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Member since 5/05 9941 total posts
Name: Missy
Has your DH ever lost his ring?
We were in the movie theatre and when we stood up he said that his ring fell. So when the lights came back on, we spend 20 minutes cralwing on the gross floors looking for his ring. We never found it.
We left a note for a reward for anyone that finds it. But i feel like we will never see it again.
Posted 10/9/06 8:34 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Member since 1/06 7538 total posts
Name: DW
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
I am so sorry.......... Was it insured? If it was, I would file a report with the police asap.
I would call the upper management of the theater today and let them know.
Maybe stop back after work today w/ a high powered flashlight to look.
Good luck!!!!!!
Posted 10/9/06 8:38 AM |
Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06 11613 total posts
Name: L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
I hope someone finds it! And beat DH's a$$ for dropping it!!
Posted 10/9/06 8:52 AM |
The Perfect Pair

Member since 5/06 19861 total posts
Name: Best Wife & Mommy
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
Sorry to hear this. I hope someone finds it and return it you guys.
Posted 10/9/06 8:53 AM |
I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05 3966 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
I am so sorry! That stinks! Hopefully someone will call you with it wanting the reward or just to be nice
(dh never lost his ring,but he plays with it all the time, he also was wearing it playing basketball, It "fell' off of his finger and onto the concrete and a diamond came out!)
Posted 10/9/06 8:57 AM |
Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
My a-hole DH insisted on wearing his ring during excursions on our honeymoon cruise (mine stayed locked in the safe)
You guessed it- he lost it while swimming in Jamaica. He was floating on his back and suddenly went,, "Uh-oh" and held up his left hand. I said, "you better get down there and find it."
Never found it. I also realized then why all the locals had metal detectors along the shoreline....
I should add though- his ring wasn't expensive like mine- it was titanium and cost about 100.00, so it was easily replaced out of pocket (it wasn't insured).
You'd be surprised- there are ALOT of honest people out there- you may get it back!
Posted 10/9/06 8:57 AM |
Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06 8703 total posts
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
Here is a list of things my DH has lost:
Gucci Sunglasses $295 Another pair $295 Oh 1 more pair $295 His Zippo $30 (?) Another 1 $30 One More $30 MY zippo (Ltd Etd) $45
Total ( for only the things I remember)
= over $1000
IF the wedding ring is insured you have to file a police report STAT.
Posted 10/9/06 8:59 AM |
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
I hope he finds it!!!
Posted 10/9/06 8:59 AM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
I know it is upsetting, but my parents have been married for 35 years and my dad has lost his ring more times then I can count.
Posted 10/9/06 9:00 AM |

Member since 5/05 9941 total posts
Name: Missy
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
Posted by Porrruss
My a-hole DH insisted on wearing his ring during excursions on our honeymoon cruise (mine stayed locked in the safe)
You guessed it- he lost it while swimming in Jamaica. He was floating on his back and suddenly went,, "Uh-oh" and held up his left hand. I said, "you better get down there and find it."
Never found it. I also realized then why all the locals had metal detectors along the shoreline....
I should add though- his ring wasn't expensive like mine- it was titanium and cost about 100.00, so it was easily replaced out of pocket (it wasn't insured).
You'd be surprised- there are ALOT of honest people out there- you may get it back!
YUP! sounds like mine!
sadly enough- that story makes me feel better. mine's was titanium too.
its very easily replaced but the value of the fact that i put it on his hand makes me sad.
im not sentimental at all, but for some reason i was really upset over this.
i will have to order him a new one i guesss!
Posted 10/9/06 9:01 AM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
Ugh, I hope you get it back.
I remember when we ordered our rings the jeweler made DH promise NOt to play with his ring. He said he has to replace many groom's rings two or three times and it's always because they take it on and off or play with it.
I really hope it is found.
Posted 10/9/06 9:01 AM |

Member since 3/06 5355 total posts
Name: His Baby
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
Its such a horrible feeling, I know. Hopefully, someone will be honest enough to call you today after the "cleaning" is done.
Posted 10/9/06 9:08 AM |
big brother <3

Member since 5/05 14672 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
Posted by MrsPorkChop
Posted by Porrruss
My a-hole DH insisted on wearing his ring during excursions on our honeymoon cruise (mine stayed locked in the safe)
You guessed it- he lost it while swimming in Jamaica. He was floating on his back and suddenly went,, "Uh-oh" and held up his left hand. I said, "you better get down there and find it."
Never found it. I also realized then why all the locals had metal detectors along the shoreline....
I should add though- his ring wasn't expensive like mine- it was titanium and cost about 100.00, so it was easily replaced out of pocket (it wasn't insured).
You'd be surprised- there are ALOT of honest people out there- you may get it back!
YUP! sounds like mine!
sadly enough- that story makes me feel better. mine's was titanium too.
its very easily replaced but the value of the fact that i put it on his hand makes me sad.
im not sentimental at all, but for some reason i was really upset over this.
i will have to order him a new one i guesss!
Same thing with my DH--titanium, lost it 2 days before my HS reunion. I said we're getting a new one right NOW. We bought another which he likes better, and a year later he found the first one at work under a calculator! But he likes the second one much better.
Posted 10/9/06 9:10 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/05 271 total posts
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
DH lost his ring at a Jet's game. It was cold and he was throwing the football and it flew off!
I was so upset, b/c I felt as though another ring would not be as special - since that was the one we had given to each other during the ceremony and was blessed.
We went and bought the same ring (we had only been married 9 months at the time, so the exact same ring was still available) and did a little ceremony of our own.
Posted 10/9/06 9:21 AM |
Member since 9/06 1864 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
Posted by lvlz
I was so upset, b/c I felt as though another ring would not be as special - since that was the one we had given to each other during the ceremony
So far so good, but I'd be upset if he did for the same reason.
Posted 10/9/06 10:01 AM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
yes, we were whitewater rafting in Lake George and he lost it..... He went back to the place where he bought it and they made one just like the original it is nicer
Posted 10/9/06 10:04 AM |
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
DH lost it in the subway in the bathroom for NYPD and MTA and he got it back. But he had already ordered a new one but he still told me the truth. I hope someone calls that they found it.
Message edited 10/9/2006 10:12:12 AM.
Posted 10/9/06 10:11 AM |
what what!?

Member since 5/05 4206 total posts
Name: Lissette
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
MY DH didn't lose his ring... but he DID lose MY ring!
When we moved to our current apartment last July, I had packed my wedding & engagement ring in my jewelry box with tape. After everything was pretty much in place, we started opening boxes and stuff. He was doing the bedroom, and me the kitchen. After we were done, we decided to grab some items at Walgreen's. When I went to put on my rings, I only found my engagement ring. After him putting the bedroom together, we ripped it apart, and couldn't find it! We couldn't figure out how it got lost, when a lightbulb flashed over his head. He went to the garbage boxes, and went into the box he threw garbage in. Would you believe that when he pulled (he must have YANKED) the tape off, the ring jumped and got stuck on it, and that's where it was. I almost fainted because I was soooooooo upset!
Anyway, MrsPorkChop, I'm sooooo sorry that DH lost his ring. I'm sure the last thing you'd want to do is get a new one that wasn't "the" wedding band, but I'm sure that in the future you'll both look back at this and laugh.
Posted 10/9/06 10:13 AM |
But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05 15379 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
Oh no I hope someone finds it and returns it to you!
Posted 10/9/06 10:22 AM |
Love my little girl!

Member since 2/06 3621 total posts
Name: Jodi
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
My DH lost his just recently and it was never found. He is brilliant and put it in the pocket of his cargo shorts (no zipper, only buttons) while painting. Needless to say, it was gone. We held on to hope for a couple weeks but finally bought a new one. Luckily, his was not expensive. But, it was hard seeing him without one for awhile
I hope someone finds it and returns it!!!
Posted 10/9/06 10:24 AM |

Member since 5/05 5754 total posts
Name: Laura
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
There was a near miss on the honeymoon when he dropped it into the sandbottom pool, when he was trying to see "how fast it would fall to the bottom" and then he lost it for good when he put it into the laundry out on the ship and never got it back.
the clincher is that he went ahead and ordered himself a new one and didn't tell me...except he used the credit card that i get the statement for and i saw the charge!!!
Posted 10/9/06 10:40 AM |
Member since 8/06 2759 total posts
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
I hope someone turns it in...I would call back and keep checking with them
Posted 10/9/06 11:00 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 934 total posts
Name: Me & My Sis back in the day!~~Jennifer
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
YES!! The first time he lost it - it turned up in the house. I told him if he ever loses it again he is tattooing my name on his finger & that will be his ring! WEEEEELLL.. guess what a couple of months later - LOST! Soooo off to the tattoo palor he went! So now - my name is on his finger and he can't ever lose it- (I hope!)
P.s - We found the ring 2 weeks later!!
Message edited 10/9/2006 11:54:54 AM.
Posted 10/9/06 11:54 AM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
DH lost his our first Christmas as a married couple and I was more hurt over it than he was. We spent a week looking for it, and we thought it was gone forever.
then a week later he called to tell me he found it in a car at work (he's an auto dealer). He hasn't lost it again!
I hope he finds his ring!
Posted 10/9/06 12:02 PM |
She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05 14624 total posts
Re: Has your DH ever lost his ring?
Yup! Dh is on ring #2. When I was pregnatn he became friends with a jeweler and picked out a very unique, cool ring. He loves his new ring.
Posted 10/9/06 2:08 PM |
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