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?? about introducing sippy cup...

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?? about introducing sippy cup...

I've read that a bunch of the mommies here have introduced sippy cups at just a few months of age. Is there a reason for introducing so early? Is it to replace the bottle? What do you give them in the sippy cup?

Posted 7/13/05 1:40 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: ?? about introducing sippy cup...

I have been wondering the same thingChat Icon

Posted 7/13/05 2:15 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: ?? about introducing sippy cup...

I think I introduced a sippy around 6 months to get Jenna used to one-I just put water in it. At first she just played with it, threw it, chewed it, etc... but now she'll drink purposefully from it when she's thirsty. I guess I out about 3-4 oz of water in it a day and she'll sip throughout the day, after meals, in the car, on walks. I never introduced juice since she seems to love water so my ped said then don't give juice since it's empty calories. I haven't done formula yet since she really doesn't take more than an ounce or 2 at a time from the sippy.
I guess we'll start working on that when we try to wean off the baba at a year.

Posted 7/13/05 2:21 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: ?? about introducing sippy cup...

Claire is 7 months old and I have been giving her a sippy cup with water since about 5 months. At first she just chewed on it, but now she will take some sips from it. I introduced it just so she would be familiar with it, but the funny thing is now she seems to love drinking from a cup! we help her of course, but she seems to know what she is doing!

Posted 7/13/05 3:03 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: ?? about introducing sippy cup...

Posted by curley999

Claire is 7 months old and I have been giving her a sippy cup with water since about 5 months. At first she just chewed on it, but now she will take some sips from it. I introduced it just so she would be familiar with it, but the funny thing is now she seems to love drinking from a cup! we help her of course, but she seems to know what she is doing!

This is funny because the other day Jenna was refusing her bottle, so I took the nipple off and she opened her mouth and I gave her the rest of the formula like the bottle was a cup. She loved doing it.

Posted 7/13/05 3:20 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: ?? about introducing sippy cup...

We introduced at 6 months because the pedi wanted him to get used to it, since he wasn't a bottle fed baby (he was BF) and she didn't want me to start him on bottles when I weaned him. It did take him some time to figure out how to actually drink from it. But now he's a champ. He weaned and going to the sippy cup was no problem.

Posted 7/13/05 4:51 PM

I love my kids

Member since 5/05

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Re: ?? about introducing sippy cup...

We introduced the sippy cup around 5 months. At first she couldn't figure out what to do but over time she figured it out. I started with water and she didn't seem crazy about it. So I put a little formula in so that she would get use to getting something out of it. Now we're back to water and she loves it. She probably drinks about 4 ouces a day. As soon as she sees the cup she goes right for it.

I have found that the soft spout works best because it's easier for her to keep in her mouth.

Posted 7/13/05 8:44 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: ?? about introducing sippy cup...

We tried it around 7 months with diluted juice or water on the Dr's suggestion, he wasn't crazy about it. We got these and then tried again around 9 months and he took to it much better. No more bottles just after 1 year. They have a soft spout and are $1.47 at Walmart.

External Image

Personally I don't see how this is any different than a "bottle". (i even mistakenly call it that sometimes) it has a soft spout that has to be s u c ked. He can drink from a cup with assistance, from mine. Do the bigger sippy's with firmer spouts require something different to drink from it? I dunno, but we may graduate to those soon.

Message edited 7/13/2005 9:03:50 PM.

Posted 7/13/05 9:00 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

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Re: ?? about introducing sippy cup...

I ha ve a few different ones but marrisa doesn't like the ones with the straws or the hard tops she likes the soft ones like the ones above from walmart the brand is nuby also advent has a soft top one

I introducedher to them around 5 months and she just played with it but she finally got the hang of it and I started with water as well now I only put her diluted juice and water in it also she likes to drink water from the sports water bottles so I took some caps from the 24oz poland spring bottles and put them on the 8oz bottles of water and she drinks them as well

Posted 7/14/05 2:19 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: ?? about introducing sippy cup...

My pediatrician recommended giving Isabella water in her sippy cup during meals. We started that at about 6 months, at first she just chewed on it, played with it, and threw it around. Now when I hand it to her, it goes right in her mouth - she seems to enjoy it!

Posted 7/14/05 4:31 PM

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