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Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

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They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

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Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

We went for our first appointment at 7w5d days or at least we thought. Then the nurse practictioner felt my uterus and said it felt too small for that time frame but that it was tilted back so that may be why. Then she did the vaginal ultrasound and found the gestational sac but the not the flicker you expect to see by now. My heart was pounding and I thought I was going to lose it. She said this may be due to ovulating later than I thought but I am pretty sure since I was using OPK that I ovulated when expected but I am not sure.

She said to stay positive and sent me for blood work yesterday and Sat to test Hsg levels plus I have to return on the 27th for another ultrasound.

I don't feel positive- especially with no morning sickness and now I feel like all my pregnany signs, like sore boobs are disappearing. My DH and I are just so worried and upset and waiting to hear the worst.

Thanks for reading- I just need support right now.

Posted 2/17/06 9:58 AM
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Grace is growing up too fast!

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Try to stay positive. you are in my prayers Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 10:00 AM

I love my little man!!!!

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

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Posted 2/17/06 10:00 AM

I luv My Daughter

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

I know it is hard, but until you know the results try & stay positive. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 10:01 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

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Posted 2/17/06 10:02 AM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

I hope everything works out!!! Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 10:02 AM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

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Posted 2/17/06 10:03 AM

Love my Babes

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon When can you expect your results?

Posted 2/17/06 10:14 AM

Love my life!!

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

stay strongChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 10:15 AM


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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

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Posted 2/17/06 10:20 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

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Posted 2/17/06 10:21 AM

Happy Summer !

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

Think positive...everything will work out for the best.

I am a little surprised that they couldn't give you more information, I guess the bloodwork will tell.

Posted 2/17/06 10:22 AM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

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Posted 2/17/06 10:28 AM

LIF Toddler

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

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I hope everything works outChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 10:29 AM

LIF Infant

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

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Posted 2/17/06 10:30 AM


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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

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Posted 2/17/06 10:33 AM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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The cure IS worse!

Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

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Posted 2/17/06 10:35 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

Please try and think postively. I too found out this week at my 8w appt. that I have a tilted uterus. and it was dificult for them to find anything but after much combing around, they did. But if I had gone sooner, maybe they would not have heard/saw anything.
Everything worked out good and it will for you.

Posted 2/17/06 10:41 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

Also they told me I ovulated later than I thought.

Posted 2/17/06 10:41 AM


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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

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Posted 2/17/06 10:43 AM

My Loves

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

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Posted 2/17/06 10:44 AM

Life is good!

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

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Posted 2/17/06 10:52 AM

She's 7!!!

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I had no morning sickneses and my boobs were sore only for a few days and my little girl is due in less than 9 week!. I hope the same for you Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 11:12 AM

Two in Blue

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

I have read a lot about the tilted uterus. There is a website called and there are lots of stories about women with tilted uterus' not showing their babies heartbeats on US. Here is one I copied for you:
Hi Everyone,
I just found this website by accident and I thought I'd share my story. It's very long so I apologize in advance! I hope I don't bore you to tears.

In September 1995 I got married. My husband and I decided that after the wedding we wanted to try to start a family. We ended up pregnant by January of 1996. We were so excited until at about 8 weeks I started hemmoraging and went to the hospital. They did an U/S and determined that I had lost the baby. I had to have an emergency D&C because of the bleeding. They told us we should wait 3 months before trying again and that most likely next time would be fine. Most people go on to have a healthy pregnancy after a miscarriage. We did exactly as told and 4 months later we got pregnant again! This time we were really nervous and rightfully so. At about 8 weeks I ended up losing that baby too. That time I miscarried naturally and didn't need a D&C. My doctor still didn't want to do any testing because they like to wait until you've had 3 miscarriages. We tried for a year to get pregnant again but my cycles were messed up. I would go 4 or more months without any sign of a period. They finally determined that I was not ovulating so rather that go on fertility meds and risk a multiple birth & another loss we just decided to adopt. In 1998 we adopted a beautiful baby boy. He's been great ever since and we love having him!

From about 1997 until February 2004 my husband and I went on with life as usual. Never using any kind of protection while having sex because we figured I wasn't able to conceive. Last year in March of 2004 I suddenly started feeling extremely sick. After vomiting for 2 weeks I went to my family doctor and told her I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. She asked if it was possible that I was pregnant. I said "No, I don't ovulate" She did a blood pregnancy test anyway. The next day she called me and said that I was pregnant and by my HCG levels she would guess about 6 weeks along. I was thrilled but scared. We decided to tell our families but we told them not to get too excited yet. I scheduled an appointment with my OB/GYN for about 2 weeks later when I should have been around 8 weeks. He decided to schedule an U/S to date the pregnancy. The U/S tech told us that she saw nothing but not to worry because it was early and I had an extremely tilted uterus. They scheduled another U/S for 2 weeks later. We said OK and went home. 2 weeks later we went in hoping to see a baby and once again she saw nothing.They scheduled another U/S for 2 weeks later and meanwhile they drew blood to check my HCG levels for 1 week. Even though my levels were rising they were no where near doubling so I was told to expect another miscarriage. I was upset but prepared. 2 weeks later I went in and had my U/S (this time it was done at the hospital where they had better machines) Unfortunately the U/S lady there also saw nothing. She said I should have been about 12 weeks and since my levels weren't rising like they should have been my body most likely reabsorbed the baby. She told me at 12 weeks even with a tilted uterus she would have seen something. I was so upset that I cried for days. We told our families that we lost this baby too.
For the next few weeks I tried to lose the belly fat I had gained while I was pregnant. I was dieting and exercising. It wouln't do away. I started getting heartburn all the time and I suddenly got a terrible Urinary Tract Infection. About 6 weeks after the horrible 12 week U/S I went to the doctor for the UTI. While asking questions she asked about my LMP. I told her I din't have one since before I was pregnant. She said OK. I told her about my body reabsorbing the baby and I also complained of constant heartburn. I mentioned that I couldn't seem to lose the weight either. In fact I had gained weight and my jeans would not even fit anymore. She said she wondered if somehow I got pregnant again immediately after I lost the baby even though I never even had any bleeding at all. She did another pregnancy test and felt my stomach. She said my uterus was very large and she thought the test would be positive. She called the next day and confirmed that I was pregnant. She scheduled an ultrasound at the hospital for the next day and when I got there I didn't know what to expect! The U/S lady took me into the room and as soon as she started the U/S she told me that there was a baby in there. She dated the pregnancy and I was 18 weeks and 6 days!!! I couldn't believe it! I even found out it was a girl that day! I was so excited to go home and call my family and say that my body did NOT reabsorb the baby! No wonder I couldn't lose weight! LOL The U/S tech told me that the only reason that she could think of that they couldn't see the baby was that my uterus was extremely tilted! They never did understand why my HCG levels wouldn't double! Anyway, In November of 2004 I delivered a healthy 6 lb. 10 oz baby girl by C-Section!
Another good thing that came out of this is now my cycles seem to be back to normal! I am ovulating every month again!! My husband and I are thinking of trying for 1 more next year but I will refuse any ultrasound until at least 18 weeks!

Posted 2/17/06 11:12 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Had our first doctor appointment and it not good...

Stay hopeful, Christine... I know its hard, but I wouldn't think the worst at all..
Please keep us posted and know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you and your little bean Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/06 11:27 AM
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