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Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

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Straight up nasty

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

It pisses me off when the kids don't even say thank you. My nieces are famous for that..even complain about what they've been given. What can I say, their mother is a heathen!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/26/06 4:14 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Be a big girl!

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

My mother taught us to write a TY w/in 1 week of receiving a gift. I still send them and agree that writting TY cards (and letters in general) is a lost art.

My kids will be sending them.

Posted 4/26/06 4:24 PM


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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

I've been sending my own thank -you' since I made my Communion--Ann I've never heard of the tracing thing-- I guess my mom wrote them for em when I was very little--My aunt used to do that for her kids too & then they would try & sign there names all crazy-like! It was adorable!

My family even thanks eachother for greeting card ( not with another card, but on the phone or in person).

Posted 4/26/06 4:45 PM

Family is Complete!

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

I have noticed a decrease in the amount of thank you cards I have received for gifts. Some people are really just rude and thoughtless. DH and I sent gifts to his bro and SIL and their kids in Poland and overall, the gifts and the shipping were expensive. We were not sent any gifts (not the issue, but still) and we received no thank you's. I actually handknit gifts for them and no one has the decency to say thanks.

DH has said that it is a cultural thing, though. Once his cousin wished me good luck with something and before I could say thank you she told me not to say thank you. For some reason DH said it was considered bad luckChat Icon I don't understand it.

I have always sent thank you's and almost always handwritten ones!

Oh yeah, my mom actually stopped sending gifts to my cousins when we were all little because they didn't send ty'sChat Icon

Posted 4/26/06 5:07 PM

life moves fast

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

I think it's very important.. my son is 5 and he writes them himself Chat Icon

Posted 4/26/06 5:16 PM

going along for the ride...

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

My husbands neices and nephew have never sent us a thank you for any of the gifts we have given them - in fact - they love the gifts as I see them wear or play with them - but once or twice after opening a few gifts from us they ask where the rest of them areChat Icon

I will say though that my cousin's wife has never sent us a thank you either - for the gifts we sent to their kids when they were born or the toys we sent for christmas - we are generous with them and yet the only thank you goes to my parents and not to us.

Posted 4/26/06 5:36 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

Posted by Marcie

I totally agree with you.

The problem I have on my side of the family is that they don't even say thank you when you hand them something - whether it be a gift or passing food to them at the dinner table Chat Icon

Same thing on my side of the family! It is so rude! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/26/06 7:40 PM

Pookie Love

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

I think it's so rude. When my cousin had his Bar Mitzvah - I never got a thank you for my very generous check and other people got thank you - so my money was ok, but I wasn't good enough to get a TYChat Icon It's inexcusable that a 13 year old who is celebrating "becoming a man" does not send thank yous - or send selective ones.

Three years later his sister was Bat Mitzvahed - that was 1 1/2 yrs ago...still waiting...

When the oldest one had his HS graduation party last summer I was invited like two days before and didn't go - you can bet I didn't send ANYTHING!

Posted 4/26/06 8:32 PM

Making big changes

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

Posted by nov04libride

I hear ya! My DH still doesn't know how to write a thank you. You really have to start kids early.

I think that's just a man thing. My Mom always nagged us to write thank-you's. Chat Icon

Posted 4/26/06 8:51 PM


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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

Posted by Lisa

I totally agree with you!

I really think this day in age of email...the art of letter writing has been lost!! Chat Icon

I agree..... I think kids should def be writing thank you cards more often....

Posted 4/26/06 8:54 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

Believe me Animal will be writing thank really pi$$es me off when kids don't. My nieces are actually some of the few kids I know who do.

Posted 4/26/06 9:01 PM

I need a nap!

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

I was always made to write them, so I continue you that now and I've had people say that they love reading thank you notes that are heartfelt. Granted, they may receive them 4 months later, but my OCD won't let me use an item until I've written my TY.Chat Icon

Posted 4/26/06 9:08 PM

big brother <3

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

Posted by SoinLove

Posted by nov04libride

I hear ya! My DH still doesn't know how to write a thank you. You really have to start kids early.

I think that's just a man thing. My Mom always nagged us to write thank-you's. Chat Icon

Chat Icon That definitely could be it. And it's always, "I don't know hooowwwwww can you do it? Puhlease?"

Posted 4/26/06 9:12 PM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

OMG I know what you guys sister and I always wrote thank you' my DH's nieces and nephews barely mutter a thank you and I have not once rcvd. a note Chat Icon

Posted 4/26/06 10:59 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

I know people who attach a generic thank you note to the favor (at parties.) I despise this.

Posted 4/27/06 8:08 AM

3 babies for me :)

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

Posted by mrsmck

My mother taught us to write a TY w/in 1 week of receiving a gift. I still send them and agree that writting TY cards (and letters in general) is a lost art.

My kids will be sending them.

I agree too. It makes me nuts when I do not get any kind of acknowledgement. I have grown cousins who do this Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/27/06 8:40 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

Posted by nov04libride

Posted by SoinLove

Posted by nov04libride

I hear ya! My DH still doesn't know how to write a thank you. You really have to start kids early.

I think that's just a man thing. My Mom always nagged us to write thank-you's. Chat Icon

Chat Icon That definitely could be it. And it's always, "I don't know hooowwwwww can you do it? Puhlease?"

MY DH knows he should do it--his family taught him that, but he is always afraid he is going to say aomething awkard, so he always runs it by me first, but at least he writes them! Chat Icon

For our wedding, I wrote out a few templates for different situations & he was able to take it form there. Chat Icon

Posted 4/27/06 9:38 AM
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