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Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

Forum Opinion Poll
Yes 15 17.65%
No 70 82.35%

Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

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Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

Just for the record I don't have an open marriage nor am I considering an open marriage.

Anyway, Do you know anyone with an open marriage? If so, does their marriage and happiness seem any different to you than a non-open marriage?

Posted 8/12/05 7:38 PM

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

In addition:
If you found out that a relative, or your friendly neighbors, or a co-worker that you respected had an open marriage, would it change your relationship with them? Would you cut them off or begin to keep your distance?

Posted 8/12/05 7:39 PM

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

Maybe im out of the loop but what is an open marriage?

Posted 8/12/05 7:39 PM

When you wish upon a star

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

One of my friends had an open marriage

Posted 8/12/05 7:41 PM

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

where you can sexually be with someone who is not your sig. other.

Posted 8/12/05 7:41 PM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

I don't know anyone personally but if that's what they like, I'm no one to judge. people have different reasons for doing stuff.

Posted 8/12/05 7:42 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

Posted by DebG

In addition:
If you found out that a relative, or your friendly neighbors, or a co-worker that you respected had an open marriage, would it change your relationship with them? Would you cut them off or begin to keep your distance?

no i don't know anyone...but of course i wouldn't judge them...
what someone does as consenting their business

Posted 8/12/05 7:49 PM


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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

I don't know anyone with an open marriage. As much as I would like to say that I wouldn't judge them, I'm pretty sure that my opinion of them would change to some extent if I knew something like that. I wouldn't stop socializing with them or being their friend.

Posted 8/12/05 7:53 PM

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

I think I would be worried that they would try to solicit me or perhaps DH...which would make me a little more nervous around them. Other than that it wouldn't change my view on them as people, it takes a lot for me to do that.

Posted 8/12/05 8:01 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

Posted by DebG

I think I would be worried that they would try to solicit me or perhaps DH...which would make me a little more nervous around them. Other than that it wouldn't change my view on them as people, it takes a lot for me to do that.

why would you think they would do that?
just because someone is single doesn't mean they push that on others?

Posted 8/12/05 8:05 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

Posted by Redhead

Posted by DebG

I think I would be worried that they would try to solicit me or perhaps DH...which would make me a little more nervous around them. Other than that it wouldn't change my view on them as people, it takes a lot for me to do that.

why would you think they would do that?
just because someone is single doesn't mean they push that on others?

they arent single...they are a married couple who looks for a third person to join them.

Posted 8/12/05 8:08 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

Posted by DebG

Posted by Redhead

Posted by DebG

I think I would be worried that they would try to solicit me or perhaps DH...which would make me a little more nervous around them. Other than that it wouldn't change my view on them as people, it takes a lot for me to do that.

why would you think they would do that?
just because someone is single doesn't mean they push that on others?

they arent single...they are a married couple who looks for a third person to join them.

and a single person is looking for someone to sleep with them....

either people respect someones commitments or they don't...but that could be anybody...
a swinger, someone in a n open marriage (which imo is the same as a single person anyway), a single person, a gay person...
could be anyone...

and an open marriage doesn't mean that they want a third person in their bed...just means that they are free to sleep with whoever they want...

Posted 8/12/05 8:11 PM

just the girls

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

Nope, but I heard rumors of 1 married couple that we know that they are swingers- and yea when I see them , which is rare- I feel a bit strange around them, but thats only b/c I cant see how they do that.

Posted 8/12/05 8:17 PM

2 Girls For Me!

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

To my knowledge, I don't know anyone that has an open marriage.....

But I would definitely judge them, I mean...why get married and committ to one person if your going to sleep around with other people anyway? And how about diseases? I just find it disgusting, and personally I don't think they would be someone I would associate it.

Posted 8/12/05 8:20 PM

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

My friend's parents had an open marriage. It really really screwed up their kids.

I think it's okay before there are kids involved, but after that I think it can be a little selfish and confusing for the family.

Posted 8/12/05 8:21 PM


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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

yes... a co-worker at my old job. i didnt have much respect for her before i knew though.. she always used to talk openly about her crotch problems, and would talk loud on the phone with her gyno while we we're all next to her (SMALL office)... hence why i needed to get out of that place.

anyway, i feel like whatever floats your boat. its not for me, but i wouldnt think less of people becaue of it (like i said w/ that other woman... i already didnt think that highly of her, so it didnt change anything)

Posted 8/12/05 8:21 PM


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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

Posted by DebG

I think I would be worried that they would try to solicit me or perhaps DH...which would make me a little more nervous around them. Other than that it wouldn't change my view on them as people, it takes a lot for me to do that.

the woman at my office used to do this too! To almost Everyone there! Chat Icon it was very uncomfortable for so many people.

Also- did anyone ever see the movie Zebra Lounge.. with one of the baldwin brothers? it was a movie about this topic, and this one swinger couple became completely obsessed with the other to Unsafe measures. just offers the "possible consequences" aspect of the topic

Posted 8/12/05 8:24 PM

i run for bacon

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

Posted by AnnBrunoXO

To my knowledge, I don't know anyone that has an open marriage.....

But I would definitely judge them, I mean...why get married and committ to one person if your going to sleep around with other people anyway? And how about diseases? I just find it disgusting, and personally I don't think they would be someone I would associate it.

I completely agree!

Posted 8/12/05 8:26 PM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

Posted by neeniebean86

Posted by DebG

I think I would be worried that they would try to solicit me or perhaps DH...which would make me a little more nervous around them. Other than that it wouldn't change my view on them as people, it takes a lot for me to do that.

the woman at my office used to do this too! To almost Everyone there! Chat Icon it was very uncomfortable for so many people.

Also- did anyone ever see the movie Zebra Lounge.. with one of the baldwin brothers? it was a movie about this topic, and this one swinger couple became completely obsessed with the other to Unsafe measures. just offers the "possible consequences" aspect of the topic

omg, and I thought I was the only perv who saw it.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/12/05 8:28 PM


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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

Posted by Aliasmom
omg, and I thought I was the only perv who saw it.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Yeah, i dont think i ever admitted seeing that movie to anyone before Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/12/05 8:33 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

Posted by neeniebean86

Posted by Aliasmom
omg, and I thought I was the only perv who saw it.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Yeah, i dont think i ever admitted seeing that movie to anyone before Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Should I rent it for sunday?Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/12/05 8:34 PM

Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05

24460 total posts


Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

Posted by neeniebean86

Posted by Aliasmom
omg, and I thought I was the only perv who saw it.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Yeah, i dont think i ever admitted seeing that movie to anyone before Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Me either.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/12/05 8:34 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
it was TERRIBLE.... but a good learning lesson for why Not to have an open marriage Chat Icon

Posted 8/12/05 8:35 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

Friends of mine have a "open" marriage...

Do you they seem happier...No! Actually I think they are both very unhappy!!!! They've only been married like 2 or so years and divorce has been an option so many times...

I think they enjoy partying together and the openes and freedom...I think they love eachother but I dont think they are in love...

Im not putting them down...what works for them is fine by me... You can just tell that the spark is gone though...

Posted 8/12/05 8:36 PM

22 Months?!!!!

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Re: Do you know anyone with an open marriage?

what friends may or may not do is their business

Posted 8/12/05 10:39 PM
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