn invasive and involves still more surgery.
I am sooo sorry!!! Deb, I will continue to pray for you. YOu are always on my mind and I cannot imagine what you have been going through. I wish I could take your pain away. I hope you are able to get some rest tonight.
OOOOH wanna hear the kicker for me today. As I am in recovery...the hospital calls a CODE PINK (for those that don't know, that means a baby is missing from the nursery). I screamed at Darren to get his a$$ up there only to learn the elevators lock (the stairway doors to the third floor can only be accessed by code on any given day) Thank goodness it was called off rather quickly and it was just the staff being tested (it was called off in under a minute and I was happy to learn that the staff caught the "thief" and they never got off the floor WUITE reassuring). But still it scared the ever living SH*T outta me.
must sleep now...must get to ENT first thing tomorrow Hope this doesn't mean another day that I can't go visit my son.