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OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent UPDATE in first post

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I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent UPDATE in first post

OK so today is my last day at work. The girl who is filling in for me while I'm out also fills in for me on Wednesday since my doctor made me cut my work week.

She found out on Wed. that my last day was today (Fri) and she would be sitting at the desk as on Monday full time (until I return).

Anyway, I came in today to find that she rearranged my entire desk and cleaned out my drawers and threw out my personal papers! She changed the setting on my phone and even found my hidden key for my PERSONAL drawer - and then unlocked it and left it unlocked and open.

I'm so mad - and being the emotional preggo I am, I was crying about it - how embarassing. Chat Icon

But do you think I'm wrong? Just over reacting a little? I know I probably am a little but Im so upset. She could have waited until Monday!

****UPDATE: She just came by and talked to me. She was really rude at first and then I started talking to her and she mellowed and said she was really sorry , etc etc. Apparently she is butting heads big time with my boss and was already called down and spoken to - she had been crying. So my complaints added insult to injury (and then I felt BAD!!). So she said she was really sorry and I just let her know that I am comign back - and this is not her job type thing. She was kind of snotty and said "you can have it I dont want it" kind of thing - but what ever. I said what I had to say and I dont think we'll have the problem again. She is a bit abrasive to being with - but I dont think it will be an issue again.

Message edited 4/7/2006 12:27:41 PM.

Posted 4/7/06 9:48 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

I don't think you are being an emotional preggo, I find it to be rude..and an invasion too!
Chat Icon

Posted 4/7/06 9:52 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3118 total posts


Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

Look at the bright side-- she might have taken over your desk, but she's taking over your WORK too, while you stay home and get paid! That's the thought that kept me going while I had to train people on my responsibilities at work. It felt really weird and bittersweet to me, but I kept focusing on how nice it was going to be to be OUTTA THERE and not coming back. Believe me, it stings at first but you get over it. Right now, a month into things, I could not care less who's getting my office when my mat leave is up... they're getting all the c r a p that comes with it Chat Icon

Good luck with your last day! Chat Icon

Edited to say-- I cannot believe she opened your locked drawer. That is completely unacceptable. I would have a hard time not saying something to her!!!!

Message edited 4/7/2006 9:56:03 AM.

Posted 4/7/06 9:54 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

She should have waited until the end of the day to do this. That was SO rude & unprofessional of her!

Did you say something to her? When you get back from maternity leave you should but all of her stuff in a garbage pail the day you come back. I guess I am a emotional preggo too Chat Icon

Posted 4/7/06 9:55 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

I emailed her and asked her to come by my desk when she got in this morning...havent seen her yet - she should have been in at 9:30.

Posted 4/7/06 9:58 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3118 total posts


Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

It's good that you're talking to her-- just arranging her stuff for next week is one thing, but going thru personal stuff is way way out of line!!!!

Posted 4/7/06 9:59 AM

Chase is one!

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Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

I would be LIVID, too. It's one thing to fill in for you, it's another to rearrange your things and go through your personal belongings. And if she was going to rearrage your desk, she could have asked if it was ok, then waited till MondayChat Icon Some people are clueless.

Posted 4/7/06 10:07 AM

Horray for 3 boys!!

Member since 5/05

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Mikey, Greg & TJ's Mommy

Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

Aww Kathy- that totally stinks. She had no right to go into your personal stuff!!
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/7/06 10:09 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

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Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

I would be upset and it is a little premature. Just make sure she wasn't told to do it...some bosses like to be passive aggressive about these things and this is one way to do it.

Just remember, this is your last day for the next few months that you will have to commute in. Enjoy a work day of doing nothing!

Posted 4/7/06 10:09 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

I don't think you are wrong. I know how you feel because I always (even before being preggo) cry when I am mad. I would say to her "Are you in a rush to get me out of here? It's not like you're taking my job over forever, it's just temporary."

And, don't worry. Focus on keeping yourself and your baby happy Chat Icon

Posted 4/7/06 10:10 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

Posted by MrsJ

I emailed her and asked her to come by my desk when she got in this morning...havent seen her yet - she should have been in at 9:30.

She's not there because I just took her down in the subway for you.Chat Icon

Completely inappropriate. This is a TEMPORARY situation. Your personal drawer shouldn't have been touched by anyone but you once she knew they were personal. And to throw them out?!Chat Icon I hope she's not someone you are planning on keeping when you get back from leave.

Posted 4/7/06 10:36 AM

He's here!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

i agree, sooo rude! i would be soo mad if someone did that to me. just shows she's got no class

Posted 4/7/06 10:42 AM

Love my life!!

Member since 11/05

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Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

did you talk to her yet?

Message edited 4/7/2006 11:24:39 AM.

Posted 4/7/06 11:24 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

Nope still havent talked to her yet! I know she is in - and I suspect she is goign to ignore me. So, we'll see what happens. I'll give her until after lunch and try to reach her again (my office is 3 floors big so I'm not running around looking for her just yet), but if she doesnt respond to my next email, I will find where she is and talk to her then.

Do you know she even changed the ring setting on my phone? I mean - why? Why even bother? This is temporary....this is not her job for good.

Oh I did find out that my boss is already butting heads with her so ...I dont think I have to worry about job security Chat Icon Chat Icon

Thank you girls for making me realize I'm not toally blowing this out of proportion - and thanks Barb for taking her out in the subway!!!! She deserves it!!!

Posted 4/7/06 11:32 AM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

Wow, what a lack of respect for your space on her part!

We have a few hours to scheme up some "parting" gifts for her. I am all for smearning peanut butter on the phone receiver.

Posted 4/7/06 11:45 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

I would tell her straight out that she was OUT OF LINE. To unlock your personal drawer and throw ANYTHING out is plain wrong and disrepectful to say the least.
She seems like someone who wants to TAKE your job. She should Never have throw ANYTHING did she know what was important! I would remind her of that.

Posted 4/7/06 11:50 AM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

Sorry you have to go through this on your last day! Yes she is RUDE to say the least. I would be telling the entire office what she did too. Despite this have a great last day!!!!

Posted 4/7/06 11:52 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

Her setting things up for her own personal use wouldn't have annoyed me, actually... BUT, her going THROUGH your things, and throwing YOUR things away is completely unacceptable! Definitely is a invasion of privacy, and she needs to be put in check!

Posted 4/7/06 11:59 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

Posted by Lichi

Her setting things up for her own personal use wouldn't have annoyed me, actually... BUT, her going THROUGH your things, and throwing YOUR things away is completely unacceptable! Definitely is a invasion of privacy, and she needs to be put in check!

I agree- but even setting up things for her own personal use could wait until Monday. Maybe she didn't realize you were coming in today?

Posted 4/7/06 12:13 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

Update in the first post Chat Icon

Posted 4/7/06 12:18 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent

Glad you spoke to her and it all worked out. Chat Icon

Posted 4/7/06 12:26 PM

Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05

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Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent UPDATE in first post

Posted by MrsJ

Update in the first post Chat Icon

Mrs J is kicking some booty!!!!

Posted 4/7/06 12:33 PM

Horray for 3 boys!!

Member since 5/05

2354 total posts

Mikey, Greg & TJ's Mommy

Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent UPDATE in first post

Glad it worked out!!! Chat Icon

Posted 4/7/06 12:41 PM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent UPDATE in first post

Go Kat! Chat Icon Chat Icon Go Kat! Chat Icon Chat Icon Go Kat! Chat Icon Chat Icon Go Kat! Chat Icon Chat Icon Go Kat! Chat Icon Chat Icon Go Kat! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/7/06 12:41 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: OK being an emotional preggo....need to vent UPDATE in first post

Yesssss I feel much better getting it off my chest. I put everything back where it belongs on my desk LOL and now I'm going to lunch...celebrating my last day!!

Posted 4/7/06 1:10 PM
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