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Pre Natal Vitamins???

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Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Pre Natal Vitamins???

Which brand are you taking? and How often are you taking them?

I am taking Duet DHA (2 pills per packet) and I take them twice a day (AM & PM). Sometimes the iron in the vitamins affects my stomach. Can anyone recommend a different brand? TIA

Posted 10/5/05 8:17 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I luv My Daughter

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

I am on Citracal. I take one in the Am and that's it. That was the 1st question I asked when she prescribed them to me if they would make me sick and she said most likely not, most open handle these excellent.

Posted 10/5/05 8:32 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

I'm on Citrical. I take it at night before I go to bed

Posted 10/5/05 8:44 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

Thanks! I will ask my Dr. if I can change vitamins.

Posted 10/5/05 8:49 AM

I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

1192 total posts


Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

i just assumed I should take it in the Am is there any benefits of taking it before bed?

Posted 10/5/05 9:08 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

My doc told me to do it to not get queasy. Not that they bothered me in the first place. All the girls I know take them at night also.

Posted 10/5/05 9:14 AM

My Girls

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

I can't take any pre-natal because I have such a weak stomach, I was getting morning all day sickness for the first 4 1/2 months non-stop, so I am on folic acid, iron, and calcium, I think the zinc in the vitaman was getting me sick..

Posted 10/5/05 9:41 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

I'm on Natafort and have had no problems. Plus they were all samples (and some leftovers from turkeybaby!) so it's FREE

Posted 10/5/05 9:48 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

I have been taking CVS prenatals since before conception. They do not affect me at all and they are only $8.99 for 100 pills. Can't beat that!! Prescription would have cost me wayyy more a month.

Posted 10/5/05 10:04 AM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

CVS brand, my doctor told me that they are the same as the perscription pre-natals. She said as long as they agree with you, keep taking the same ones.

Posted 10/5/05 10:07 AM

Love her so much <3

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

I have a question to my docotor gave me pills to they are called primacare and there are two pills one side says am and the other side says pm. No do i take both in the am and the pm. i'm unsure

Posted 10/5/05 12:01 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

Posted by BlessedBMommi

I'm on Citrical. I take it at night before I go to bed

same here, I had to take them at night now, because I would take thm in the am and got sick

Posted 10/5/05 12:31 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

I take Citracal and take it right before I go to bed.

Posted 10/5/05 1:23 PM

My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

Posted by BlessedBMommi

I'm on Citrical. I take it at night before I go to bed

same here, I have had no problems.

Posted 10/5/05 1:32 PM

Horray for 3 boys!!

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Mikey, Greg & TJ's Mommy

Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

I take Citrical as well, but my doc advised me to take them with dinner so I don't get sick.

Posted 10/5/05 4:30 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

I've been taking since about month 4 Spring Valley Prenatal for pregnant and lactating women. There are 240 tablets for about $8.99. We picked them up while running to Walmart to buy more baby hangers Chat Icon

I was given a prescription for prenatals and they cost $30 for a month supply and I thought that was riduclous so I was thrilled to find these. No problems with them, they have all I need but I do take an extra Calcium tablet and Vitamin C. I take them usually with lunch.

Prior to that I was taking Premesis RX till about month 3 which were specifically desinged to help or reduce morning sickness.

Posted 1/4/06 4:48 PM


Member since 5/05

3415 total posts


Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

Posted by dandr10199

Which brand are you taking? and How often are you taking them?

I am taking Duet DHA (2 pills per packet) and I take them twice a day (AM & PM). Sometimes the iron in the vitamins affects my stomach. Can anyone recommend a different brand? TIA

I'm taking the same ones and I find if I take the big yellow one in the morning after I eat something, even just a piece of toast and then the gel tab at night I don't get quite s queasy.

Posted 1/4/06 8:34 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

I take is two pills, one white and one red (smells and tastes like fish)

Message edited 1/4/2006 8:54:14 PM.

Posted 1/4/06 8:37 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

Every kind of prenatal vitamin made me really sick, so now I take a Flinstone vitamin and folic acid.

Posted 1/4/06 8:53 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

The doctor gave me citracal vitamins, and I was soooooooo sick on them, it made my m/s much worse, so I got off them and just took my womans one a day. Which the doctor said was fine since it had all the same stuff in it that I needed for the baby. I felt much better once I got off the citracal. Chat Icon

Posted 1/4/06 10:46 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

I've been on several...I keep asking the office for samples and I've yet to pay for them my entire PG!!!

I was on Natafort for awhile and that was great.

Now I'm taking Natelle-EZ not too bad

The worst part is when I burp, I can taste it again and it's so yicky.

Posted 1/4/06 10:47 PM

it's me

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

I've been taking prenatal vitamins since three months prior to trying to conceive. I ordered them online from Puritans Pride, got an awesome deal and I just take one in the AM everyday.

Posted 1/4/06 11:04 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

I also take CVS own brand prenatals. My doc does not prescribe prenatals unless he sees reason to. He told me the OTC kind were more than adequate.

Posted 1/4/06 11:33 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

Posted by BriansBaby814

I have a question to my docotor gave me pills to they are called primacare and there are two pills one side says am and the other side says pm. No do i take both in the am and the pm. i'm unsure

my doc gave me sample primacare with a am and pm pill, but the prescription he gave was primacare and just one pill. So I have the samples on backup incase I run out!

Posted 1/5/06 6:48 AM

Love these kids!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Pre Natal Vitamins???

I was taking Natelle but switched to Citrical. I take them at night before bed so I don't even know if they would make me sick. For some reason the Natelle was $50 to fill and the Citrical was only $10 so you guess which one I am sticking to Chat Icon

Posted 1/5/06 8:51 AM
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