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Sippy Cup Help

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Member since 11/05

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Sippy Cup Help

I need to find one that Jenna likes, I bought her the Avent one witht he handles and all she wants to do is bite on it. Some of you had mentioned a sippy cup with a straw in it. what brand is it and where did you purchase it?

Many thanks

Posted 4/29/06 10:13 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Sippy Cup Help

Andrew took right away to the Nuby sippy cups at first. They have a soft silicone top, but I have not seen them with handles... He did well with the straw ones too, Munchkin makes a brand that I really like, they have characters on them like Sponge Bob and Dora.

Posted 4/29/06 10:17 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/06

606 total posts


Re: Sippy Cup Help

It feels like I've tried every cup out there! Chat Icon She does the best with the Nuby. I recently got her the sport version and the top is similar to a botlle.

Posted 4/29/06 11:46 AM


Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Re: Sippy Cup Help

I've tried the Gerber, Avent and Nuby. Kevin just bites them all.

The Nuby does make one with handles now, I just got one at BRU. The top is super soft silicone so just check it each time before you give it to the baby to make sure its not bitten through.

Kevin still hasn't gotten the hang of the sippy yet but I read it can take 6 MONTHS before some babies learn how to use one.

Posted 4/29/06 1:21 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

189 total posts


Re: Sippy Cup Help

The nuby cup is easy for babies to drink from. The thing is, the spout is actually a silicone nipple not really a sippy cup spout, so it is much more like a bottle than a cup, making transitioning to a cup or straw later that much more difficult (the soft nipple causes the baby to **** out of it just like a bottle- encouraging an immature **** pattern)

I find that using disposable sippy cups (the ones without the valves) is the best way to teach the baby to drink out of a cup. It is too messy for independent drinking but a good learnign tool.

Posted 4/29/06 3:56 PM

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