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Random things I hate..

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My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Random things I hate..

feel free to add your own :)

... I hate how the men giving out the "metro" and "am" newspapers in the morning stand right in front of the subway stairs and either block ur way, stop every1 to a dead traffic, or shove a paper into ur hand thereby forcing u to take one when u dont even wanna read it!!!


.. I hate how If I dont email my friends I will never ever hear from them..oh unless they need something of courseChat Icon

..I hate when I wake up with a terrible stomach ache and hafta sit at work feeling sick all day..

im sure ill think of more..

Message edited 8/23/2006 11:50:55 AM.

Posted 8/23/06 11:47 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Waiting patiently for baby sis

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L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)

Re: Random things I hate..

I hate when you say thank you to someone and they say "mmhmm" or "uh huh" instead of "you're welcome"

Posted 8/23/06 11:48 AM


Member since 3/06

18677 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

I hate when people sit on the stairs in the subway or at the train station - move b*tch get out the way!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/06 11:49 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

I hate when I hold the door open for someone and they don't say "thank you"

Posted 8/23/06 11:51 AM

I might steal your diamonds

Member since 2/06

4680 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

~Finding crumbs on the counter top
~DH trying to take over the bed in his sleep and having to wake him to tell him to get back to his side
~Feeling really hungry but being unsure of what to eat
~Long train rides with cell phone talkers
~People who try to burst through the subway doors when they are almost shut
~Having $$$ to shop, but finding nothing to buy

Posted 8/23/06 11:51 AM

BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06

10082 total posts

Meaning a NON ttcer!

Re: Random things I hate..

Posted by muchinluvmichi

.. I hate how If I dont email my friends I will never ever hear from them..oh unless they need something of courseChat Icon

This is the EXACT thing that happens to me. My DH always says "what is the big deal- just email them- who cares who emails first"- but why should I always have to be the one to initiate the communications!
UGH! Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/06 11:53 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

632 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

I know they mean well, but when people hold the door for you and you are like a mile away and then have to kinda run in heels to get to the door they are holding for you.

Grouchy cashiers...

Posted 8/23/06 11:56 AM


Member since 8/06

7945 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

When I'm really tired and DH is snoring so loud it would wake the dead

when people are talking and get that gross white stuff at the corners of their mouth

when people stop in the middle of the sidewalk to stare at what I don't know

Posted 8/23/06 11:56 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/05

4675 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

I hate when I'm driving in the left lane keeping up with traffic, staying like a car length behind the car in front of me and the car behind me is up my a$$ and starts flashing his brights! Where do you want me to go? Chat Icon Or when I have to stop and the person behind me gets annoyed and starts honking. It's called rush hour traffic! Get over it!!!!

Posted 8/23/06 12:02 PM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

I hate it when people press the up and down button to the elevator and stop me on my way up and ask: "are you going up or down" I just want to scream: "no I am going sideways!!!!" Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/06 12:04 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

32475 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

Colonoscopies..Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/06 12:05 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

Posted by LaurenExp

I hate when you say thank you to someone and they say "mmhmm" or "uh huh" instead of "you're welcome"

Oh I hate that too.

Or when you hold the door for someone (who doesn't say thank you) and like 5 million people come I'm a friggen woman. I always put my comment in....yup...I'm here to hold the door for you...

Posted 8/23/06 12:05 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

23902 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

I hate:

When children curse



Posted 8/23/06 12:06 PM


Member since 5/05

3893 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..


If I plant weeds next year will flowers grow?

Posted 8/23/06 12:06 PM


Member since 2/06

5581 total posts

Suzanne / SuzBride

Re: Random things I hate..

I hate when the person in front of me in the right hand lane comes to a COMPLETE STOP before ever so slowly turning right. Just TURN!

I hate when the person in front of me is driving SO slowly, so I try to pass them and they speed up. Um...rude much?

I hate when clients call to tell me they emailed me something or tell me they are going to email me something. Guy - I can read my email.

I hate when I see something I love at a store, and decide to wait until it goes on sale, and it sells out. I hate when I buy something I love at a store, and then it goes on super sale.

Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/06 12:10 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05

16555 total posts

I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: Random things I hate..

i hate when a co-worker emails me, then calls me to tell me they just emailed me.....what was the point of the email then?

Posted 8/23/06 12:12 PM

Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06

11613 total posts

L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)

Re: Random things I hate..

Posted by TheLorax

I hate when the person in front of me in the right hand lane comes to a COMPLETE STOP before ever so slowly turning right. Just TURN!

Chat Icon

Just as bad, I hate when the car in front of the car in front of you (hmm..follow that??) makes a right and the car in front of you takes forever to "recover" from that and drives slow for like a million years.

Posted 8/23/06 12:15 PM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

Posted by anonttcer

Posted by muchinluvmichi

.. I hate how If I dont email my friends I will never ever hear from them..oh unless they need something of courseChat Icon

This is the EXACT thing that happens to me. My DH always says "what is the big deal- just email them- who cares who emails first"- but why should I always have to be the one to initiate the communications!
UGH! Chat Icon

I've gone thru this. Group of 4 friends, one of them never intiated anything. I waited for that person to start a conversation. I waited 3 months, nothing. Finally, a converstaion was started by that person because they needed something. SO much for a friendship! Needless to say, its now a YEAR since I've spoken to them...

Posted 8/23/06 12:16 PM


Member since 5/05

13736 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

Posted by LaurenExp

I hate when you say thank you to someone and they say "mmhmm" or "uh huh" instead of "you're welcome"

I've gotten into a bad habit of replying "No problem" and even I cringe after I say it!! Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/06 12:17 PM


Member since 5/05

13736 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

Posted by Snozberry

~DH trying to take over the bed in his sleep and having to wake him to tell him to get back to his side

Hours of this last night!!Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/06 12:17 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

32475 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

Posted by Wendy

Posted by Snozberry

~DH trying to take over the bed in his sleep and having to wake him to tell him to get back to his side

Hours of this last night!!Chat Icon

My DH steals the covers constantly!

Posted 8/23/06 12:20 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

632 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

I hate when someone makes a right into your lane, cutting you off and making you hit the brakes, when there is NO ONE behind you!
WHAT, You can't wait 2 SECONDS, DUDE??? ARGH!

Message edited 8/23/2006 12:21:30 PM.

Posted 8/23/06 12:21 PM


Member since 5/05

13736 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

Posted by Blu-ize

Posted by Wendy

Posted by Snozberry

~DH trying to take over the bed in his sleep and having to wake him to tell him to get back to his side

Hours of this last night!!Chat Icon

My DH steals the covers constantly!

We can't even share a blanket anymore! We each have our own!

Posted 8/23/06 12:22 PM


Member since 2/06

5581 total posts

Suzanne / SuzBride

Re: Random things I hate..

Posted by LaurenExp

Posted by TheLorax

I hate when the person in front of me in the right hand lane comes to a COMPLETE STOP before ever so slowly turning right. Just TURN!

Chat Icon

Just as bad, I hate when the car in front of the car in front of you (hmm..follow that??) makes a right and the car in front of you takes forever to "recover" from that and drives slow for like a million years.

haha - so true - and I like the use of 'recover' to describe it. Seriously I shout "Just Go" probably 5 times every day on the way home. People are so pokey!

Posted 8/23/06 12:23 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Random things I hate..

Posted by muchinluvmichi

.. I hate how If I dont email my friends I will never ever hear from them..oh unless they need something of courseChat Icon

Same here.

And I hate when people stand NEXT to you in line and edge up as if they are going to cut you instead of standing BEHIND you. Hello people - didn't we learn how to form a line in kindergarten????

Posted 8/23/06 12:24 PM
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