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December Mommies!

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Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

21138 total posts


December Mommies!

How is everybody doing??

I am 19+ weeks and feeling generally good...tired a lot and crampy sometimes. I am barely showing (Still in my regular clothes) and the baby is measuring about 5 days ahead of schedule! I feel the baby move ALL of the time...he is very busy in there Chat Icon

Please check in..I want to know how everyone is doing!! Chat Icon

ETA: We are having a Chat Icon !!

Message edited 7/11/2006 8:52:51 AM.

Posted 7/9/06 8:13 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

My guys

Member since 5/06

2173 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

I just started my 17th week and feel pretty good. I am definitely showing and in full maternity gear. I'm up about 7 far so good. In about two weeks, we'll find out whether this peanut is a Chat Icon or Chat Icon . We are convinced its a Chat Icon . I'm not really feeling much movement. I thought I was for a few days, then it went away. So I'm patiently waiting for this little one to get me with a few good kicks.
My only real complaint is that I wake up every night at 3:00 a.m. on the dot and can't fall back to sleep for a good hour or so. So I've been very sleepy by the afternoon. Oh well!
Feel well ladies!

Posted 7/9/06 9:55 AM

my beautiful baby is here :-)

Member since 9/05

1136 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

Im just starting my 18th week today and I find out in 11 days if its a Chat Icon or a Chat Icon . the count down has begun. Im feeling still very tired. I cant seem to sleep a full night anymore and this getting up atleast 3 times a night to pee that would be great if one night that didnt happen lol. The baby is moving alot which is cool my first son didnt do that. well hope everyone is feeling good and cant wait to find out what everyone is having

Posted 7/9/06 11:50 AM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

21138 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

Glad that everyone is doing well!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/10/06 8:41 AM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

I am 16 1/2 weeks and I am definitely showing and wearing maternity clothes. I go the dr wednesday but so far I already gained 7 lbs
Cant sleep at all anymore....waking up in the middle of the night and staying up for an hour at a time

Posted 7/10/06 8:49 AM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

Hi!!! lets see I am just shy of 16 weeks, feeling great EXCEPT for the swelling of my hands and feet. I am on bedrest for a few days till it goes down, doctors orders! I wake up in the middle of the night in severe pain from my wrist and hands they are numb and burn like crazy!!! Today my dad is getting me support socks to wear. The baby is also leaning on a nerve on my right side, I have a constant pain in my scapula, doctor said to take extra strength tylenol and I have and it works for about an hour and thats it oh well!
I am def showing and wearing maternity clothes. Weight not sure, I dont have a scale at home and I know 3 1/2 weeks ago I weighed in at 11lbs gained so far, this thurs I go for my 4 week visit and will find out my weight then.

Posted 7/10/06 9:32 AM

Our family is complete

Member since 6/06

16494 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

Hi everyone! I am currently 19 weeks and 2 days - due Dec 2nd. I am excited for this Wednesday to come so we can find out if we are having a Chat Icon or a Chat Icon! I kinda think it might be a Chat Icon, but who knows! Happy and healthy is key for me! I am mostly feeling good, just not while sleeping. It's so hard not to sleep on my back. I think I need to invest in one of those expensive pillows (any advise on that?). According to my home scale, I gained 5 lbs, but the doctors scale says -1. I have really changed my diet since becoming pregnant, so I think I am counteracting my weight gain. No more soda and junk food can make a difference!
I look forward to going through the stages with you gals and I wish everyone the best of luck through everything!! Chat Icon


Posted 7/10/06 10:08 AM

My guys

Member since 5/06

2173 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

Posted by BabyCote2006

Hi everyone! I am currently 19 weeks and 2 days - due Dec 2nd. I am excited for this Wednesday to come so we can find out if we are having a Chat Icon or a Chat Icon! I kinda think it might be a Chat Icon, but who knows! Happy and healthy is key for me! I am mostly feeling good, just not while sleeping. It's so hard not to sleep on my back. I think I need to invest in one of those expensive pillows (any advise on that?). According to my home scale, I gained 5 lbs, but the doctors scale says -1. I have really changed my diet since becoming pregnant, so I think I am counteracting my weight gain. No more soda and junk food can make a difference!
I look forward to going through the stages with you gals and I wish everyone the best of luck through everything!! Chat Icon


I was thinking of buying one of those body pillows. My sister swore by hers to help with sleeping when she was preggos. I've seen them at Target and Linen-N-Things for as cheap as $9.99. I really need to get one to support between my legs and under my belly while sleeping on my side.
Good luck! Keep us updated.Chat Icon

Posted 7/10/06 10:37 AM

my beautiful baby is here :-)

Member since 9/05

1136 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

let us know how that pillow helps cause I myself toss and turn all night and the regular pillows arent helping.

Posted 7/10/06 10:50 AM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

Same weeks as you! So far so good but definitely showing...all in front though! Level 2 is tommorrow but we are not finding out. 2cnd trimester is ALOT better then the first! will they tell me tomm if the baby is older or younger then the due date?

Posted 7/10/06 11:39 AM

Now a mommy of 2!!!

Member since 4/06

3164 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

Hi there!

Just barely a December mom - I am 15+ weeks and I feel good. I have gained about 7-8 lbs so far and this past week my belly grew a ton - now none of my clothes fit! I go in 3.5 weeks for my level II.

Posted 7/10/06 12:46 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1041 total posts


Re: December Mommies!


I am 17weeks, and I feel very good lately. I don't feel like I am showing that much yet, but my clothes are tight. We have our level II in a few weeks and aren't sure if we will find out the sex.

Posted 7/10/06 9:42 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

347 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

Im 17 weeks and sick as a dog still. Im so jealous of you all who feel so good. I am still throwing up or dry heaving adn have all these other yucky symtoms that wont go away. Im getting discouraged but keep thinking about my little one.

Posted 7/11/06 9:15 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

hi!! 17 weeks here, up 15 poundsChat Icon felt the baby move a few times, but not in the last 3 days. def showing. tired all the time

Posted 7/11/06 2:50 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

21138 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

Posted by teacherwheart

Im 17 weeks and sick as a dog still. Im so jealous of you all who feel so good. I am still throwing up or dry heaving adn have all these other yucky symtoms that wont go away. Im getting discouraged but keep thinking about my little one.

Oh...I am so sorry that you feel so sick Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/11/06 3:52 PM


Member since 3/06

2018 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

i'm starting my 17th week-- still some queasiness off and on. i don't think i've gained much weight, which is concerning me a bit, but i'm petite to begin with. i am showing--- people are beginning to notice my belly...

level II is tomorrow and we are going to find out if it's a Chat Icon orChat Icon. my gut is saying boy but most of my friends think it's a girl.

will post pics soon.

Posted 7/11/06 4:46 PM

My guys

Member since 5/06

2173 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

Posted by teacherwheart

Im 17 weeks and sick as a dog still. Im so jealous of you all who feel so good. I am still throwing up or dry heaving adn have all these other yucky symtoms that wont go away. Im getting discouraged but keep thinking about my little one.

Thinking of you!Chat IconChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/11/06 5:36 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

347 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

Thanks for thinking of me, hopefully Ill feel better soon but I doubt it.

Posted 7/11/06 5:52 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/06

182 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

I am 16.5 weeks and go for my level 2 Aug. 7! Can't wait to find out if it is a Chat Icon orChat Icon ! I have gained 11 pounds so far which is crazy for me!!!! I am really strict about my weight and can't believe 11 pounds! Seriously though I can see my BB's weighing in at at least 2 lbs. each! There gi-normous! Anyway hope all of you dec. moms are feeling good!!!Chat Icon

Posted 7/11/06 7:02 PM

Our family is complete

Member since 6/06

16494 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

I have my sono today at 3pm and we get to find out what it is! I can't wait!!!

7 hours and counting........

Posted 7/12/06 7:57 AM

My guys

Member since 5/06

2173 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

Posted by BabyCote2006

I have my sono today at 3pm and we get to find out what it is! I can't wait!!!

7 hours and counting........

Good luck!!! Let us know ASAP!Chat Icon

Posted 7/12/06 8:25 AM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

21138 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

Posted by apb17

Posted by BabyCote2006

I have my sono today at 3pm and we get to find out what it is! I can't wait!!!

7 hours and counting........

Good luck!!! Let us know ASAP!Chat Icon

let us know!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/12/06 8:46 AM

Our family is complete

Member since 6/06

16494 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

UGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They couldn't tell today! I so knew this would happen. I am a little upset, but totally glad that everything looks good and healthy!
The sono tech said the baby is breech right now and may change in the next few months. I have to go in 4 weeks for the glucose and 8 more weeks to try to determine sex again. That's going to be a LONG wait, but I guess I don't have a choice.
Thanks for your support girls! Best of luck to everyone else on their Level II's.
Ta ta for now!

Posted 7/12/06 4:17 PM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

I have my level 2 sono August 5

Posted 7/12/06 6:38 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/06

14 total posts


Re: December Mommies!

Hi! I'll be 16 weeks tomorrow, due Dec. 28.
I am feeling good these days - nausea has been gone for a few weeks and I am much less tired. My next Dr. appt. in on the 21st and we'll get the information about what I think is our level 2 (they call it something else out here......). DH asks me EVERYDAY when we find out if it's a Chat Icon or Chat Icon - and I tell him everyday that I don't know yet!!!!!

As for clothes and showing - I am on the line - some maternity clothes, some regular (drawstring or elastic waist skirts, mostly). Getting dressed for work in the morning is a daily challenge. People who know me and see me everyday can tell, but I am not sure if a stranger would think I was preggo or just a big eater/beer belly! I've gained about 10 lbs Chat Icon

Posted 7/12/06 7:27 PM
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