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Does your DH go with you to OB appts

Forum Opinion Poll
He goes to every Appt. 31 38.75%
He goes to the ones that they do sonograms 30 37.50%
He TRIES to go to every one 14 17.50%
I'm on my own 5 6.25%

Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

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life moves fast

Member since 5/05

4225 total posts


Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

My husband goes to the "big" ones with me.... when they do sonograms pretty much.... he doesn't like to miss thoseChat Icon but he doesn't go to the quick monthly ones only because it's hard for him to get away from work.Chat Icon

Message edited 7/22/2006 11:16:12 AM.

Posted 7/22/06 11:05 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

Since we currently share a car, I make my appts. around his schedule. Since he is around, he goes. He never speaks at appts though.

Posted 7/22/06 11:10 AM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

mine does...and I am glad...its our first baby so we're both excited and "new" to all this....this way, he stays a part of it also helps that we can easily get night appts (after work!) too!

Posted 7/22/06 11:11 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

I'm on my own. He did come to the level II with me. But we don't think it's a big deal that he doesn't come to the regular appointments. I get a sono at each appointment.

Posted 7/22/06 11:18 AM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

My DH goes to the one's that they do the important stuff like sonograms, but he also goes to the one's that I might have a problem. Other than that he can make it to all of them because of work. He's get in trouble! Chat Icon

Posted 7/22/06 11:21 AM

Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

He came to all the sonogram ones. Other than that, if he is off, he'll come. If I made a big deal about him coming, he would try and get off, but the exams were so routine that I didn't feel the need to make him take off. Now that it's getting down to the end, we'll see, I might want him there.

Posted 7/22/06 11:41 AM

Where it all began....

Member since 5/05

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Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

He has come to every one this time, which is kinda funny since he only came to important sonos with the first one. It has more to do with the fact that I am now a diabetic and all my appointments are after 6pm. With my first I always went during the day.

Posted 7/22/06 11:44 AM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

He only goes to the big ones, since he works in the city and I go to the doctor during lunch (I work in Westchester). I really don't think he's missing much at the monthly visits. They are sooo quick.

Posted 7/22/06 11:49 AM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

So far he's come to all of them.

Posted 7/22/06 11:52 AM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

4313 total posts


Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

Mine goes to all of them even the ones when I have to go give blood at the lab.Chat Icon

Posted 7/22/06 12:13 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

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Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

He's gone to everyone so far. Only 4 weeks left!!!

Posted 7/22/06 12:44 PM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

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Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

He's come to the big ones. He was there for the Level II and had to endure witnessing my internal afterwards. This was a big thing because he's very squeemish. I can't even discuss my period around him EVER. It freaks him out. God help me in the delivery room. I told him that he will be staying at my head and not looking at all. I think it's the only way he'll make it. Chat Icon

Posted 7/22/06 12:46 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

21138 total posts


Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

DH come to all of my appointments. My dr. does sonos everytime I go so he loves to see the baby!

Posted 7/22/06 1:45 PM

I'm 2!

Member since 9/05

6616 total posts


Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

so far he has gone to everyoneChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/22/06 2:45 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

He came to my 1st appointment, and all the big sonos - but the regular monthly's, I go solo or with my Mom..

I don't mind at all. Our schedules are completely different and really, there isnt a whole lot for him to see/do while I'm there

Posted 7/22/06 2:46 PM

Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

He came to my ultrascreen, level II and when I took my glucose test. Other than that I've been on my own or occasionally my mom has come with me. All of my appts have been during the day though which makes it hard for him to tag along.

Posted 7/22/06 4:50 PM

my beautiful baby is here :-)

Member since 9/05

1136 total posts


Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

with this preganancy amazing enough he has made it to everyone with my first son he didnt make it to that many but in all fairness it was harder with that job that he had

Posted 7/22/06 6:42 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

I make him go to every appt with me. I didn't fertilize my own eggs. I would make him get a PAP if I couldChat Icon

Posted 7/22/06 6:42 PM

<3 my family

Member since 1/06

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Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

Posted by KPtoys

I make him go to every appt with me. I didn't fertilize my own eggs. I would make him get a PAP if I couldChat Icon

Same here. My husbands boss (he is in the military) tried to tell him he couldn't go and I told his boss I didn't get pregnant alone! His boss never told him no again, lol.

Posted 7/22/06 7:02 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

My DH didn't got to any but the ultrasound ones with me. I actually liked going by myself because I was pretty close with my midwives so we would spend a nice amount of time talking about things that I know DH would be bored listening to.
If I asked he would go but it was kind of a pain for him to get away from work as well.

Posted 7/22/06 7:04 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05

1292 total posts


Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

If our schedules were similar he'd go. He tries when he can because he usually has more questions than I do...

I fully anticipate missing my 20 week sono because there is NO WAY I can get out of work at that time - maybe he can go for me! Chat Icon

Message edited 7/22/2006 7:42:31 PM.

Posted 7/22/06 7:41 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

5971 total posts


Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

DH has been to every single prenatal visit for all of our children. He also has never missed a trip to the pediatrician.

Posted 7/22/06 9:07 PM

How did I get so lucky

Member since 5/05

3725 total posts


Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

Posted by angelbear217

Mine goes to all of them even the ones when I have to go give blood at the lab.Chat Icon

mine tooChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/22/06 11:02 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/05

1390 total posts


Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

DH has been to all of them with me, but now that they are just checking the heartbeat and out, I'm going to tell him not to. He has to sleep during the day so I'd rather he get his rest. He wants to be at all the sonos though.

Posted 7/22/06 11:04 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

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Re: Just curious... How many of your DH's go to your OB appts with you?

mine was great - he didnt miss one through out the 9 mths.

Posted 7/22/06 11:34 PM
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