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UPDATED AT BOTTOM: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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<3 <3 <3 <3

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UPDATED AT BOTTOM: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

My MIL called us this morning at 4:30, my SIL's little boy (he's 1 1/2) was having siezures (he had, had 3 by the time my MIL called). and they were taking him to LIJ. She was looking to get my sister's phone # because she's a pediatrician at LIJ and Schniders Childrens Hospital. I spoke to my sister at 6:00 am and they admitted the baby. He's now in ICU at Schniders. They're already run a cat scan and have done a spinal tap. Thankfully they both came back okay. They are running more tests and he will have an MRI tomorrow. They have him sedated right now.

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers that all tests come back okay.

Message edited 5/2/2006 3:03:53 PM.

Posted 5/2/06 10:32 AM


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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 10:33 AM


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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 10:33 AM


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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 10:35 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 10:36 AM


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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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This happened to my son when he was also 1 1/2 years old. The reason it happened is because he spiked a fever. I knew he had a fever but all of a sudden it just spiked and caused him to have seizures. We took him to LIJ also and they admitted him. Did all the tests just to make sure everything was okay. It was just a spike in his temperature. I will pray that it is the same thing for you guys.

Thoughts and prayers coming your way.

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Posted 5/2/06 10:37 AM

<3 <3 <3 <3

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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

Posted by IluvBo

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This happened to my son when he was also 1 1/2 years old. The reason it happened is because he spiked a fever. I knew he had a fever but all of a sudden it just spiked and caused him to have seizures. We took him to LIJ also and they admitted him. Did all the tests just to make sure everything was okay. It was just a spike in his temperature. I will pray that it is the same thing for you guys.

Thoughts and prayers coming your way.

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Thank you for posting that! My sister called me at 6:00 after they got him in and said that my SIL told her that he had a fever. So, we're hoping that it was fever induced and not something more serious. She told me they were doing the spinal tap. DH called a little while ago to say they were keeping him over night and that they would have the results of the cultures they took in 48 hours.

Posted 5/2/06 10:40 AM

The Disney Lady

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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 10:41 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

Posted by MrsRbk

Posted by IluvBo

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This happened to my son when he was also 1 1/2 years old. The reason it happened is because he spiked a fever. I knew he had a fever but all of a sudden it just spiked and caused him to have seizures. We took him to LIJ also and they admitted him. Did all the tests just to make sure everything was okay. It was just a spike in his temperature. I will pray that it is the same thing for you guys.

Thoughts and prayers coming your way.

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Thank you for posting that! My sister called me at 6:00 after they got him in and said that my SIL told her that he had a fever. So, we're hoping that it was fever induced and not something more serious. She told me they were doing the spinal tap. DH called a little while ago to say they were keeping him over night and that they would have the results of the cultures they took in 48 hours.

I'm sure it was fever induced! I'm happy to hear that he had a fever. The only thing they'll tell her is that from now on, whenever he has a fever, she'll have to do the Tylenol/Motrin combo every two hours. That's what I do with my son. First I give him Motrin and then 2 hours later I give him Tylenol and I continue the ritual until he's fever free. This way it will eliminate him having spikes and having seizures. I'm sure he'll be just fine! My son's spinal came back negative as well. In any event, prayers are still coming your way!

Let us know what happens.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/2/06 10:48 AM

Me and the guys

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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 10:48 AM

Ready for the sun!

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Properly perfect™

Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 10:49 AM

Beyond Compare

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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Lots of prayers and good wishes for the little guy.

Posted 5/2/06 10:55 AM

Fall Is Here

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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

will keep your family in my prayers. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/2/06 10:55 AM

Love my Family!

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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 11:00 AM

My children are a blessing!

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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 11:06 AM

I love my boys!!

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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 11:06 AM

too excited for words

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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 11:13 AM


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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 11:13 AM


Member since 9/05

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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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This has happened on and off to my DH's nephew for the last 8 months or so. He has also had all the tests done and they can't contribute it to anything. Thankfully, the seizures don't have any after-affect on him, but I can understand how stressful and troubling it is. I pray that it turns out to be the result of a fever.

Posted 5/2/06 11:17 AM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 11:19 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 11:32 AM

Peace out Homies!

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Gerty ®

Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 11:33 AM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 11:40 AM


Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

my dd was admitted to lij when she was 2 months old, your sil's little boy is in great hands. i will say a prayer that everything is ok. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/2/06 11:46 AM

My Loves

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Re: I never do this, but could use your prayers and good wishes

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Posted 5/2/06 11:48 AM
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