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October Mommies

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my little man

Member since 5/05

1350 total posts


October Mommies

How is everyone doing?

Had my first internal today and Step B test.
Baby has dropped, my cervix is thinning but still closed.
Finished my Lamaze and Breastfeeding class. Working on getting my hospital bag packed.
We are getting close!

Posted 9/11/06 2:13 PM
Long Island Weddings
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too excited for words

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Re: October Mommies

I'm feeling ok, but I'm pretty sure Luca is dropping, because I feel A LOT more pressure on my bladder lately. I have a Dr.'s appointment on Friday (35 weeks) so we'll see if they decide to do an internal or if they holf off for another week or so. I'm pretty sure they will be drawing more blood to check on my anemia.

Posted 9/11/06 2:18 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: October Mommies

Hey girls Chat Icon I am doing ok, hanging in there. The 3rd trimester has been tougher on me. I am slowing down drastically and feel exhausted, and have been having some nausea again Chat Icon. Also my braxton hicks are much stronger and frequent and I feel more pressure on my bladder also though I don't look like I've dropped one bit!

I already had my StrepB test last Tuesday & will have my first internal tomorrow..a little nervous about that! I have been going to my OB 1x a week now for the past few weeks and they check my blood every week... since I have remained "very anemic" all along, even taking iron 3x a day hasn't helpedChat Icon

Otherwise, I just can't wait to meet Chat Icon at this point!

Good Luck to you all Chat Icon We're so close now!

Posted 9/11/06 2:42 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

57 total posts


Re: October Mommies

I'm feeling tired and HUGE! Chat Icon

My next Dr. appt. is Friday (15th). I'll have my strep B test and my first internal.

I started having some "pre-labor" signs this past Friday (some crampiness, a little back pain, and nausea). I felt like my usual pregnant self again on Saturday. Dr. said it was my body getting ready, not uncommon with 2nd pregnancies. I was a litte freaked out though! I put baby preparations into high gear this past weekend. Now all I have to do is pack my hospital bag, wash a couple of baby items, and pick up some baby supplies to have on hand. I'm hoping that baby holds on until the last week of September.

Posted 9/11/06 2:48 PM

Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

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Re: October Mommies

Although I'm no longer an October mommie....I keep checking in on you girls, so that you can join me soon over on the parenting board!

An update on Mollie: She graduated out of the NICU today, and is in the nursery. She is doing well...eating her bottles and has all of her tubes and things removed (oxygen, IV, jaundis (sp?) lights). Perhaps I will get to bring her home before October...and still feel like an October mommie Chat Icon

Posted 9/11/06 2:59 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: October Mommies

Hello!. 34 weeks and counting. Feeling good...just a little tired, but I'm pretty sure that has more to do with my son 22 month old son than being pregnant. Chat Icon Feeling Braxton Hicks this time around. Never had them with Jack. Baby's room is almost done, I washed all the clothes and bedding this weekend. I wish she would drop already since she is camped out under my rib cage and it is killing my right side.

Since I was postiive for Step B with my first pregnancy I don't think they will test for it again, just requre the same antibodies at delivery.

Just need to start thinking about packing my bag!

Posted 9/11/06 3:03 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: October Mommies

Posted by luvsun27

Although I'm no longer an October mommie....I keep checking in on you girls, so that you can join me soon over on the parenting board!

An update on Mollie: She graduated out of the NICU today, and is in the nursery. She is doing well...eating her bottles and has all of her tubes and things removed (oxygen, IV, jaundis (sp?) lights). Perhaps I will get to bring her home before October...and still feel like an October mommie Chat Icon

Great news! Glad Mollie is doing well!

Posted 9/11/06 3:04 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: October Mommies

Posted by luvsun27

Although I'm no longer an October mommie....I keep checking in on you girls, so that you can join me soon over on the parenting board!

An update on Mollie: She graduated out of the NICU today, and is in the nursery. She is doing well...eating her bottles and has all of her tubes and things removed (oxygen, IV, jaundis (sp?) lights). Perhaps I will get to bring her home before October...and still feel like an October mommie Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Great news! So happy that Mollie is getting stronger and doing better day by day!! Chat IconChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/11/06 3:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3380 total posts


Re: October Mommies

Posted by luvsun27

Although I'm no longer an October mommie....I keep checking in on you girls, so that you can join me soon over on the parenting board!

An update on Mollie: She graduated out of the NICU today, and is in the nursery. She is doing well...eating her bottles and has all of her tubes and things removed (oxygen, IV, jaundis (sp?) lights). Perhaps I will get to bring her home before October...and still feel like an October mommie Chat Icon

That's great news!

I'm feeling okay- just getting really, really tired and my 1.5 hour each way commute is taking a toll on me. I go back to the dr's next week for my first internal and strep test. It's getting hard to sleep at night though!

Posted 9/11/06 3:37 PM

My boys!

Member since 1/06

5292 total posts


Re: October Mommies

I am doing ok. Not sure if I lost my mucous plug last night. Today I have had period like cramps in my back and stomach. I go for my first internal tomorrow.

Posted 9/11/06 8:52 PM

my little man

Member since 5/05

1350 total posts


Re: October Mommies

Any updates?
I had my second internal, I am 80% effaced. And my Strep B was negative.
I have had the worst period like cramps for the past two days.

How is everyone feeling?

Posted 9/18/06 4:31 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: October Mommies

I'm right behind you with the appointments, Jenn

I will have my 2nd internal tomorrow and we'll see if I made any more progress (I was only a fingertip dialated last week and not effaced at all Chat Icon)

I was told last week that I did test positive for Strep BChat Icon Wasn't thrilled about that but I know its fairly common ..

I have also been very crampy the past week, but over the weekend it was a bit worse. My lower back is also really sore and I'm finding it hard to get comfortable enough to sleep .. I think its the lack of good sleep that is making the rest of my body just feel weary..

Otherwise, things are fine & dandy Chat Icon Even though I would love to deliver early, somehow I have a feeling I will be going down to the wire

Posted 9/18/06 4:50 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: October Mommies

Exhausted, uncomfortable, crampy, and my cholestasis came back (I was convinced I wasn't going to have to suffer this pregnancy!). I'm 36 weeks and have NOT had an internal yet. I have an appointment tomorrow though, so I'll update if I have any news.

Posted 9/18/06 8:55 PM

My boys!

Member since 1/06

5292 total posts


Re: October Mommies

Had my second internal today. Baby head is very low and I am 2 cm's dilated. Getting very crampy and slept horrible last night. I hope tonight is better.

Posted 9/18/06 9:15 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: October Mommies

No internal yet Chat Icon Is my doctor just completely useless?

Posted 9/19/06 12:47 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: October Mommies

Posted by SoinLove

No internal yet Chat Icon Is my doctor just completely useless?

Chat Icon Chat Icon I am surprised you haven't had an internal yet - I had my second one today and we are exactly at the same point!

I was 2 cm dialated as of this morning Chat Icon I know this means nothign and I can walk around like this for weeks but I was glad that there was some progressChat Icon

Message edited 9/19/2006 1:02:20 PM.

Posted 9/19/06 1:02 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: October Mommies

Posted by FeliciaDP
Chat Icon Chat Icon I am surprised you haven't had an internal yet - I had my second one today and we are exactly at the same point!

I was 2 cm dialated as of this morning Chat Icon I know this means nothign and I can walk around like this for weeks but I was glad that there was some progressChat Icon

That's exactly why I was so eager for an internal! I want to see if I progressed at all and if I actually have a shot at this VBAC or not. It's getting really frustrating dealing with this doctor. How exciting that you're 2 cm though! Maybe we will end up having our babies at the same time anyway Chat Icon !

Posted 9/20/06 8:48 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

57 total posts


Re: October Mommies

I'm glad everyone is doing well. It sounds like we're all around the same level of discomfort and not being able to sleep.

I have my second internal tomorrow, and will get my Strep B results back. As of last week there was no dialation at all. But, if I stay consistent with last time, I went from zero dialation to labor in 3 days. All looks good for a VBAC according to the doctors (hooray).

Three weeks to go... best of luck to everyone!

Posted 9/21/06 10:46 AM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: October Mommies

Message edited 5/2/2007 2:42:14 PM.

Posted 9/21/06 10:32 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: October Mommies

My SIL Bella123 was due Oct 16 and her baby this morning, she is doing well, looks relieved to me, and the bbay is GEORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon Your time could be here Robey, the clock is tickingChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/21/06 11:52 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: October Mommies

I just came back from the Dr's and I'm 36 weeks today. She did the strept B test but wasn't going to do an internal. She did one because I asked her to, but she didn't say much about it. She said the baby's head is really low, which he must be because she said that as soon as her fingers went in. She said she couldn't get at my cervix because it was behind the baby's head- I'm not really sure what that means exactly. And she didn't mention anything about being dilated.
She stinks!!! I was expecting a bit more from this appointment. I can tell you for sure that I won't be using this Dr. the second time around. Chat Icon

Posted 9/22/06 10:15 AM

my little man

Member since 5/05

1350 total posts


Re: October Mommies

Third internal, this one hurt really bad. Chat Icon
And I am only a fingertip dilated.
She did tell me that the baby was "big for my frame".
What the heck does that mean??? I almost wish she didn't say anything, now that I envision a huge 10 lb baby.
I am about ready for this baby to come out now. Chat Icon

Posted 9/26/06 11:14 AM

My boys!

Member since 1/06

5292 total posts


Re: October Mommies

Had my third internal last night. Still 2 cm's Chat Icon going on 2 weeks on Thurday. Getting real antsy. I am ready to start trying to bring on labor.

Posted 9/26/06 12:46 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: October Mommies

Hey ladies, it's almost our month! Chat Icon

I had my 3rd internal today and a growth sono. I'm still just about 2cm dilated, so I didn't progress since last week and I could stay like this for another week or two Chat Icon Doctor said my cervix is "very mushy and soft" and that this is a good sign..

The growth sono showed that Chat Icon is still head down and he is now verrrrry low - no wonder why I feel like I can hardly walk these days due to all the pressure. The sono shows he's weighing in at 7 lbs 7oz so I hope I don't go to my delivery date (10/14) or else he might be a BIG boy!! (of course they stressed this is all just estimates so we'll see!)

Otherwise, its just a waiting game now. I am nervous as all heck about delivery and labor but yet am SO done being preggo !

Posted 9/26/06 4:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: October Mommies

Went to the doctor 36 weeks. Had my first internal and I am 1 cm dialted!

Posted 9/27/06 1:26 PM
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