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What is your biggest labor fear?

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Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


What is your biggest labor fear?

Since we plan to go all natural of course pain is a big concern but my biggest thing is feeling nausea or even worse throwing up Chat Icon I have issues with that...

Has anyone gotten sick during labor and or delivery?

Posted 1/16/06 10:16 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

Right now its not knowing when things will get started, but my fear is to have to go for an emergency c-section...

Posted 1/16/06 10:23 PM

it's me

Member since 5/05

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

I have a few:

-getting to the hospital too late for an epidural
-pushing forever and not progressing and then ending up having a C-section

The closer I get the more anxious I get about the whole process.
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Posted 1/17/06 5:56 AM

All good things in 2016!!

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

Pooping and puking......need I say more?? LOL

Posted 1/17/06 6:04 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

I got sick with both deliveries. With Joseph, it was in the hospital. They gave me something to keep it down but I tossed that right up. I still remember commenting to my husband that the container that they have for that sort of thing was so well designed.

With Maddie, I was in the shower with 3 min contractions and threw up all over. I was shocked & just screamed "ERRRR....What an inconvient time to have to clean a bathroom!!!!"

DH got me out and cleaned upChat Icon

The truth is you're really not going to care about that stuff. You think you will, but when you're in labor, you get to the point where you just don't care.

Posted 1/17/06 7:36 AM

My munchkins

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

the episiotomy!

Posted 1/17/06 7:59 AM

Disney cruise bound!

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

Posted by MrsBumbleb

I have a few:

-getting to the hospital too late for an epidural
-pushing forever and not progressing and then ending up having a C-section

The closer I get the more anxious I get about the whole process.
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I agree with the pushing forever and still wind up needing a c/section.

Posted 1/17/06 8:39 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

Before most women go into labor they always are anxious about the pooping while pushing but when you are pushing all you care about is getting that baby OUT!!!!!! you wont care what comes out along with itChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

It hurts alot but the end result is so wonderful.....ASK FOR DRUGS
I went natural both times ......and not by choiceChat Icon

Posted 1/17/06 8:43 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

Posted by BlessedBMommi

Pooping and puking......need I say more?? LOL

That's my biggest fear... Pooping right before I push the baby out!!!! GROSS!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/17/06 9:19 AM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

my biggest fear came true when i had my daughter ..I was home alone and she came so qucikly i had to deliever her myself, at home , alone, no drugs!! Chat Icon

Posted 1/17/06 10:01 AM


Member since 9/05

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

My biggest fear is being home alone and not getting to the hospital in time.

Posted 1/17/06 10:42 AM

Love my life!!

Member since 11/05

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

Posted by LuvMyDH

Posted by BlessedBMommi

Pooping and puking......need I say more?? LOL

That's my biggest fear... Pooping right before I push the baby out!!!! GROSS!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh yea me too!!!! Without a doubt!

Posted 1/17/06 10:57 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

My biggest labor fear is something going terribly wrong during labor. I could crap all over the place, have the strongest pain ever on record, and have the most stretched out vagina in the long as I have my healthy baby in the end, I don't care of any labor "pains".

Posted 1/17/06 11:18 AM

Chase is one!

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

Posted by Corinne

the episiotomy!

YES! I have nightmares about this.

Posted 1/17/06 11:21 AM

I'm Gonna be a Big Brother

Member since 5/05

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

I basically feared the whole thing...From begining to end. But my DH & I took a 6 hr Lamaze class and I feel so much better. I'm not as nervous, just a little about the painChat Icon

Message edited 1/17/2006 11:25:55 AM.

Posted 1/17/06 11:25 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

Posted by MicheleMaBelle

Since we plan to go all natural of course pain is a big concern but my biggest thing is feeling nausea or even worse throwing up Chat Icon I have issues with that...

Has anyone gotten sick during labor and or delivery?

I plan on going natural too, my biggest fear is laboring for too long and not making progress then have to get a c section. I am also worried about getting nauseus and sick too, since you can't eat anything, and when my sugar gets low normally when I don't eat, I get nauseaus.

Posted 1/17/06 11:26 AM

LIF Infant

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

Everything!!!Chat Icon

Posted 1/17/06 12:27 PM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

I think the head and shoulders coming out.Chat Icon and well, my water breaking on the subway or something similar to that.

Posted 1/17/06 12:28 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

I used to fear all labor/delivery until I took Hypnobirthing and then I was looking forward to it ALL. I highly rec'd it. It shows you just how amazing your body is and what you can do to help yourself through each stage.
Once I understood what was going to happen at every stage I was so excited and amazed.

Posted 1/17/06 1:02 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

Posted by sweetness

I plan on going natural too, my biggest fear is laboring for too long and not making progress then have to get a c section. I am also worried about getting nauseus and sick too, since you can't eat anything, and when my sugar gets low normally when I don't eat, I get nauseaus.

Me too! If I don't eat every 3 - 4 hours I feel queasy!

Posted 1/17/06 2:12 PM

3 babies for me :)

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

I vomitted during labor and I really didn't care. Once you are in the thick of it, the things you thought you would be embarassed by go right out the window.

Posted 1/17/06 2:22 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

In no particular order:

Not getting there in time for the epidural
The epidural paralyzing me
Problem with delivery and harming the baby
the insertion of the IV
DH not being there or fainting
Pooping on the table

I think thats it... but I'm sure I'll come up with more
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Posted 1/17/06 2:24 PM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

having a c-section
not being able to get an epidural
the epidural not working
the episiotomy
pain in general
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Pretty much everything about labor freaks me out.Chat Icon

Posted 1/17/06 6:31 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

I was afraid of going into labor while I was at work or while I was at home alone; afraid of what the pain would be like before getting my epidoral; fear of being overdue.

In the end I ended up having an emergency c-section 5 weeks before she was due.

Posted 1/17/06 6:55 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: What is your biggest labor fear?

For me it is that fact that I dont know what to expect and I dont know how I well I will tolerate the pain. I am taking lamaze in March and hopefully that will prepare me some. I am also nervous about getting an epidural because I dont like needles. It blows my mind sometimes to think I actaully have a tatoo but freak out when I have to give a vial of blood.

Posted 1/17/06 7:03 PM
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