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My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

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My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

I know I can take her outside but my MIL is in town and wants to go to a store. Can I take the baby with me?


Posted 4/19/06 10:42 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

Besides his 4 day checkup I didn't take Andrew outside at all until his 6 week checkup! I was nuts I guess, but very nervous.

I've seen 8 day old babies at the mall, so to each his own!

Posted 4/19/06 10:44 AM

Love my Family!

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

Posted by paulandles912

Besides his 4 day checkup I didn't take Andrew outside at all until his 6 week checkup! I was nuts I guess, but very nervous.

I've seen 8 day old babies at the mall, so to each his own!

Same for me too, I was too nervous to take her out being she was so small, and now with all the stomach viruses going around, I wouldn't chance it. JMO

Posted 4/19/06 10:45 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

I took Hayley to a store when she was 1 month old.

Posted 4/19/06 10:47 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

I know for sure that I took Katherine to the park at 6 days old. As far as a store, I don't remember clearly, but I think she was probably around 10 days old. We went to BRU and she was well covered up. She also went to her grandparents' houses pretty much right away.

Posted 4/19/06 10:47 AM

my princess

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

cvs-prob4-5 days old

Posted 4/19/06 10:48 AM

My Everything

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

We went to the grocery store around 3-4 days old. You have her contained in a car seat, just don't let strangers near her or try to touch her. She'll be fine.

Posted 4/19/06 10:54 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

I wouldn't take her to a store this early.. I didn't take out Jacob to a store until 8 weeks...

Posted 4/19/06 10:54 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

I think i waited like 2 weeks with Jacob but i had him in the dead of winter...

Posted 4/19/06 11:01 AM

We love summer!

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

I didn't take DD to a store till she was over a month old and even at that I picked where we would go (i.e. not to a mall or a crowded place). If you are thinking about going to a mall i personally don't think that is a good idea. I only started taking my DD to shopping centers recently as she got her 1st set of shots. JMO Chat Icon

ETA: You can definitely take the baby out for walks- fresh air is good for them.

Message edited 4/19/2006 11:29:57 AM.

Posted 4/19/06 11:25 AM

Live in the Present

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

I would wait until the 2 month shot before going out in public.

Posted 4/19/06 11:26 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

I had to take him to the pharmacy when I got mastitis and needed to fill my Rx. That was about 4 weeks?

Just remember, if a baby under 8 weeks gets a fever they need a spinal tap (this is what I have heard), so make sure no one touches them.

Posted 4/19/06 11:27 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

Posted by HillandRon

I wouldn't take her to a store this early.. I didn't take out Jacob to a store until 8 weeks...

Same here. Wasn't worth the risk of her getting sick. Walks in the neighborhood are fine.

Posted 4/19/06 11:28 AM

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

Posted by Ricki
Just remember, if a baby under 8 weeks gets a fever they need a spinal tap (this is what I have heard), so make sure no one touches them.

This is true, Maddie had to get one too.Chat Icon

I would say a quick trip to the store with NO CONTACT from other people is fine. You could try to take your mom to the store & have one stay in the car with her.

Are you allowed to drive so soon after a C-section?

eta. Maddie didn't spike a fever bc I brought her out to a store. Joseph (her brother) gave her cox sackie. After multiple spinal tap attempts failed, we had to stay in the hospital for 4 days.

Message edited 4/19/2006 12:00:26 PM.

Posted 4/19/06 11:30 AM

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

Posted by paulandles912

Besides his 4 day checkup I didn't take Andrew outside at all until his 6 week checkup! I was nuts I guess, but very nervous.

I've seen 8 day old babies at the mall, so to each his own!

Same here.

I was also told the same thing (in a very firm voice by my pediatrician), a fever before 8 weeks old means a spinal tap and 3 days in the NICU.

Posted 4/19/06 11:47 AM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

we went for a LONG walk to CVS when she was about a week...

Doc gave us the OK to take hher to Babies r Us at 3 weeks and we took her out to eat then too. He said that as long as we swatted any strangers away that came EVEN close, we would be OK...

Posted 4/19/06 11:52 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/06

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

I waited until after my childrens first shot's and asked the doctor for the "OK"..use own judgement!!Chat Icon

Posted 4/19/06 12:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

I took my kids out when they were a few days old.. I just kept the carrier covered so no one would come near the baby.

Posted 4/19/06 12:17 PM

it's me

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

Roman was probably around 4 weeks when he first went out. Even then it was only if I had to go out and he was bundled up.

Posted 4/19/06 12:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

I took both kids out right away. They are fine!!

Posted 4/19/06 12:36 PM

All good things in 2016!!

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

I still haven't and my DD is 5 weeks old. I've gone for walks but pediatrician wants me to wait until shots for stores. She said going to a store really early w/out crowds, if it was necessary, was ok. The whole spinal tap speech scared me so I'm overly cautious!

Posted 4/19/06 1:46 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

My mom was in town and we went out to eat when Nate was 7 days old after a dr's appt.

Posted 4/19/06 3:08 PM

I love my little man!!!!

Member since 7/05

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

My son is 6 weeks old and I have taken him to stores already-now you guys are scaring me. My ped said it was fine as long as you keep them near you and don't let anyone touch them.

Posted 4/19/06 3:11 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

Posted by bean

My son is 6 weeks old and I have taken him to stores already-now you guys are scaring me. My ped said it was fine as long as you keep them near you and don't let anyone touch them.

Don't be scared. Your baby will be fine. My daughter didn't get one single vaccination until she was 5 months old and she is totally healthy.
The things they vax for aren't diseases that are running rampid in the malls.

Posted 4/19/06 3:41 PM

My Boys

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Re: My first parenting question- When did you take the baby to a store?

It wasn't until he was 2 months did we start going to stores. DH would do the shopping. I think it is in everyone good judgement on when to take the baby in public. Just be sure strangers don't come close to see & touch, which most of them will want to do.

Posted 4/19/06 4:05 PM
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