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How Hairy Are You?

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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How Hairy Are You?

had a conversation w/ a few friends this weekend and was surprised to learn how much we all differ in terms of body hair.

what do you shave or wax?

- eyebrows
- underarms
- biniki
- legs

i only have to shave every 3 days or so and the regrowth is very soft and fine, not porcupine like at all.

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Message edited 4/17/2006 7:53:10 AM.

Posted 4/17/06 7:52 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: How Hairy Are You?

I have Polycystic Ovarian Sundrone or PCOS. My hair tends to be very coarse and grows back fast... yes, I get porcupine like. I swear I'll pluck my eyebrows and I wake up the next morning and there are hairs that weren't there the day beforeChat Icon I really can't go anymore than 2 days w/o shaving. I usually shave. I got my arms waxed and the hair was growing in 3 days later.

Another symptom is hair loss. Thankfully, I was born with a ton of hair but I "shed" more than average. DH said yesterday that I'd never be able to commit a crime, they'd have DNA evidence on me as I leave my hair everywhereChat Icon

Message edited 4/17/2006 8:05:00 AM.

Posted 4/17/06 8:04 AM

Should be working

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

I have an incredible amount of hair on my head. Every time I get my hair cut they mention it. I even get charged more when I get it dyed b/c they have to use more dye than usual. Hats never fit. Neither do headbands.

As for hair in other places, I wax my eyebrows and upper lip. Chat Icon It's getting to be that I have to do it less often than when I was younger - maybe once per month now.

Posted 4/17/06 8:13 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

I don't think I'm overly hairy. I was very self conscious for the longest time about having hairy arms but then I started waxing them.

I wax on a very irregular basis:

Shave underarms & legs.

Posted 4/17/06 9:01 AM

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

I have Polycystic Ovarian Sundrone or PCOS. My hair tends to be very coarse and grows back fast... yes, I get porcupine like. I swear I'll pluck my eyebrows and I wake up the next morning and there are hairs that weren't there the day beforeChat Icon I really can't go anymore than 2 days w/o shaving. I usually shave. I got my arms waxed and the hair was growing in 3 days later.

Another symptom is hair loss. Thankfully, I was born with a ton of hair but I "shed" more than average. DH said yesterday that I'd never be able to commit a crime, they'd have DNA evidence on me as I leave my hair everywhereChat Icon

Wow....ditto. I'm pretty fair though, so the arm hair isn't very noticable.

But I have super sensitive skin, so tweezing and shaving are really my only options.

Posted 4/17/06 9:11 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

I consider myself to be a pretty hairy person. I shave my legs and underarms (obviously).

I wax my upper lip and eyebrows, but I am obsessed with plucking so I only have to do it every couple of months. I also shave everyday for the most part. I can't stand when my legs feel prickly even if you can't see any hair. Does anyone else's legs get prickly the very next day?? Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/17/06 10:19 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

I have Polycystic Ovarian Sundrone or PCOS. My hair tends to be very coarse and grows back fast... yes, I get porcupine like. I swear I'll pluck my eyebrows and I wake up the next morning and there are hairs that weren't there the day beforeChat Icon I really can't go anymore than 2 days w/o shaving. I usually shave. I got my arms waxed and the hair was growing in 3 days later.

Another symptom is hair loss. Thankfully, I was born with a ton of hair but I "shed" more than average. DH said yesterday that I'd never be able to commit a crime, they'd have DNA evidence on me as I leave my hair everywhereChat Icon

Same here!!! i'm very hairy!

Posted 4/17/06 10:27 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

Hairy Girls of the World UniteChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I also have to add that my Dad is almost completely bald... I shed more hairs on my head on a daily basis than he HAS ON his head. I could give him transplant hairChat Icon

Posted 4/17/06 10:32 AM

Luv my munchkins

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

I have Polycystic Ovarian Sundrone or PCOS. My hair tends to be very coarse and grows back fast... yes, I get porcupine like. I swear I'll pluck my eyebrows and I wake up the next morning and there are hairs that weren't there the day beforeChat Icon I really can't go anymore than 2 days w/o shaving. I usually shave. I got my arms waxed and the hair was growing in 3 days later.

Another symptom is hair loss. Thankfully, I was born with a ton of hair but I "shed" more than average. DH said yesterday that I'd never be able to commit a crime, they'd have DNA evidence on me as I leave my hair everywhereChat Icon

I have PCOS too and find the same results. I get my eyebrows and lip waxed every three weeks too.

Posted 4/17/06 10:33 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1686 total posts


Re: How Hairy Are You?

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

Hairy Girls of the World UniteChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I also have to add that my Dad is almost completely bald... I shed more hairs on my head on a daily basis than he HAS ON his head. I could give him transplant hairChat Icon

lol...Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I hear you. I wish it were that easy.

Posted 4/17/06 10:36 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

I'm not hairy at all. I pluck my own eyebrows, shave my legs every other day and shave my underarms and the other area Chat Icon everyday. The hair on my arms is very light, almost blonde.

Message edited 4/17/2006 10:49:01 AM.

Posted 4/17/06 10:48 AM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

I'm pretty furry...

I shave my

legs-whenever I remember to (ha!)
armpits-I'm currently getting lasered, so not as often as I used to
I wax my eyebrows about every six weeks...
I get my chin lasered, so it between to remove hair I have to shave Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon they don't let you wax when you get lasered....

Posted 4/17/06 10:53 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

1 of my friends said that in addition to the common (eyebrows, underarms, bikini and lower legs) shave/wax areas, she also waxes her upper lips, arms, lower back, thighs, inner thighs and feet.

i am so not hairy that in re: to my legs, i only have to shave below the knees. never the thighs.

Message edited 4/17/2006 11:00:12 AM.

Posted 4/17/06 10:59 AM

My miracles!

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

Not at all. Thank goodness my mom gave some SOME good genes.

Posted 4/17/06 11:22 AM

I'm two!

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

Since getting PG I don't need to shave as much for some reason. But usually I have to shave my legs and underarms every day. I usually have a 5 o'clock shadow by the end of the day Chat Icon
I do bikini waxes every month and pluck my eyebrows every few days.

Posted 4/17/06 11:37 AM

I might steal your diamonds

Member since 2/06

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

My hair doesn't grow very fast. I do shave my underarms every day; I can go several days without shaving my legs and you can't see anything on them. Eyebrows grow slowly, too. I'm pretty lucky.

Posted 4/17/06 11:39 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

I'm pretty lucky, i'm not hairy.

Posted 4/17/06 11:43 AM

Fall Is Here

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

Posted by baghag

I'm pretty lucky, i'm not hairy.

me too! Chat Icon

Posted 4/17/06 11:44 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

6794 total posts


Re: How Hairy Are You?

excuse me if this was an offensive question. not meant to be at all. received a FM that the nameless author found it be rude and too personal. as i responded, it was meant as a curiousity question and if anyone is offended then they can just read, roll eyes, and move on to a less offensive thread.

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Message edited 4/17/2006 12:02:15 PM.

Posted 4/17/06 12:01 PM

Welcome to the World!

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

Not offensive at all.

I am about as hairy as the next girl.....either that or I have a lot of hairy friends. LOL

I wax/shave legs, armpits, eyebrows, and upper lip.

yes, I wish I was hairless. Save us a lot of Time! I have a friend who is hairless! She S*u*c*ks LOL

Message edited 4/17/2006 1:39:20 PM.

Posted 4/17/06 1:38 PM

Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

I am not that hairy - I do shave my legs a few times a week, my underarms almost everyday (the hair grows again by the time I am out of the shower!) and I pluck or wax my eyebrows.

I used to have a co-worker that never had to shave her underarms. She had very few blonde hairs growing if any. So not fair!!!!!!!!!

Posted 4/17/06 2:02 PM

woulda, coulda, shoulda

Member since 12/05

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

I dont think I am more hairy then most I do however think my hair is more corse, I have very dark thick hair...

Posted 4/17/06 2:07 PM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

Posted by skew

excuse me if this was an offensive question. not meant to be at all. received a FM that the nameless author found it be rude and too personal. as i responded, it was meant as a curiousity question and if anyone is offended then they can just read, roll eyes, and move on to a less offensive thread.

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JMO, but I had a pretty good idea of what the thread was before clicking on it.....

I am probably average, shave underarms everyday but my legs probably every 2 or 3 days in the summer.

I have a friend who is not hairy at all and is clueless about other people's hairiness. We were talking about it once and she told me of someone else she knows that had to shave their legs every other day. She said "Can you believe that?? I only shave once a week!" I told her she is a hairless wonder, since most women shave much more frequently than that.

Posted 4/17/06 2:08 PM


Member since 9/05

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

Not at all. I've been having my legs and bikini waxed since my early 20's, so now I only need to get it done very irregularly. I shave my underarms and only need to do that 2x's a week at the very most. I even have to pencil in my eyebrows when I wear eye make-up!

Posted 4/17/06 2:15 PM

I love my boys!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: How Hairy Are You?

I am so hairy. Some people get scared when they see me. Click on below for a pic.

regi Chat Icon

Message edited 4/17/2006 2:55:06 PM.

Posted 4/17/06 2:52 PM
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