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Does this sound crazy for a 5 year old birthday party...

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I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does this sound crazy for a 5 year old birthday party...

Posted by michele31

I think each family needs to set their budget for these parties. I know some people think Molly's party are too expensive, even though both have been that home, because I do printed, designed invites (Thanks SonicStefChat Icon , make the house look a certain way and just because it is home doesn't = cheap. I spend more at home than some do having the party out. But you know what...I enjoy it, every minute of it. I want to do it and we can afford the party. Now my husband would rather us have 10 people over for cake/coffee and buy 2 balloons...but he gets the big VETO on that from meChat Icon BUT we are not struggling finanically. I don't think it is crazy to invite 25 kids to a party. I think it is irresponsible to spend $700 on a party when you can't afford to or it impacts your ability to pay your bills. It doesn't matter how many incomes you have because many 2 family income are struggling too.

So crazy, in general, no. Irresponsible in this case, yes.

Yes it is irresponsible especially when they are always crying how broke they are. That's why I think this whole thing is crazy.

It's like one day they cry poverty and the next week they are putting a Bar up in their Den. Because I'm sure having a Bar is a necessity when you have a family...Chat Icon

Posted 1/12/06 3:30 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Proud SAHM

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Re: Does this sound crazy for a 5 year old birthday party...

So in THEIR case of course its silly to maybe have such an expensive party becuase they cant afford it..
But me and DH CAN afford it and LOVE giving them.
As some of the other posters said.. what do you do when you have all these other kids inviting your kid to a party?.. its only right to recipricate..i
If you cant afford the 20 or 28 dollars a child ( which even a mcdonalds party is up to like 15 dollars a kid now) at 20 or 30 kids then you have it at home.. but if you can afford it.. then there is nothing crazy about having it at White post farms or bowling or adventurland or wherever..

Posted 1/12/06 3:46 PM

We made it to 8 years

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Re: Does this sound crazy for a 5 year old birthday party...

Posted by bedda26

Posted by MM2004

Not only the money but supervising 25 5-year olds with just me and my husband....I'd go INSANE!

That's another thing. Maybe some of the parents will stay with their child. I know I would stay if I saw 25 children at a party that my child was invited too.

my sister has a huge group of friends.. my niece is almost 8. my nephew is 4 and my other niece is 10 monhts old...Party are huge for my nephew becasue all her friends which she made through my nephew ALL have kids arund my youngers nieces age.. so for hewr first birthday my sister has about 50 kids coming. This is the way it is at all birthday pareties.. my nephews birthday was a Chucke cheese and there was 30 kids there and 90% of the paretns either came as a couple of as on eparent came alone....Most parents stay

I had Jillians Party at my house for her first birthdya and we had 50 people that were friends.. and that cost us over $500 and we went on the cheap side...

Posted 1/12/06 5:09 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Does this sound crazy for a 5 year old birthday party...

I wonder how it went for them. The party was yesterday. We'll find out today cuz we have to call our niece to wish her a happy birthday.

Posted 1/13/06 10:33 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Does this sound crazy for a 5 year old birthday party...

it doesn't sound too crazy to me, if you;re having a party you can't just invite a few kids from school you have to invite the entire class, that usually means 20-30 kids, you hope that they all don't come, but they may! $700 seems cheap to me to have 30 kids, I think I paid about $500 for 17 kids last year for my daughter's 5 year old party. These places make a killing and they really got ya since it is a pain to have ot at home.
The parties are over tghe top now, for my daughter's 6yp party we did at day at the spa with 15 of her girlfriends, they had a blast, but it was indeed costly!!Chat Icon

also, most of the Mom;s stay at the parties especially sicne there are 10 of us who are very close, so that meas providing food and rinks for them as well Chat Icon

Message edited 1/13/2006 10:56:22 AM.

Posted 1/13/06 10:55 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does this sound crazy for a 5 year old birthday party...

Oh and I wanted to add that Molly will either invite 2-3 kids from a class or the whole class. I refuse to have a few children feel left-out because of my daughter's party. I always think that can be very hurtful to those children. They always hear about the party before or after. I still remember not being invited to a 4th grade pool party because my friend's mother said she could only have 10 girls (not one more) and I was "new" so I didn't make the cut. I am not going to have my daughter do that to others.

Posted 1/13/06 2:02 PM
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