Today at work i was thinking with the war and every sad newsi hear on tv i was wondering what is everyone grateful for and why?
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Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05 24460 total posts
Name: Tania
Re: Today at work i was thinking with the war and every sad newsi hear on tv i was wondering what is everyone grateful for and why?
Posted by -Laurie-
I'm grateful for my husband who I haven't heard from in days because he is currently serving overseas, he is an awesome husband, father and provider and well someone has to do what he does.
I'm grateful for my son because he is the main thing that is getting me through these days and everything he does is just amazing.
Also that my family is healthy and happy, that Dennis even though he tried to blow my house down wasen't successfull even though he was to some of my neighbors.
I'm just happy to be where I am in Life right now and that I have alot of special people in my life who help me fullfill it everyday in their own special ways.
God bless your dh and everyone else that's there serving and protecting this wonderful country.
Posted 8/4/05 8:02 PM |
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