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I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

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But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

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I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

The people who live diagonal from us. Park in front of our house EVERYDAY and ALL NIGHT! There driveway is always empty. ALWAYS! and there is like 1 car parked in front of their house. They don't park in front of the house next to us which is DIRECTLY across from them. Only in front of our house. and its kinda like we go around the block and they hurry and move the car in front of our house. Chat Icon

So tonight when I came home I parked out front (since im the first one to leave in the morning but was home first) and then when Mike came home he parked on the street also. instead of them parking in front of their house or in their driveway OR in front of our neighbors house they parked DOWN the block! *** it is so strange.

Im usually not one to complain about parking since

a) i dont own the street
b) i know what parking is like in queens Chat Icon

But I do have to say its strange and a little annoying. Chat Icon

Posted 12/30/05 8:49 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

Posted by june262004

Im usually not one to complain about parking since

a) i dont own the street
b) i know what parking is like in queens Chat Icon

Ok.... so whats your point then? Chat Icon

Levittown is wierd. I have driven down some blocks that have TONS of cars on the street. But I happen to live on a block that has plenty of cars in their driveways.

Posted 12/30/05 8:52 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

i would def find it annoying Chat Icon

Posted 12/30/05 8:53 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

cause i dont know why im so annoyed by it but I am Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Its so strange. Why park all the way down the block when you can park in your driveway in front of your house or across the street (my next door neighbors have a huge driveway and NEVER park on the street so its always empty)

Posted 12/30/05 8:54 PM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

odd - and it would annoy me also.

Posted 12/30/05 8:55 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

Makes me think that our neighbors said something to them Chat Icon

Posted 12/30/05 8:56 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

thats sooo Weird!!!

it kind of annoys me too. i mean, i'm from Brooklyn, so it never really phased me, but now that i've been on LI for a while, its starting to get to me Chat Icon

Posted 12/30/05 8:59 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

Well it depends... do they have a nice car... or a beater? Chat Icon

If my neighbor across the street wants to park his ferrari in front of my house.... fine.

But if he wants to park his 1980s Datsun Beaterosa.... forget it. Chat Icon

Posted 12/30/05 9:00 PM


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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

Posted by DjPiLL

Well it depends... do they have a nice car... or a beater? Chat Icon

If my neighbor across the street wants to park his ferrari in front of my house.... fine.

But if he wants to park his 1980s Datsun Beaterosa.... forget it. Chat Icon

True! Chat Icon

Posted 12/30/05 9:01 PM

Pookie Love

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

Beatarosa!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

I think I found a new favorite word in addition to Hosebeast!

Message edited 12/30/2005 9:02:53 PM.

Posted 12/30/05 9:02 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

Posted by DjPiLL

Well it depends... do they have a nice car... or a beater? Chat Icon

If my neighbor across the street wants to park his ferrari in front of my house.... fine.

But if he wants to park his 1980s Datsun Beaterosa.... forget it. Chat Icon

quite frankly, ferrari OR beater, park in front of YOUR OWN DAMN HOUSE!!!

1) Ferrari in front of my house would only lead people to believe we're $$$$$$, thus making our house a target for burglary!
No thanks! don't need that!

2) Beater - is an eyesore! Park it in front of YOUR OWN DAMN HOUSE!!! Chat Icon

Posted 12/30/05 9:03 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

Maybe they like the exercise...??

I know when its nice out I always try and park in the furthest spot at the mall...just so I can walk a little extra...

I know its not the same thing...but hey...

Posted 12/30/05 9:04 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

UGH! sounds like our neighbors next door. The always park in front of our house even though driveway's here can hold 2-4 cars plus the garage can hold another 2 Chat Icon
I 100% agree that it is fustrating!!

Posted 12/30/05 9:06 PM

Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

Juney - maybe you could stick your garbage cans in the street right in front of your house!

Posted 12/30/05 9:07 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

Posted by mrswask

Juney - maybe you could stick your garbage cans in the street right in front of your house!

NOooooooooooooooooooooo Chat Icon When people in Brooklyn used to do that (granted, brooklyn is different though) i used to get out of my car, put their garbage pails on the sidewalk, and then park my car in that spot. Chat Icon

Posted 12/30/05 9:08 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

Posted by mrswask

Juney - maybe you could stick your garbage cans in the street right in front of your house!

Yeah... that can work. My wife parks her truck on the street in front of our house.

When i put the garbage out... i make sure I put it at least 5 feet away from her truck just in case.

Stick your garbage right on top of their car. Then when the garbageman comes... maybe he will have a "whoops" while picking up the trash cans. Chat Icon But of course if he has a beater... this won't work. Chat Icon

Posted 12/30/05 9:09 PM

Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

Posted by neeniebean86

Posted by mrswask

Juney - maybe you could stick your garbage cans in the street right in front of your house!

NOooooooooooooooooooooo Chat Icon When people in Brooklyn used to do that (granted, brooklyn is different though) i used to get out of my car, put their garbage pails on the sidewalk, and then park my car in that spot. Chat Icon

OK - then why don't you stick your garbage pails in front of THEIR house!!!Chat Icon

Posted 12/30/05 9:10 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

hey .i'll take the ferarri in front of my house

But then again....someone might break into my house thinking i got some MUCH MULA....since i am able to buy that car

so...actually NO...back to annoyed

Posted 12/30/05 9:12 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

Posted by Redhead

hey .i'll take the ferarri in front of my house

But then again....someone might break into my house thinking i got some MUCH MULA....since i am able to buy that car

so...actually NO...back to annoyed

that's what i said too!! Chat Icon

Posted 12/30/05 9:12 PM

My new 71 Super Beetle

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

Our neighbor across the street doesn't have a driveway and parks right behind our driveway. I am always afraid I am going to smack into it in the morning.

Posted 12/30/05 10:12 PM

Family is Complete!

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

If they turn off of the main road onto your road, is your house on the right side, thus easier to park in front of? My parents live on the right side of the street off a main road and the people across the street would park in front of my parents' house because they were too lazy to turn their car around and park in front of their own house.

I know it is annoying, though. My parents' neighbors park in front of my parents' house instead of their own when they have an empty driveway. First it started that they parked somewhere between the two houses, but recently they park right at the end of my parents' driveway.

If laws were really enforced no one would be able to park on the street overnight...

Posted 12/30/05 10:18 PM

talk to the hand

Member since 5/05

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

it would bother me too.. I know I don't own the street, but I feel like the space directly in front of my house should be for mine or FH's car Chat Icon

... do you think they are tenants of that house diagonal from you? maybe that's why they don't park in the driveway or in front of the house?

Posted 12/30/05 10:32 PM

Nike. Just do it.

Member since 5/05

3303 total posts


Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

hows this for annoying:

the guy next door parks his lil mini i dont know what to even call it kind of car-in front of his house, it has been there for the past i dunno, 11years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

every pic i take outside, that damn car is in the background
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/30/05 11:09 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

Invest in some orange cones - we had to do this at my parents house last year! Some jerk kept parking right in front of our we put orange cones all along the curb for about a week....they got the idea. Chat Icon

Posted 12/30/05 11:22 PM

Best "THINGS" in my life.

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Re: I have no idea why this annoys me so much!

We had the same problem all the time! What part of Queens do you live in?

Posted 12/30/05 11:24 PM
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