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Can everyone tell me about their morning?

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Y'all come back now, ya hear!!

Member since 9/05

2361 total posts


Can everyone tell me about their morning?

Just wondering what your work morning is like?

I get up at 5:45. I start coffee, take a shower, get dressed, put on my makeup, then blow out my hair, and I usually have about 25 mins to just do nothing, watch tv, and finish my coffee.

Of course, DH and I spend like 2.5 seconds together in the morning.

Posted 9/21/06 8:36 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

Get up at 5:45, eat breakfast, watch the news, shower at 6:20, dressed and out the door by 7:00. I wake DH up a few minutes before I leave for work.

Posted 9/21/06 8:38 AM

I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05

22334 total posts

Professional Aunts No Kids

Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

get up around 5:15am...take a shower, get dressed and out the door by 5:50am catch the 6:08am train!! then a Chat Icon on the train!! Chat Icon

Posted 9/21/06 8:39 AM


Member since 5/05

13736 total posts


Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

I get up at 5:30, right into the shower, dry my hair, get dressed, give one of the dogs his meds, let them out, maybe check home email, feed the dogs, let them out again to make sure they are "cleaned out" and head to work.

If DH has to go to the city, he gets in the shower right after I'm done drying my hair and usually leaves around when I've just fed them. If he's working from home, he doesn't get up until after I leave and I will let the dogs out once and leave the rest to him.

Posted 9/21/06 8:39 AM

Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05

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Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

We get up at 5:45, make the bed and then I head for the bathroom to put my contacts in and jump into the shower. Finished with hair, makeup and dressing by 6:45. Jump in the car and head for the train.

Posted 9/21/06 8:39 AM

Y'all come back now, ya hear!!

Member since 9/05

2361 total posts


Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

Am I the only one who dresses before hair and makeup?

DH always asks me why I get dressed first.

Posted 9/21/06 8:40 AM


Member since 9/06

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Me!! All about ME!

Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

Wake up at 5:30
Blow out hair...

Wake DH at 6am - He gets in the shower

Make his lunch. (usually a sandwich)
Get dressed

Out the door by 6:30-7:00

Posted 9/21/06 8:40 AM


Member since 5/05

1573 total posts


Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

I always start out with the best intentions - the night before when I'm setting my alarm. I always figure I'll get up a half hour early and make myself some coffee and breakfast and eat it leisurely.

The alarm goes off at 6, I get out of bed at 6:27 (yes, that's hitting the snooze three times). Go downstairs, bathroom, teeth, dressed, out the door by 6:40. Train at 6:47.

Thank goodness I take my shower the night before - I can't take the time to blow dry.

Posted 9/21/06 8:41 AM


Member since 5/05

4002 total posts


Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

I get up at 6:20, take a shower, do my makeup and hair, have breakfast, pack my lunch, get dressed and leave. Usually while I'm in the shower, DH makes the bed and puts up a pot of coffee.

Posted 9/21/06 8:41 AM

My two miracles!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

I get up at 6:15, make the bed, put my contacts in, brush my teeth & put my makeup on. I then get dressed & fix my hair (I take a shower at night & blow my hair out). I do all this while watching "Good Day New York." Once I am done in the bedroom, I head downstairs, open the curtains & get my lunch (prepared the night before) out of the fridge. I am out of the house by 6:40 & at my office by 7!

DH is usually still home with exception to Wednesday but he is getting ready in the other bathroom!

Posted 9/21/06 8:42 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

Up at 5:15--

go straight into the shower
get dressed
do my hair
check my e-mail
put on makeup

I am out the door by 6:10 or 6:15 and I usually eat a special k bar for breakfast in the car.

Posted 9/21/06 8:42 AM

Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06

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Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

I was up at 4:45am promptly then picked out some clothes. The clothes, the baby Brooklyn and I go to the bathroom where we can turn on the light w/o walking sleeping beauty. Brush teeth while getting dressed...grab my stuff and out the door. Walked half a block to the truck, turned on the Sirius and headed to the LIE.

Stopped at Dunkin Donuts in Maspeth....continued onto Brooklyn. Since I arrived at 6:10am (the line at DD was long) I have been busting my butt. There was a lull around 8:15am so I came on LIF.

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ps i shower the night before as to not disturb sleeping beauty. he is a beyotch if i wake him. *sniff* yep i am clean. Chat Icon

Message edited 9/21/2006 8:43:17 AM.

Posted 9/21/06 8:42 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

Since my hours have changed ( dont hate me!)

up at 7:15
Online a little...Make coffee
Drink coffee....make-up....then hair...
Get dressed
Get lunch etc ready to go
Feed dog
More online time
Leave around 9am

Keep in mind that ALL changes when I have a 7-7:45 drs appointment which these days is often....

then Im up at 5:50 and do all the above before leaving around 7am.

Posted 9/21/06 8:44 AM

I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05

22334 total posts

Professional Aunts No Kids

Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

Posted by KristenNYC

Am I the only one who dresses before hair and makeup?

DH always asks me why I get dressed first.

I dress also.

Posted 9/21/06 8:47 AM


Member since 6/05

15758 total posts


Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

got up at about 6 after dh gets out of the shower
take my shower
sit on the couch with dh before he leaves
then brush teeth, do hair and get dressed
out the door by 6:50

Posted 9/21/06 8:50 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

I get up at 7 am, jump into the shower, bring something to work for breakfast (cereal, fruit), leave for work by 7:45, get there by 8 (gotta love living less than 5 miles from work)

Posted 9/21/06 8:50 AM

Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06

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L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)

Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

Wake up at 5:15, feed the cats, feed the fish, scoop the litterbox. Today was garbage so I gathered the garbage from the 2 bathrooms and the kitchen and left the bag there for DH (he has to have SOME chore, right?). Take a shower, get dressed, put on make up, blow my hair. Hop in the car with DH for our 35 minute commute (we commute together). Get here to work by 7am.

Posted 9/21/06 8:50 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

Posted by Lisa

Posted by KristenNYC

Am I the only one who dresses before hair and makeup?

DH always asks me why I get dressed first.

I dress also.

I dress right after my shower, I do hair, brush teeth and do makeup after I am dressed

Posted 9/21/06 8:52 AM


Member since 7/06

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Völlig losgelöst

Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

wake up at 5.41 (i like setting at a 1). get out of bed by 5.51 (which is really 5.41, b/c i set my clock 10 mins fast). go downstairs have some yogurt and make myself a latte. pet, play and feed the cat. go into the shower. wake up DH before i shower or he wakes up on his own and showers before me. after i get out of the shower, brush teeth etc and then put makeup on and pull my hair back (i fix the rest of it when i get into work). get dressed.

tell DH to hurry up and we walk to the train station, where we then commute together. i walk into work at 8.10.

Message edited 9/21/2006 8:59:19 AM.

Posted 9/21/06 8:58 AM


Member since 1/06

1671 total posts


Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

Get up at 5:45 am, take a shower, apply make-up, dry my hair, put the news on really quick to check the weather, take my vitamins, get dressed, kiss DH on the head and I am out the door.

DH is still sleeping, he gets up at 8:00 am.

Posted 9/21/06 9:00 AM

life moves fast

Member since 5/05

4225 total posts


Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

Get up at 6:45am, wake up my son and get him to eat his breakfast, and get dressed, make lunch for my DH and my son, take my son out to the bus stop by 7:35, after he leaves on the bus come in and take a quick shower before my daughter wakes up, get dressed, and if time before my daughter wakes up I try to tidy up the house, get the dishes put away and/or laundry, then get my daughter up, feed her breakfast and get her dressed, bathed and ready for the dayChat Icon

Posted 9/21/06 9:01 AM


Member since 5/05

5754 total posts


Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

alarm goes off at 6:45, i get up at about seven , hop in the shower, get dressed, hair, makeup out the door at 7:45, at work by 8.

Posted 9/21/06 9:02 AM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

y'all get up early!
--- 6:52-shut aralm off & fell back to sleep.
-- 7:20 wake up in slight panic ( oops!)
-- showered, contacts teeth
---7:47 half dried off, wrapped hair in towell, powered, deoderized, got dressed.
---7:50 removed hair towell, bolwoed dried roots for a few seconds, put hair in ponytail.
-- 7:52 grabbed bag while slipping on shoes
DH says I'm early--checked clock
--have a minute, so banged blistered foot.
Kissed DH godbye, grabbed jacket
---7:56, left apartment, walk to train.
--8:02 push my way onto the train.
--8:28 push my way onto subway
--8:58, get breakfast.
--9:08, at desk, pretending to work.

ETA- when there is time for makeup, I put it on after I get dressed.

Message edited 9/21/2006 9:44:27 AM.

Posted 9/21/06 9:43 AM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

5am up

Shower (wash hair at night)
brush teeth
wash face
get dressed (lay out clothes night before)
brush hair
make bed
eat breakfast
grab lunch (made night before)
kiss DH
out the door by 6 am

At work no later than 6:45.

Posted 9/21/06 9:50 AM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Can everyone tell me about their morning?

wake up when I want- usually around 730
eat breakfast
watch some TV
go online to check mail and come on here
feed the pets and walk dogs
shower its now either 10 or 11
watch my soaps
If Im working I only work afternoons now, the latest Im home is 730 earliest 630, depending on the day.Saturdays if I go in I work 745 am till 1.
sometimes in the morning I will prepare dinner for that evening too if I work till 7.

Posted 9/21/06 9:50 AM
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